Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1219 The ferocious spider (first update)

Seeing Chang Chao trying to get in, Ling Yun made a hand seal to stop him!

Don't worry, it's time you told me.

If Ling Yun hadn't been worried that Chang Chao would jump over the wall and really destroy his memory, he wouldn't have compromised, but... hehe... he also did something to his physical body!

Those who threaten him must be eliminated!

Chang Chao was a little unhappy and secretly angry, but he didn't show it at all!

Yes, yes, it should be. The first question is the whereabouts of the Medicine King Cauldron. It is in the Twelve Regions.

Well, go ahead and ask the second question. Ling Yun nodded.

Chang Chao laughed, and Ling Yun just believed it: The ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect are here...


There was a huge noise outside, and the ground was shaking!

Chang Chao took the opportunity to rush into the body, and the shaking continued. Song Yili and the others turned pale and stared at it.

Ling Yun frowned. Is this what Song Qingshan is capable of outside? He couldn't even handle the ferocious beast spider that just came out, which was really disappointing to him.

After a moment, the surroundings became quiet. Song Yili patted her heart and breathed a sigh of relief. Then she saw that the body was already moving.

Ling Yun said: Where are the ruins?

At your grandma's house! Chang Chao laughed loudly: You are too stupid. The power in Blue Star is Nascent Soul, but I was distracted. Pluto, you never thought that you would have this day.

The little guy frowned slightly: Daddy, he curses, it's so annoying.

Be disappointed. You can die in peace. Thank you for your body. I am very satisfied. Chang Chao punched!

Zhila! !

Song Yili and Bai Jingna were so scared that they closed their eyes. It was so unexpected.

Chang Chao’s thoughts are wonderful!

Ling Yun shook his head. The Chang Chao in front of him was like an ant to him, too weak. His figure floated over, easily breaking the punch that absorbed Chang Chao, and then held down his Tianling Cap!

This body was fabricated by Ling Yun, and all the memories in Chang Chao's mind were immediately extracted by Ling Yun! no no...ah, forgive me, Lord Pluto, I was wrong, I was wrong.

No matter how painfully Chang Chao begged, Ling Yun remained indifferent. The former would never understand why this result was achieved until he died.

He can't destroy the memory!

Moreover, shouldn't he be invincible in Blue Star?

After Ling Yun took away Chang Chao's memory, he directly drove the latter into the ground, and then shocked him to death, leaving his body in the ground.

Song Yili opened her eyes and saw this scene, which overturned Ling Yun's image in her heart, a daddy she couldn't afford to offend.

Daddy, what is this? The little guy's mind was full of curiosity.

Ling Yun held a ball of memory in his hand, which was white!

This is his memory!

Ling Yun's words were not shocking, but Song Yili's eyes went dark and she fainted. She couldn't imagine that the memory could be extracted and held?

Bai Jingna looked at Ling Yun like a monster, thinking back to Chang Chao's words, then they knew each other? Ancient times? Sure enough, Ling Yun is an old monster! !

The little guy really wanted to touch it, but Ling Yun shook his head and absorbed it into his brows. After a moment, he frowned at first, and finally smiled!

The ancient Haotian Sword Sect was in the territory of Queen Yaoyue, but according to Ling Yun's understanding, the ruins of the Haotian Sword Sect have not been heard of now. Either they were covered up by some people, or they were destroyed?

In this case, it is necessary to go there! Regardless of the outcome.

The Medicine King Cauldron had long since escaped from the seal. When it was sealed, its owner died, so it was an ownerless thing. The spirit of the weapon woke up and escaped with great spirituality.

Chang Chao pursued the Medicine King Cauldron all the way. As a result, when he was collecting the Medicine King Cauldron, he was attacked by an old man wearing a pill robe. The Medicine King Cauldron fell into space turbulence. He was seriously injured and even chased him, risking his life.

This is the reason why Chang Chao came to Blue Star!

not good!

The Medicine King Cauldron fell into the turbulent flow of space. The hope of finding it was very slim. Unless it came out on its own, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Ling Yun had a headache.

There is no way, I finally got the news about Yaowang Cauldron, but now it is gone again, it seems there are only three directions!


The Medicine King Cauldron Artifact Spirit took the initiative to escape back to the Twelve Regions, and if others saw it again, they might recognize it as its owner.


If the weapon spirit doesn't come out and stays in the turbulent flow of space, Ling Yun doesn't have any good options.


Yaowang Ding, like Chang Chao, ended up in Blue Star. The chance of this was too small. Ling Yun shook his head.

In short, let's wait for news from Zhao Xin in the Twelve Regions. The Holy Church specializes in intelligence, just in case there is news from the Medicine King Cauldron in the Twelve Regions.

Boom boom boom!

There was another noise outside, and many stones fell from above.

Ling Yun said: Follow me quickly, I'm going out.

Bai Jingna said aggrievedly: I have wanted to leave for a long time.

Yeah! The little guy immediately asked Ling Yun to pick him up.

Beibei, put the knife away! Ling Yun whispered, fearing that Bai Jingna would hear it and discover Beibei's little secret!

And he picked up the fainted Song Yili, with Beibei sitting on one side and the little guy sitting on the other, and started to walk out towards the stone gate.


Ling Yun kicked the stone door, and the sunlight was particularly dazzling, and a very noisy sound came from his ears!

Bai Jingna blinked her eyes a few times, and her feet began to tremble again. She saw something, a monster...

They saw an extremely huge beast appearing in front of them. This beast had the body of a spider, horns, and was hairy all over.

He was still covered in blood-red hair, several meters tall, and exuded a ferocious aura. His eight pairs of eyes were filled with blood-colored light. The ferocious aura made people feel frightened, like a ferocious beast coming out of the Nine Nether Hell.

A pair of blood-colored eyes bigger than a manhole cover stared at Song Qingshan and others, causing their faces to change drastically, their faces turning pale, and their bodies trembling.

This...what is this?

Bai Jingna stared at the ferocious beast with a look of shock in her eyes.

Fairy, you're so ugly. Beibei looked contemptuous.

What a terrifying aura, this is definitely not an ordinary ferocious beast, Bai Jingna said with an extremely pale face.


Suddenly, the eyes of this huge and ferocious beast spider were filled with blood. It looked at Song Qingshan and others and let out a roar. The sound wave was deafening, making the blood boil in their bodies.

Just now, these elders fought against the ferocious beast Spider, and many guards died. They were no match at all.


Immediately afterwards, the ferocious spider moved, and there was a clattering sound of chains. One of its tentacles, as thick as a pillar, was holding a black iron chain!

However, the movement of this ferocious spider still scared Song Qingshan and others to retreat, their eyes full of vigilance.

Daddy, it's so ugly and fierce! The little guy murmured, looking at the ferocious spider with disgust!

Beibeiha said in one breath: Can I play? Hey, let's practice swordsmanship.

Then leave it to Master Beibei. You must not let it harm humans. The important task of maintaining Yaowang Valley will be left to you.

Ling Yun agreed and spoke with a smile on his face, which made Beibei very happy.

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