Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1204: Angry to death (second update)

Beibei's eyes are round!

Uncle, can you let me deal the cards? Let's just bet once!

Nancang was quite surprised that Beibei said this!

Okay, kid, how do you want to play? Uncle lets you do it.

Beixuan reminded: Nancang, be careful, I seem to have seen this child there before.

Xiniu said: When you say that, I feel like I have seen her somewhere, but I can't remember her for a while.

The three of them began to look at Beibei seriously. The latter muttered and frowned. Looking at her like this? Do you think she is Brother Monkey?

Qin Lan said: Is Beibei disobedient? You just promised me.

Beibei turned around and said with aggrieved face: Auntie, let me play for once. Auntie is so beautiful, she will not refuse Beibei.

Qin Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was so happy!

The little guy jumped up and said, If you don't let us play, you will get a funny look on your face and gain weight, like a little chubby girl. No one dares to get close to you.

Hahaha, it's a fat girl! Beibei God's last strike!

Qin Lan: ......

After Beibei got the poker, he put it directly on the table, then piled up a handful of chips and said in a sweet voice: Study!

Oh my God!

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched when they saw it. Qin Sen's breathing was short, as if he had asthma, and his heart was fluctuating.

Qin Lan took another step slower and glared angrily: Beibei!

Auntie, don't be stingy.

Don't be angry, Mom. Sister knows how to play.

Everyone was stunned. He really knew how to play. He just started playing.

Nan Cang laughed loudly: Kid, you are so awesome. How do you want to play? I am with you.

You pick the biggest one and you win.

Beibei's meaning is very simple, that is, randomly draw a card from a deck of cards, and whoever is the biggest wins.

So simple?

There is no pressure in Nancang. This is a must-have skill for every gambling master.

Zuo Ning was shocked. Wasn't this a suicide attempt? Oh my god, she really didn't know how to play.

Qin Lan has already made plans. During the Chinese New Year, he will use it as pocket money for Beibei. It is only half a million US dollars. It will be used as a way to break up the wealth and eliminate disasters. Thinking about it gives him a headache.

Uncle, you have to choose first. Beibei's eyes were round and her voice was milky. She stood up and put her hands on her hips, like a little adult.

No, no, no, you are a child, I will let you go first. Nancang made a gesture of invitation, very gentlemanly.

Beibei pouted and said, Really? Don't regret it.

Hahaha, I, Nancang, am a master of gambling in the Southeast, and I am very trustworthy. I will let you come first if I tell you to.


Beibei covered her mouth and laughed, then clapped her hands wildly. No one knew what was wrong with her, why she was so excited, as if she had won a prize.

After she finished laughing, she pulled out a card and threw it out immediately. It was the biggest Ace of Spades!

Depend on!

Damn it! !

Nancang's heart was hit hard, Beixuan rubbed his eyes, this is not true, Xiniu almost had a black eye.

Everyone was stunned again, especially Qin Lan, who caught Beibei and the little guy and gave them a mouthful. The other men wanted to take the place of the two little guys!

The other party got the biggest one, which means he lost. Nan Cang, a master of gambling in Southeast Asia, lost three times in a row, but still lost to two children. If word spread, others would laugh.

Zuo Ning laughed loudly, with a look of ridicule in his eyes, pointing at Beibei and saying: Nancang, you lost, you lost to her!

Nancang resisted the urge to vomit blood, and his eyes exuded determination.

I don't believe in evil, let's try it again! This time I will definitely win.

Beibei hugged the chips with round eyes!

Qin Lan looked at the time and found that it was almost eleven o'clock and didn't want to play anymore.

No more playing, we're sleepy. Qin Lan stood up immediately holding the little guy.

Nanchang slapped the table: Hmph, don't leave. We still have 200,000 chips. Xiniu will exchange them. I want to win them back.

Now they are using their old capital. What they lost just now was just what they won tonight. They are not willing to make a profit or lose tonight.

Qin Lan said displeased: I make the decision here. I can leave when I want, and stay when I want!

The little guy made a milky sound and said in a low voice: It's so annoying.

Humph, if you don't bet, we will continue to bet with others, and the result will be the same. You can do whatever you want. Nan Cang frowned. He just wanted to use this method to force Qin Lan and the others to gamble again, and they had to save face.

Beibei curled her lips and said, Auntie, let's play. Look at him... he will cry if you don't play with him. How pitiful.


Beibei's words are hilarious.

Qin Lan couldn't help but smile: Let Zuo Ning play, just one!

Zuo Ning nodded and said solemnly: Yes! I will definitely live up to your expectations.

She refused to leave if Beibei refused. She hugged all the chips and shook her little head slightly.

Nan Cang rolled his eyes and said, I'm going to continue with her, just like last time. If I lose, I won't bet tonight.

No gambling tonight? Qin Lan frowned. It seemed that they had a plan.

No? Then... I lose again... Bah... Bah... I won't lose. Nan Cang shook his head and spat a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Qin Sen said: There are no absolutes in this world, so it's better to make it clear.

After Xiniu came back after exchanging chips, he said: If we lose, we won't bet for two days!!

Beixuan glared at Xiniu: Are you stupid?

Xiniu murmured a few words, and both Nancang and Beixuan agreed. If they lose this hand, they have no money, so they have to wait!

After taking the video, little Erin kept playing it over and over again, laughing secretly. The ASEAN on the ground was so helpless that she vomited all over the floor and was taken to the toilet by the waiter.

She laughed the loudest in the casino, and Beibei turned around and shouted: Little Erin, don't laugh.

Aha, okay, aha... Little Erin ran further away and continued!

Everyone was speechless!

Qin Lan said: I advise you not to bet, she is not something you can win.

What are you talking about? It was all an accident just now. Come on, let's do it! Nan Cang piled up 200,000 chips with both hands, showing great momentum.

Beibei shouted with a sweet voice: Follow, stud!

Zuo Ning: ...

Qin Lan: ......

Qin Sen: ...

The little guy said: Study, this time the squid is going to cry.

Shuffle the cards!


Beibei licked his mouth, took a new deck of cards and started shuffling them around.

Nan Cang felt funny in his heart. It was impossible not to win this time.

Qin Lan shook her head, forget about losing 200,000, and let Beibei have fun.

Beibei, don't be afraid, have fun, my aunt is rich.

Yeah, is there still stud?

Hearing this, everyone's lips twitched. He was indeed rich and willful, and many people envied Beibei, the second generation rich man.

Nan Cang laughed loudly: Next time, I'll win this one first. Once you have money, you can play again.

Let you choose. Beibei put the cards on the table. This time she let Nancang go first. This move was exactly what he wanted. As long as he got the biggest one, wouldn't he be sure to win?

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