Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1233 Filming

Wait a minute, you can't quit me. The director was a little panicked. This script is expected to be popular, which is a popular trend in China now.

Moreover, the price An Qing gave him was still high, and he didn't want to lose his job just like that!

Drag him out.

As soon as Ling Yun finished speaking in a deep voice!

The director was escorted out by two security guards. The former struggled a few times and actually peed!

Ha ha!

Everyone was pointing at him and laughing at the same time!

Daddy, he's so shy. The little guy covered his eyes and peeped again!

Little Eileen murmured in a sweet voice: Aunt Fa'an's circle of friends, aha!

Beibei's last touch: If you don't replenish your kidneys, you'll be like him. You just have to figure it out!

Hearing this, many men present looked at each other!

Andy smiled and said: It's gone, it's gone, there's nothing good to see, our president is just a bit handsome!

Many popular actresses were stunned. How could they be more handsome? He's so handsome, much more handsome than those from Bangzi Country!

Ling Yun had a natural complexion and no makeup. These girls were all fascinated by Ling Yun's doting on the little guy.

Beautiful Andy, tell them to calm down! Ling Yun became speechless and stared at him as if he were a delicious meal.

Andy shrugged and said with a smile: They are extras, there's nothing I can do about it. By the way, CEO, without a director, what will happen to this show?

Ask the assistant director to come on, watch me and learn some experience. From now on, the assistant director will be the director. It doesn't matter. Ling Yun shrugged and said with a serious look on his face. He is an omnipotent man who directs the filming. Get it at your fingertips!

Andy was extremely surprised, the president can film? The sow has climbed up the tree!

She would not say what was on her mind in front of Ling Yun!

President, I heard you were looking for me? The assistant director came back. He just went to the toilet and this happened. I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck!

Get ready, let's continue shooting wherever we are! Ling Yun handed the little ones to Andy, who asked them to put on makeup first and start shooting immediately! !

The little guy was led away with a cute look on his face. Ling Yun scanned the script with his consciousness and the filming progress was clear at a glance!

The substitute is in place!

Ling Yun shouted: Get ready, let's start!


Change the angle!

Ling Yun behaved very professionally in the next ten minutes. The assistant director on the side began to be unconvinced and now regarded Ling Yun as his idol.

Where's the bronze? He is clearly the king among directors!

President, it's bad, the little princess refuses to put on makeup. They will be here soon. I heard that they haven't read the script yet. A certain student assistant ran over anxiously. Secretary Andy couldn't do anything about the little princess, let alone the makeup artist. .

Ling Yun stood up and said to the assistant director: You continue to follow the filming. If you don't understand, come and ask me. Work hard. I'm optimistic about you.

The assistant director looked excited, and then nodded wildly: Thank you, CEO, for your cultivation!

Ling Yun turned to his assistant and said, Go buy three apples and come back as soon as possible!

The assistant looked confused, but nodded and obeyed!

When Ling Yun went to the dressing room, the little guy started pouting: No, I don't want you... you don't know how, I want daddy, daddy...

Sissi, don't make trouble. Just draw a little. You guys will be here later. Andy surrounded the little guy, and she was running around anxiously.

Beibei said: If I don't won't look good, I won't act anymore!

Ling Yun came over and coughed twice: Why are you disobedient?

Papa, they don't know how, you help me. It turned out that the little guy just wanted Ling Yun to help them, and the others felt that his skills were not good enough.

Andy breathed a sigh of relief. She had always heard that their president could do makeup, and now she really wanted to see it.

Sit down and put on some makeup. Our Sissi and Beibei have such fair and tender skin, so they look best without makeup. Ling Yun took a little lipstick and dabbed it on the little guy's lips, so the effect would be even better!

The little guy laughed: Really?

Beibei clapped her hands and said, My sister is so beautiful. I'm so handsome. I want to be famous here too! As she said that, she touched her lips with her fingers!

President, buy back the apples. The assistant ran in sweating profusely, holding a bag of apples in his hand!

Ling Yun didn't look back and said, Why did you buy so many?

I was afraid it wouldn't be enough, so I bought a few more!

There are so many in her bag, so I don’t think she bought too much, there are probably more than a dozen.

Thank you, Andy took out three and washed them!

You're welcome. The assistant replied with a smile, her face flushed, and then she opened the bag and asked Andy to take out three!

After Andy washed the apples, Ling Yun took them over, put one in his mouth and ate it, and Andy's mouth twitched!

Of the remaining two, one incorporates Sissi’s lines in the script, and the other incorporates Beibei’s lines!

The little one didn't know anything. When Ling Yun said it was very delicious, she immediately picked it up and gnawed it!

Little Eileen didn't, so she immediately ran over, pointed at her own milky voice and said:

That aggrieved expression is saying, how could you forget this lovely baby of mine!

Ling Yun really forgot, it was embarrassing, and then he asked Andy to wash it out again!

Daddy is so awesome.

The little guy took a few bites, and somehow his mind had more content!

Beibei said: Shuai Shu, you are so good, can you teach me, Beibei wants to learn!

Ling Yun shook his head. He didn't know how he could master this kind of skill, and he had no way to teach it, so he said: Beibei, it's very hard to learn this. I get up at five o'clock every day and practice until twelve o'clock, and then I still can't do it at night. Go out and play.”

I won't study anymore, I won't study anymore! When Beibei heard that he couldn't play in the evening and learned nothing, Beibei shook his head like a wave drum.

Ling Yun pretended to sigh: What a pity, does Sissi want to learn?

The little guy blinked and then asked again: Is it true that we can't play?

Well, it's very hard!

Seeing Ling Yun nodding, the little guy also imitated Beibei and shook his head into a wavy drum.

Okay, come out with me. Now it's your turn to perform. Sissi, you have to show off the talent your mother inherited from you. You can't let your father down, do you understand?

I will work hard. The little guy waved his fist fiercely, his eyes turned into two crescent moons with laughter.

I will work hard, Aunt An said, I am the child star with the most potential! Beibei also imitated the little guy, waving his little fist vigorously, looking very funny, making people laugh to death.

Andy took out the script in his hand and said, Why are you trying so hard? Just memorize a line first. You'll need to use it later.

Ling Yun smiled and lied: No need, An Qing and I taught them to memorize their lines last night.

Memorized? it possible!

Andy shook his head in disbelief and continued to read the script!

But when she heard the lines recited by the little guy, she swallowed hard!

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