Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1206 Swimming (fourth update)

Back to the suite!

Qin Lan had just finished washing up and was about to take a good nap!

Dong Dong Dong…

Auntie, open the door!

Beibei's milky cry sounded outside the door. Qin Lan thought it was an illusion. At this time, she should go to sleep.

Dong Dong Dong…

Open the door, fuck mom...

This time it was the little guy's voice.

Qin Lan had no choice but to get up, making sure she heard correctly this time.

Why are they here? Qin Lan's mind is full of questions.


As soon as he saw Qin Lan sticking his head out, the little guy smiled!

Beibei got in directly, and then pulled the little guy with her. Qin Lan was stunned on the spot. Both of their children were already at this point, so why did they come here?



Sleep... The little guy climbed into bed.

Beibei said directly: Tonight with my aunt.

Hey, you little heartless boy, you finally realize that you owe me? Qin Lan pinched Beibei's cheek in a funny way.

Beibei plans to sleep here tonight, and she can tell stories and brag with Qin Lan!

After Qin Lan turned off the lights...


Stop talking, I'm tired, go to bed! Qin Lan said speechlessly.


Qin Lan: ...

These two little guys are here to torture her, Qin Lan wants to cry but has no tears.

Suddenly there was a faint light in the room, it was Beibei playing with his mobile phone.

She said in a milky voice: Auntie, let me show you.

What are you looking at? It's time to go to sleep.

Although Qin Lan said this, she still looked at Beibei's mobile phone!

The little guy said in a milky voice: Eh...chicken rice?

That’s right!

That photo was taken by Beibei of Ji Wushuang. Not to mention, the photo was very handsome. It was secretly taken during the wedding of Ling Yun and An Qing. He looked handsome.

Who is he? Qin Lan asked curiously, wondering in her heart, could he be an actor? The length is okay.

Brother Xiaoxue!

Xiaoxue? She is my goddaughter. Does she have a brother? Qin Lan twitched the corner of her mouth. She didn't know, but after a closer look, she did look similar.

Yeah, yeah, it's just hay. The little guy got into Qin Lan's bed and said.

Does Auntie like it?

I like feet... Go to bed now!

There's more!

Beibei swiped again, and the next picture was Emperor Guapi!

Hahaha, little white sorghum...

This one is even more handsome, Beibei said: He cooks delicious food too.

Qin Lan blinked her eyes and said, Who is this?

She had such a fairy-like air that she began to suspect that he was from the entertainment industry.

Dabai! I know Shuai Shu, his name is Dabai!

Interesting name, where did you take the photo? Which photography location?

Where's the Shrine!

It's a big, big house, in the air. The little guy explained!

What the hell?

Qin Lan was confused after hearing this!

Why are you showing me these?

Auntie, let me introduce you to him. It's not bad. He is half as handsome as a handsome man!

Qin Lan suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She flicked Beibei's forehead and said, I'm a kid. It's time to go to bed. We have to play tomorrow.

There's more.

Go to sleep!

Qin Lan took her mobile phone away and put it on the bedside. She really didn't know what was going on in Beibei's little head, which made her speechless.

A speechless night!

Qin Lan got up at dawn the next day, and the little guy got up when he heard the sound. Qin Lan said that the sunrise on the sea was beautiful.


She and Beibei followed Qin Lan to the stern of the boat early to watch the sun go out! beautiful.

Seeing the sunrise, the little guy was stunned.

Auntie, how do you know this is the most beautiful place? Beibei pointed at the sun that had just come out and said in a sweet voice.

You'll know when you grow up.

Hearing this, Qin Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As expected, children at this age are the most gossipy and like to ask questions about everything.

After watching the beautiful sunrise, Qin Lan was in a very good mood. The little guy was also very clingy, but he didn't know why he stopped following Ling Yun.

Qin Lan followed the two of them throughout the morning. The little guy was not afraid of getting tired. He walked around the park and finally left reluctantly. There were so many children inside!

Qin Lan returned to the suite at noon. Qin Lan was exhausted physically and mentally. Ling Yun and An Qing were actually fishing at the window sill of the room. Qin Lan was so angry that she almost fainted.

The two of them had a leisurely life, and without the child, she would be exhausted!

Daddy, daddy, I want to swim!

Can you? Ling Yun asked.

No... The little guy lowered his head and moved his little finger in circles.

Handsome guy, Beibei can't do it either. Beibei suddenly felt so sad to find out that she couldn't do it!

She can fly, but she can't swim. This is not okay!

An Qing smiled and said: Qin Lan, Qin Lanhui, let her teach you.

Qin Lan's eyes widened, no way...

Auntie, I want to learn, I want to learn...

Fuck mom...

Little Eileen said: Ah ha, the baby will know how to do it as soon as he is born. You are so stupid.

Beibei curled her lips and said, I will also learn it later.

Unable to bear the two little guys acting coquettishly, Qin Lan could only compromise, but she still tricked Ling Yun and An Qing together.

An Qing helped the little guy change out of the artifact skirt, and told the latter that he couldn't breathe in the water without the artifact skirt and had to hold his breath.

The little guy nodded in understanding. Beibei quickly changed her clothes, just like an ordinary child. Because of Ling Yun's warning, she was very timid and did not dare to go into the water.

Qin Lan changed into her swimsuit, it was like a sight to behold. Girls were swimming here, while Ling Yun could only take a bath on the other side!

Come down quickly, I will hold you and teach you how to swim.

After Qin Lan entered the water, she said to Beibei beside her, and extended her hand to catch it.

An Qing came with the little guy. The latter was even more cowardly than Beibei. He kept hugging An Qing's feet. It was useless to hold him. Who said he had to learn!


How can you learn if you don’t try it yourself?

Look at little Irene, she is in the water, in her world, coming and going freely. Qin Lan's beautiful eyes widened.

An Qing smiled and said, She has been in elementary school.

Ah ha, babies can do it. Sister, come and catch me. Little Irene made faces at Beibei, making An Qing dumbfounded.

Qin Lan slightly praised: That's good. Don't be proud. Don't go too far away from me when you get into the water.

It doesn't matter if I can swim again, I'm still a child, so I can't be careless.

Qin Lan coaxed Beibei several times, but the latter shook his head. He was either afraid of the cold or afraid of drinking water.

Beibei, if you don't come down, I'll go back to sleep.

No, I haven't even learned yet.

Qin Lan: ...

There was no other way. Qin Lan grabbed Beibei and held her directly into the water. The latter slowly adapted!

Gulu gulu…

As soon as Qin Lan let go, Beibei sank into the water, clapping her hands and kicking her feet, and drank a lot of water!

The little guy was fighting all over while watching!

Qin Lan immediately hugged her and exposed her head to breathe. Beibei rubbed her eyes and coughed violently!

Auntie is dead!

Although he drank some water, Beibei was not angry yet.

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