Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1217 Another remnant soul (second update)

Ling Yun came to Yaowang Valley this time just because he wanted to know the whereabouts of Yaowang Cauldron. He didn't care about the rest.

Senior, please ask. Song Qingshan frowned, but still nodded!

What is the origin of this totem? Ling Yun asked, pointing to the Medicine King Cauldron symbol of the alchemy furnace.

Totem, it was erected by the first generation ancestor of our Yaowang Valley. Because it is so long ago, I don't know the details.

Who is he? Ling Yun asked.

There is no record, it's like he appeared out of thin air. He was practicing a power we didn't know about at that time, and it was later lost!

Hearing this, Ling Yun had an answer in his mind. The person Song Qingshan mentioned must be from the Twelve Regions. He also made the mark on the Medicine King Cauldron. It can also be said that he founded the Medicine King Valley.

The little guy tugged at the leg of Ling Yun's trousers, pointed to the ground, and laughed so happily that he didn't make any sound.

Ling Yun's consciousness swept away, and then said: Follow me!

Aha, let's go play.

I'm here, I'll lead the way.

Beibei was the most excited and clumsily led the way!

Where...are we going? Song Qingshan was stunned!

Bai Jingna also followed and seemed quite interested.

Song Yili chased after her, wondering where Ling Yun and the others were going. Didn't they want to ask some questions, but they stopped asking!

Ling Yun, wait for me. Song Yili shouted after her.

The little guy immediately ran back, hugged Song Yili's long legs, and said with a sweet voice: Hold me, I will take you there.

Isn't this kid stupid?

Ling Yun and the others walked for a long time, and Song Qingshan suddenly jumped up and shouted: No, they went to the underground forbidden area!

What's wrong with the Valley Master?

At this time, the Great Elder and Song Jun rushed in. Looking at Song Qingshan's bad expression, they asked hurriedly.

Everyone, come with me. Something may happen in the forbidden area.

A moment later, when Song Qingshan led everyone to a stone door, the stone door was tightly closed. No matter how he used the secret method, he could not open it. It was like a ghost.

No, they went in, now we're in trouble! Only then did the great elder realize the seriousness of the matter.

Even if you go in, this door should be able to be opened! the second elder asked with a puzzled look on his face.

One more time, I don't believe in this evil anymore. Song Qingshan shook his head and used the secret technique to open the stone door again. The result was the same, the stone door didn't move at all.

at last!

They decided to work together to destroy it!

Ling Yun and the others were inside, walking all the way down. Beibei didn't dare to take the lead. The reason was that it was dark inside and she was afraid...

You can’t even shine it with your mobile phone’s light…

Bai Jingna was scared. She didn't want to follow at the moment, but she didn't dare to turn back. Song Yili was curious. She had heard about this forbidden place since she was a child, but she had never had the chance to enter.

Following Ling Yun at this moment is also an opportunity. Secondly, I can supervise what Ling Yun is doing. This is their Medicine King Valley.

The little guy said in a sweet voice, Daddy, what's in there?

Don't you know? Ling Yun picked up the little guy, who lay quietly in his arms.

Beibei said: I know, I know, there is nothing inside, it's black and necrotic.

With a quick glance of her consciousness, she knew what was going on inside. There was really nothing there, not even antiques.

Okay, stop guessing, I'll take you in and ask some questions.

Ling Yun shook his head and laughed!

Hearing this, Song Yili's mouth twitched fiercely and asked what happened? There was no one inside, and he secretly thought that Ling Yun must be stupid.

Shortly after!

Yeah, yeah, we're here! Beibei said in a sweet voice. She couldn't leave now because there was no road ahead.

Ling Yun and his party stopped, and the surroundings suddenly lit up, which startled Bai Jingna!

There's something...there's a ghost here...

This is an ancient method. Why are you so surprised? Song Yili rolled her eyes repeatedly. Both children were bolder than Bai Jingna.

Ancient shit!

Ling Yun smiled and said nothing. This is the method used by some ordinary ruins in the Twelve Domains.

Looking up, you can see a sitting corpse in the center from a distance. That must be the person Ling Yun is looking for.

Song Yili said: Why is there someone?

Where, where? Bai Jingna started shouting again, and it sounded like she was really scared. She didn't look like someone who grew up in the countryside at all.

What are you afraid of, big sister... Beibei looked at her with contempt and said hiding behind Ling Yun!

Everyone: …………

There were a total of eighty-one broken lamps on the surrounding stone walls. Ling Yun frowned and said to himself: The ancient life-increasing magic, it's a pity, it's a pity... you are not dead in the end.

What are you muttering about? Song Yili asked curiously. She heard something about ancient times.

The little guy said in a sweet voice, Daddy, is he asleep?

Ling Yun didn't say anything. Song Yili on the side pinched her cheek in a funny way and replied, Yeah, he will never wake up.

Handsome man, he has a ring, there must be something good in it.

Beibei, you can't touch other people's things. He didn't die sitting down. He was suppressing a big spider. Ling Yun replied in a funny way, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Don't be afraid, big spiders are afraid of me! Beibei said with disdain, pointing at herself in a sweet voice.

Papa, are there really big spiders? Can they bite people? the little guy asked timidly, holding Song Yili tightly with his hands unknowingly!

Song Yili said with a smile: Don't be afraid. Auntie has grown up here since she was a child. What kind of spider is there? Your father lied to you, let's ignore him.

Yeah, bad daddy, I've ignored you for a minute. The little guy immediately rolled his eyes.

Song Yili: ...

Ling Yun walked up, released a trace of his true energy and said, Aren't you coming out yet? Do you need me to invite you?

His incomprehensible words left Song Yili speechless. There was no one else here, who should she talk to?

Ling Yun, don't make any noise. What are you doing? This place has a history of over a thousand years!

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, she was slapped in the face. She was so frightened that her face turned pale and she was stunned as if she was bloodless.

Huh... has time passed so long? Finally, someone who practices Qi has come. There is hope. I can live another five hundred years.

A trace of mist floated from the sitting corpse, and then hovered above its head!

Who are you? Ling Yun asked!

Fuck, fuck, fuck...I'm dreaming, Pluto!!!

It's me. Why are you here? Tell me everything, otherwise you'll have a hard time. Ling Yun threatened fiercely, making the remnant soul tremble with fear.

Song Yili's eyes widened!


The Pluto of China is Lingyun! !

God, she was no less shocked than the remnant soul.

Canhun said: It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. The King of Hades, who frightened countless people in ancient times, would actually be in this poor place. Canhun smiled bitterly, not knowing what he was thinking!

Little guy: Daddy, how can it talk?

She had seen this situation once, in the Kunlun Secret Realm!

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