Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1224 He’s here to make fun (third update)


As the sword struck out, the scene in front of Ling Yun changed, and he was in an illusion again. Countless samurai swords emitting blood-colored light were blasting towards him.

As if to completely annihilate it, Ling Yun nodded slightly. Hattori Musashi's ninjutsu plus sword technique was pretty good on Blue Star.

Ling Yun was not in a hurry, and the branches danced quickly, and he used a sword technique that he didn't know, and Hattori Musashi defeated him without any attack!

His dancing sword energy attacked Hattori Musashi, who tried his best!


Hattori Musashi spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and he kept retreating. The katana in his hand was trembling slightly, and its light was dim.

I lost, thank you Lord Hades.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, looking very pious. Even if he improved his sword skills, he still couldn't hurt Pluto at all!

I hope it can help you improve your sword skills. Ling Yun threw the branch casually, as if he had done an insignificant thing!


Hattori Musashi smiled and kowtowed to Ling Yun. He was an upright man, and the latter admired him quite a bit!

It's really Hades, you will die today!

A sharp shout suddenly sounded.

A short, fat man wearing black attire and a small beard suddenly appeared on Qin Lan's back. As soon as he appeared, he used a samurai sword on the latter's neck!

Elder Suzuki Shigehide!

Looking at this man, Hattori Musashi's eyes flashed with a look of surprise and anger.

Ling Yun!

Qin Lan's face suddenly turned pale!

The little guy and Beibei are so interesting. Behind Qin Lan is Suzuki Shigehide, and the two of them are still holding Qin Lan's thighs tremblingly!

Suzuki Shigehide! You are following me, which is unforgivable! Hattori Musashi was very angry. Looking back now, he was taken advantage of by the shrine!

Don't move, stay still Hattori Musashi, or I will kill you. This is the shrine's decision.

If it were Hattori Musashi in the past, he would not dare to say this, but now the latter has experienced a fight and is now seriously injured. He can kill Hattori Musashi with one move!

In this case, I will kill you and exit the shrine.

Hattori Musashi didn't listen to the advice and still rushed over with his sword. The man behind the shrine was not worth his life. In fact, he had not done anything for the shrine.


Suzuki Shigehide shook his head, he knew ninjutsu, so Hattori Musashi was hit by the dart in his hand and his body fell directly.

Ling Yun said: As long as you have the intention, but if you can't do anything, you will die. You are still too young.

What are you mumbling about, Pluto, I didn't expect you to be so young, hahaha, but I will be the strongest if I kill you. Suzuki Shigehide laughed loudly, with a look that was sure of Ling Yun, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. .

I said, I'm not! Ling Yun shook his head gently!

Qin Lan is here. If he admits it, he doesn't know what will happen. It was the giant hand that saved Qin Lan's life, and she already knows that the giant hand belongs to Pluto, so the latter... In short, this woman might have random thoughts.

Hmph, whether you admit it or not, you will definitely die today. Suzuki showed his fierce look and stared at Ling Yun with a cold look in his eyes!

What do you want? Ling Yun asked!

You will commit suicide immediately?

Suicide? Let me commit suicide?

Ling Yun smiled, he really smiled. For many years, he had been seeking death. Even if he self-destructed, his body and soul would be reunited!

Suzuki Shigehide laughed: Hurry up, or I'll kill her!

She regarded Qin Lan as the little one's mother.

Hearing this, Qin Lan turned pale and said softly: Ling Yun can't do it!

Shut up, you bitch! Suzuki Shigehide's katana got closer to Qin Lan's neck!

Ling Yun blinked and said with an indifferent attitude: But how can I commit suicide now?

Suzuki Shigehide frowned and looked around Ling Yun. There was indeed nothing that made him commit suicide. The only sword he had was Hattori Musashi, but the latter was too close to him to take risks.

Shatter your whole body to pieces! Suzuki Shigehide said.

I can't do it. Doctors can't heal themselves. I can't do it. Ling Yun shook his head!

Suzuki Shigehide has done some research on Chinese culture. He frowned again, believing what Ling Yun said!

His IQ is not good enough for Ling Yun!

This is a poisonous knife coated with huge poison. It has killed dozens of masters in the past. I will throw it to you later.

Suzuki Shigehide put the katana on Qin Lan's neck with one hand, and the latter's body trembled slightly.

And he took out a dagger with his other hand, first shook it in front of his eyes, then played with it, and subconsciously licked the blade of the dagger!

It's extremely poisonous, you'll die if you get it! Suzuki Shigehide said sullenly!

Ling Yun's head was covered with black lines, and he coughed twice: Ahem...are you okay?

Ah... Suzuki Shigehide reacted and immediately dropped his katana with a look of astonishment on his face.

How to play now? He just licked the blade! !

It’s over!

poisoned! !

Did I lick it? Suzuki Shigehide didn't wait for Ling Yun to nod. He fell down, foamed at the mouth, and then died!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched. Is this island countryman an idiot? Or is he too complacent? In short, he is drunk!

Qin Lan covered her mouth in fear. The moment Suzuki Shigehide fell, she yelled back, her eyes full of doubts!

Huh... I'm scared to death, Beibei.

What's wrong with him? The little guy was very confused, scratching his head on the spot, with a cute look on his face.

Ahem, he committed suicide. It's none of my business. You all saw it. Ling Yun shrugged and explained speechlessly.

Qin Lan nodded wildly and refused to let the two little guys see the fallen Suzuki Shigehide for fear that they would be frightened!

Beibei, go give that uncle over there a black one. Ling Yun said. He admired Hattori Musashi, a martial arts fanatic. Although he was from the island country, he was still half Chinese. His mother was Chinese.

Hei Bu Liu Qiu is the elixir, Beibei has always called it that!

Beibei said with a milky voice: Is one pill enough?

That's enough, that's enough, let's go!

Seeing Ling Yun nodding, Qin Lan was confused, while Beibei carried Qin Lan on his back, clumsily took a pill from his pocket, and then walked to Hattori Musashi.



Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry. Where can I get Hattori Musashi at this moment? The latter was seriously injured and fainted. Can Beibei be more funny? I want to make him laugh to death!

Ling Yun shook his head and walked over, then crushed the elixir in Beibei's hand, and the slightest bit of medicinal power was integrated into Hattori Musashi's flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Hattori Musashi moved his fingers, and Beibei exclaimed: It's moving, it's moving, he really moved.

Ling Yun hummed softly, then pulled Beibei, greeted Qin Lan and the little guy and went back to the villa.

Qin Lan looked at Hattori Musashi and the dead Suzuki Shigehide on the ground, and then looked confused. She was being led away by the little guy, and she was completely lost in thought!

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