Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1277 Catch Pisces alive (second update)

With the appearance of the demon, the enemy troops began to hide and flee!

The Ghost Emperor and the others didn't know why, nor did they know that Ling Yun had done it, so they were frightened!

Ghost Island has fallen into doom!

There are miserable screams everywhere!

Ling Yun smiled, but saw the little guy frowning slightly, he didn't like this scene!

The little guy didn't like it, so Ling Yun snapped his fingers again.


All enemy troops, including trees, flowers and grass, were all turned to stone. Everything walking on the ground and flying in the sky was petrified. Except for the gradual disappearance of demons, everything around them was still, and the air was stagnant for a moment.

A snap of his fingers took away all the lives of the enemy troops, including Lu Changlong, who was the most arrogant this time. He was petrified and there was no way he could be saved!

The corner of the Ghost Emperor's mouth twitched!

Pluto's ultimate move was so terrifying, but he was shocked and excited at the same time that Onigashima could survive.

The Pisces Lord lowered his head, smiled, and kowtowed again: Thank you, Lord Pluto. I will take it easy in the future.

Damn cat, you are really too hard-hearted. Ling Yun shook his head and laughed.


The Pisces Lord laughed awkwardly, a little annoyed, with no expression on his face. He was thinking why the underworld guards haven't arrived yet!

All the people brought this time died, which meant that he, the Pisces Monarch, would be the bald commander from now on. Thinking of this, his eyes became cold.

Ling Yun just looked at him quietly, and the Pisces Lord didn't dare to ask. The atmosphere was very bad, and it was quiet, like the calm before the storm.

Ling Yun didn't show up, and the little guy curled his lips and refused to be held by Yan Xuefei, while Beibei pointed in the direction of the main city and then pointed to the ground.

The little one understood instantly. It turned out that her father was there. She could just go to him with a whoosh. She didn't have to wait here stupidly.

The new city of Devil May Cry has been destroyed, and there is no use for everyone staying here. Then they all followed Beibei into the Thunder Gate!

At this moment!

In the main city, the Pisces Monarch was no longer kneeling on the ground. Instead, he pierced Ling Yun's chest with a claw from the front. The latter frowned!

You trashy cat, you finally made a move!!

Either you die or I die. Even if this claw can't kill you, it can still seriously injure you. I still don't believe you can have so much power.

From the time Ling Yun appeared until now, the Pisces Monarch has counted Ling Yun's ultimate move. It is estimated that he no longer has the power to kill him, so if he doesn't take action now, how long will it take to wait!

You're so confident, but are you sure you hit me? Ling Yun started laughing!

The Pisces Monarch raised his eyes and shivered in fear. What he saw in front of him was a petrified stone statue, and his claws had been imprisoned and could not be pulled out.

It hurts, it hurts... Lord Pluto, please spare your life. I was joking with you just now. Think about it, even if you give me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to go against you.

Hahahaha, oops... I was joking with you too, damn cat, your patience is not as good as mine!

Ling Yun's figure emerged, looking at the Pisces Monarch with a smile on his face!

This time the Pisces Monarch can't escape, no matter how many lives he has, it will still be the same, this silly cat is really stupid.


Seeing the thunder and lightning emerging from Ling Yun's palm, the Pisces Monarch's eyes showed fear.

Have mercy, Lord Pluto, I don't dare to do it anymore!

The Pisces Monarch struggled fiercely, and the stone statue was as heavy as a planet, and there was no way he could get rid of it.

Damn it...I hate it...Why do accidents happen just when I am about to succeed! The Pisces Monarch no longer pretended, his face was distorted, his momentum was soaring, and he kept punching the stone statue with his other hand.

Crush it for me!


Fuck, what the hell is this.

The other hand of the Pisces Monarch was covered in blood, but there were still no cracks in the stone statue. His eyes were staring at Ling Yun coldly, with a fierce expression of gnashing his teeth.


As soon as the little guy came out, he ran over and nuzzled Ling Yun. The latter touched her head and signaled her not to move.

Handsome... I'm hungry. Beibei looked aggrieved!

Little Aileen cried when she saw Ling Yun, and ran over with little short legs: Brother...555~...They are necrotic. If they want to drink the baby's blood, just feed him!

She hugged Ling Yun's feet and pointed at the astonished Pisces Lord. The latter was confused. This child has something to do with Pluto! !

Stop crying, brother will help you teach him a lesson. Don't worry, he can't escape! Ling Yun said.

Forgive me, I don't know that she is Pluto's sister. If I knew, I wouldn't dare to catch her even if I had a hundred courages.

The sissy voice of the Pisces Monarch made Yan Xuefei and the others twitch their mouths. What's going on? Has the Pisces Monarch turned into a woman?

I've met Lord Hades! Everyone on Gui Island was very respectful to Ling Yun.

It's so unpleasant. Hearing the Pisces Monarch's sissy words, the little guy looked disgusted, cute and stupid at the same time!

Hahaha, I know, Beibei knows, he is the eunuch on TV, where is the father-in-law! Beibei pointed at the Pisces Monarch and laughed, his eyes almost brimming with laughter.

Hahaha... The little guy also laughed along with Beibei.

The Pisces monarch became angry and went crazy at them!

Stop struggling! Ling Yun said!

And the Ghost King ran over and kicked him hard a few times. It felt great, he was getting revenge!

Oni Yaksha directly took the knife on the ground and went over, which made the Pisces Monarch's eyes light up, just when Oni Yaksha was about to chop.

The Pisces Monarch snatched Oni Yasha's knife, then kicked the latter away, and he cut off his imprisoned hand as quickly as possible.

Everyone was in a daze!


Bang bang! !

The Pisces monarch was dumbfounded. Is this knife rubbish? That's not right, why can't he cut his hand in? !

Not believing in evil, he slashed a few more times and found that the effect was still the same. Everyone gasped. This must be Pluto's method. he stupid? The little guy scratched his head, with all the questions in his mind.

As you can see, he is a silly cat. Ling Yun started laughing, and he immediately picked up the little guy and Irene beside him. The latter was still rubbing his eyes and crying.

The little guy said: Daddy, is he a cat? No, no, cats are not like this.


Ling Yun explained it to her in a funny way, and the little guy's eyes widened. It turned out that cats can also transform into humans, and they have learned a lot.

Pisces dead cat, the next step is your trial. You are the biggest prisoner. Ling Yun became serious and full of fun. Yan Xuefei's heart was pounding and her face was rosy as she watched.

Because the little one kept complaining that she was hungry, Ling Yun gave her egg-fried rice on the spot, which she was muttering about.

In such a serious occasion, only he could be so casual. The Ghost King looked at all this, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

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