Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1230 Rescue (Third update)

Another girl was fascinated by Ling Yun's handsomeness: Is he also our senior? He's so handsome. I love him. I love him!

Boy, let's see how you explain it when his family comes. Hao Jian raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashing with darkness.

Ambulance, ambulance... the old man shouted, but suddenly fell silent, which scared Hao Jian and made him tremble all over. Fortunately, he just fainted.


At this time, a girl came out from the crowd. She was very beautiful!

She is the school beauty of the art department, Shen Yanbing!

A boy in the crowd recognized the girl and looked directly at her.

What happened to my grandpa? Shen Yanbing looked worried!

Hao Jian coughed twice and said, This is what my schoolmate is like. Your grandfather was delayed in treatment because of this person.

Shen Yanbing's eyes were red, and she stared back at Ling Yun, who touched his nose, which was quite funny.

A girl who was infatuated with Ling Yun said displeasedly: That's not the case. It was obviously because of your random first aid actions that the old man fainted.

That's right, that's right! Many people knew how to blame Ling Yun. The latter was just a reminder and had no ill intentions.

Miss, the so-called top student in front of you rescued your grandfather, but he was not very good at studying and almost gave your grandfather away. If it weren't for me, you really wouldn't be able to see your grandfather. Ling Yun said truthfully.

You fart, I'm a professional, and you... I've never seen you, your major. Hao Jian blushed at the words, and now he became slightly angry.

Me? I'm a member of the public, and I don't have any medical skills! Ling Yun shrugged!

Sister, did you hear that he, a layman, has been pointing fingers at me, and it is he who delayed me. Hao Jian's eyes became cold and full of contempt.

Our senior Hao Jian is a top student, I trust him!

I believe it too!

Many boys sided with Hao Jian!

How could you do this? Even if he is a layman, he cannot blame others!

Some girls couldn't stand it and couldn't bear Ling Yun being verbally attacked by them.

Shen Yanbing shouted: Stop arguing, I just want to ask when the ambulance will arrive!

Hao Jian's mouth twitched, not daring to look at Shen Yanbing: No... I don't know.

Miss, I can save your grandfather, do you believe me? Ling Yun felt that it was necessary to show his hand. Chinese medicine in China needs to be revitalized!

This Hao Jian is so mean. He used Western medicine's first aid method of squeezing the heart. Didn't this cost the old man's life?

Shen Yanbing glanced at Ling Yun in slight surprise. He hadn't spoken yet. Hao Jian on the other side smiled coldly and said: Hahaha, you're laughing me to death. You, a person who doesn't have medical skills, say such things?

I'm waiting for your answer. Ling Yun ignored Hao Jian and looked at Shen Yanbing.

Shen Yanbing was extremely anxious. Someone in the crowd said that there was a traffic jam on the way and the ambulance would not be able to arrive for a while. There were so many cars and students at the entrance of the university, so traffic jams were normal.

Can you do it? Can you save my grandpa? Shen Yanbing is also a dead horse and a live doctor. Now she can only believe in Ling Yun. I don't know why she believes in Ling Yun!

Boy, think clearly, if something happens to him, you will be the murderer.

Hearing that Shen Yanbing agreed to let Ling Yun, a layman, rescue him, Hao Jian felt uncomfortable!

As you go, China will lose its face.

Ling Yun pushed Hao Jian, squatted down and pretended to take out a row of silver needles from his pocket, and then unbuttoned the old man's buttons.

Silver Needle?

Hao Jian was slightly surprised and couldn't understand why Ling Yun carried a silver needle with him!

Ling Yun didn't say anything, his pulse didn't match, and he waved one hand on the silver needle box. A silver needle was clamped on his finger. With the surge of true energy, the silver needle suddenly trembled and a wave of energy came out. There's white air and it's being disinfected.

This move was so cool that many girls blushed and stared at Ling Yun. Shen Yanbing was also stunned. This couldn't be magic.

Hao Jian curled his lips and said, It's all bells and whistles. Let's see how you end it later.

Shen Yanbing felt a lot relieved. Ling Yun was skillful and he should be sure to save her grandfather.

call out!

In an instant, Ling Yun inserted the silver needle in his hand into a position on the old man's chest, and the needle penetrated half an inch.

call out!

Ling Yun swung a silver needle and stabbed it without hesitation, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, everyone present held their breath and watched quietly how Ling Yun rescued the old man in front of them.

Ling Yun just wanted them to see the power of traditional Chinese medicine, otherwise there would be no need to go to such trouble for a ray of holy light.

The techniques he uses are traditional Chinese medicine, not those from the Twelve Realms.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Yun inserted dozens of needles into the old man's chest, almost all of them.

Hao Jian frowned and then sneered. Although there are many acupuncture points in the human body, each acupuncture point is different and extremely complicated. A random injection of the wrong needle may cause problems in the human body!

Like Ling Yun, Hao Jian, although he doesn't understand Chinese medicine, but when he saw the densely pricked silver needles, wasn't this just messing around! !

Every time Ling Yun inserted a silver needle, he would wave his hands to inject the true energy in his body into the silver needle and slowly enter his body.

The silver needles made a tinkling sound, vibrated, and shone with a subtle light that was invisible to the naked eye.

Shen Yanbing asked worriedly: How is my grandfather?

How can a man not do it? It's no problem for me to take action!

Ling Yun's right hand seemed to have magnetic force and instantly put away the needle on the old man's chest!

I...I...I'm not dead?

The old man woke up immediately, and everyone was stunned!

Grandpa, you scared me to death.

Yan Bing, why are you here? Did you save me? Mr. Shen asked a little uncertainly.

Old man, does your heart feel more comfortable than ever before? Ling Yun asked funnyly.

Old Man Shen moved his limbs, patted his heart, and said happily: Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, hahaha!

Shen Yanbing's originally worried expression gradually turned into joy, and she immediately burst into tears and smiled: Thank you, sir.

Hao Jian blinked his eyes and said hurriedly: , wait, wait. Grandpa, I saved you. It will take half an hour for you to wake up with this method. This guy is just a layman, inserting silver needles into your body. !”

Everyone was speechless!

Hao Jian is not only cheap, but also shameless!

Mr. Shen looked at Hao Jian, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. Before he fainted, he was the so-called top student of Hao Jian, which made his heart almost stop beating.

Get lost. For the sake of this gentleman, disappear immediately, or I will send you to the police station. Mr. Shen was very angry. If it weren't for Hao Jian, Ling Yun wouldn't have said anything, so Hao Jian helped him. A handful!

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