Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1281 Come and die

Ghost Yaksha can't stand how they are showing off right now!

You are the underworld guards, so you should know the legend of Hades. You cannot afford to offend him.

That's right, everyone from the Demon God Sea has no brains? Gui Jianchou sneered.

Ghost Thirteen said: Look at Pisces' subordinates. How many immortal emperors have been killed by Pluto? You want to follow in his footsteps?

Think about the battles between the gods, the battles in the divine realm, and the ancient legends. Are you sure you can compare with your ancestors?

The Ghost King shook his head. The legend of Hades dominated the fear of everyone in the twelve regions, including him! He firmly believes that Pluto is invincible, and there are only thirteen underworld guards, which are just a few big moves!

The second guard was this person with a hot temper, and shouted: What bullshit legend, who are we? We are the famous Huangquan guards, we are not rubbish. After today's battle, there will be no Hades in the world.

These words were so crazy that Ling Yun himself showed a smile and asked them to pretend to be cool in silence!

It's because they are dead that we are here. Pluto is going to die. A certain guard looked at the Ghost Emperor and the others with cold eyes, and his face gradually became ferocious.

The Pisces monarch laughed and said: You are right, there is no Pluto in the world. I like this, hahaha!


Unable to listen to the sissy Pisces Monarch, Oni Yaksha stepped on his face, and then calmly said to everyone: I'll beat him, do you have any objections?

The Ghost Emperor and the others shook their heads, wishing they could kick him two or three more times!

Monarch Pisces, please wait a moment, we can kill Pluto and save you right away. A certain guard said arrogantly, looking at Ling Yun, his eyes flashed with an evil spirit.

We, the underworld guards, have taken action. Since arriving in the devil's overseas star field, we have never encountered an opponent. What I want to say is, if Hades has self-awareness, commit suicide and spread the word to be more dignified.

Hahaha, that's right, and they? Hand over the ten ancient artifacts and let you go. Yiwei stared at the little guy in Yan Xuefei's arms. The evil king not only wants Pluto to die, but also wants to get the ten ancient artifacts. One of the great artifacts is the Tai Chi Seal and the Century Clock.


The corner of the Ghost King's mouth twitched, they don't have the top ten ancient artifacts, why are they asking again!

The Pisces Monarch's eyes narrowed and he was a little panicked. Why didn't he think of the top ten ancient artifacts?

Sure enough, Pluto got it, and it’s not certain who will win!

Beibei curled her lips and said, Hmph...that's ours. If I don't give it to you, you'll have to fight for it.

Her fists were waving. As long as they dared to come up, she would punch them. Anyway, she was caught off guard and could kill one of them with one punch.

You can't take it lightly. It's best to seal him. It's foolproof. Killing him will take a lot of effort. Pisces Monarch suggested!


Oni Yasha stepped over again and stepped hard on the Pisces Lord's face. The underworld guards wanted to take action, but the guards had not yet given the order.


The miserable look of the Pisces Monarch made the little ones laugh. Little Erin on the other side was taking pictures of the bald Pisces!!!

Hearing this, Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They didn't care about the occasion, they just knew how to be funny and cute!

I can't wait any longer, they are challenging our tolerance! She is laughing, look...ah...can't stand it. A certain guard went crazy and scratched his hair until it was messy.

Calm down, they did it on purpose. Don't mess up your position. Don't be fooled. Yiwei frowned. He had seen many such moves. He had experienced hundreds of battles during his lifetime.

Wait a minute...when?

There are thirteen of us and there are only a few of them. I don't understand what we are afraid of!

Let me take the lead and test whether Hades is worthy of becoming a legend.

Several Huangquan guards were excited, as if they were going to kill Hades now.

Yiwei said angrily: Then you go, you go!

Hearing this, the Huangquan guard who had just said that he wanted to take the lead immediately shut his mouth and let him go alone.

Hurry up and save me, let's do it in one go, do you understand? The Pisces Monarch spoke again, but this time he immediately covered his head as soon as he finished speaking, for fear of being kicked by Ghost Yaksha again.

Oni Yaksha was too lazy to pay attention to him this time. He saw that the opponent was already very aggressive, but he had no time to waste time with the Pisces Lord.

Shut up, you are a monarch in the Dead Realm, but in our eyes, you are just an ordinary thing. The second guard glared at the Pisces Monarch fiercely, with a cold glint in his eyes.

When the third guard saw Ling Yun's still calm expression, he was a little angry and said: Since Hades doesn't listen to our suggestions, only his subordinates can see the truth.

Okay, the fight is finally about to begin, my blood is boiling.

It's time to show real skills.

Kill you!

If you offend the Evil King and ask your lord, the consequences will be serious.

The momentum of all the Huang Quan Guards began to change. The Pisces Monarch's eyes lit up. He might be saved this time. Most of the Huang Quan Guards were a little lower in strength than him, which meant they were very strong.

I don't know how to praise, come on!

The Ghost Emperor gave an order, and Ghost Yaksha and the others immediately rushed forward to fight with them!

Shuai Shu, why don't you beat them? We agreed that Wan Jian will return to the clan and let them keep pretending. Beibei can't stand it anymore.

After finishing speaking, Beibei covered her eyes and puffed up her cheeks.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he hadn't agreed yet!

Wan Jian returns to the clan?

Definitely wait until the end to appear, such a big move is fun.

Sissi...listen up, you three, if I lose to them, what will you do? Ling Yun walked over and asked with a serious look on his face.


The little guy seemed to be deep in thought, his little hands kept rubbing her forehead!

Will Handsome Shu lose? Beibei shook her head, she wouldn't believe it!

Brother is the most powerful. Opposite us are a bunch of scum, just... scum that are a little better than him. Little Eileen pointed to the Pisces Lord on the side!

The Pisces monarch is speechless!

He is the monarch of the Death Realm, so why is he such a scumbag? Don't let him compare with others. He is stronger than the Ghost Emperor. He is not convinced by this.

Hahaha, there are no absolutes in anything. The power in this world is endless. Do you understand? There is no strongest, only stronger. Ling Yun stroked each of their little heads in a funny way.

I understand, Daddy is the strongest, and we are stronger than you. The little guy responded with a sweet voice.


Yan Xuefei laughed, but she didn't know if they were serious!

Beibei said with a sad tone: If Handsome Shu is beaten to death by them, then my sisters and I will definitely live a miserable life.

It's not miserable, I will die today, 555~...they will eat the baby.

Little Erin rubbed her eyes. She was most afraid of being eaten by others. Some humans especially liked roasted dragon meat!

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