Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1294 You have to pay it back (first update)

Ling Yun, I'll rush in and fight them later. You take them to Danyu City with their fairy weapons. I'll be there soon, Yan Xuefei said!

Ling Yun shook his head slightly and said to Zhang Zhifu: Brother, let's do this. I gave you the immortal weapon as an apology.

Seeing Zhang Zhifu deep in thought, Ling Yun continued: If we fight, you will be injured a lot, so let's forget about it.

It sounded pretty good, so Zhang Zhifu nodded, and Yan Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief!

that's all!

Ling Yun gave the immortal weapon to Zhang Zhifu, and the three little guys rolled their eyes, especially Xixi, who looked at Ling Yun with contempt: Coward!

Ling Yun: ...

Yan Xuefei smiled and touched the little guy's pink face, and then hugged him. He could only walk for the time being. He had to go to a nearby city, which was not available in a small town.

Although Beibei didn't understand why her handsome boy did this, she had an intuition in her heart that all the people in that small town would die!

There were many children and innocent people in the town. Ling Yun finally sighed and only killed those who deserved to be killed!

Not long after Ling Yun and the others set foot on the road to the city!

Zhang Zhifu stroked the immortal weapon and said, What a wonderful treasure!

Boss, you are lucky today, but I don't know why you let that woman go. She is a beauty from Ghost Island and even the Twelve Realms.

Do you think I'm stupid? If I take her away in public, how can others watch? Why don't they all stand up and resist me? Zhang Zhifu slapped the subordinate angrily, and the latter died of grievance!

It's not good, it's not good.

A man rushed over outside, as if he had seen a ghost.

What's all the fuss about? Zhang Zhiren frowned. It was rare to see his men so flustered.

The visitor gasped and said, Basically all the people in the town have fled.

Run away? Why are they running away? There's a tsunami? Zhang Zhifu frowned, thinking about the reason why the whole town started to stay away?

Could it be that the Pisces Monarch’s army came here to rest?

Ling Yun used his spiritual consciousness to inform the people in the town to run away if they were to die. With such a powerful spiritual consciousness, everyone did not think it was a joke, so it was better to run away for the time being.

I'm going out to take a look, and grab a villager to ask about the situation. Zhang Zhifu had just left the room when the fairy weapon placed on the table emitted a golden light, which caught their attention.

Boss, this can't be a treasure, right? There's a chance that I found a treasure. Someone said in surprise!

No, run quickly, there is a power in this fairy weapon that is about to explode!

Zhang Zhifu shouted while dodging, he was shocked to death!

Several people quickly ran to the empty street, and Zhang Zhifu suddenly understood why the villagers wanted to leave the town!

Boss, I'm exhausted. It's safe now.

A group of people couldn't run anymore, thinking in their hearts that it was so far away from the fairy weapon that it should be safe.

No, no, no, we are bound to die. It's too late!

Zhang Zhifu trembled. The fairy weapon in his room suddenly erupted with power, sweeping the world and the earth in an instant. The whole town was violently shaken, an energy cloud rose high, and the town was destroyed for several miles around.

None of them survived. The villagers who ran out of the town were all frightened and secretly happy. They all thanked the person who informed them with his spiritual consciousness!

If they knew that the person who destroyed their beautiful home was the kind person who saved their lives, I don't know what their expressions would be like.

Ling Yun smiled, killing them like this was so cheap, he always wanted other people's things!

You can take your life, but you can’t use it!

Zhang Zhifu’s ending can be imagined!

Along the way, there were three little guys sitting on Ling Yun's shoulders, followed by Yan Xuefei. To outsiders, it looked like a family outing!

Papa, when will you arrive? the little guy asked with her lips curled up. Although she didn't have to walk, it was boring to keep walking.

I don't know, just ask her. Ling Yun shook his head!

Come on, there's still an hour left. Yan Xuefei replied with a smile!

So long! Sister... determine the direction!! the little guy said in a milky voice, waving his little hand forward!

Beibei nodded, his consciousness swept away, and he immediately smiled! !

follow me!

She is also mysterious!

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he just wanted to use the Thunder Gate, so he didn't need to be so rigorous!

Yan Xuefei's eyes lit up and she said happily: Beibei is so awesome, it should have been like this a long time ago!

Beibei led them into the grove, and then pointed at the golden thunder door on the ground. It was really dumbfounding!

go in.

Ling Yun shrugged, it doesn't matter!

When they left the Thunder Gate, Yan Xuefei was dumbfounded. This was not the nearby city. She looked up and looked at the distant city gate!


Single Fish City! !

Beibei, you have to use it as soon as possible, so we won't be in so much trouble! Yan Xuefei rolled her eyes!

Beibei replied with a sweet voice: can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain!

Beibei is right, hahaha, let's go, we can go to Wuhun Continent. Ling Yun laughed loudly. He didn't teach this sentence, but it is very inspiring! !

Stop, you pay first, a top-quality spiritual stone for each person, register on the left.

Ling Yun and the others were stopped as soon as they arrived at the door. The guards were two tall orcs, powerful immortals!

Yan Xuefei frowned. When did she have to collect money when entering the city gate?

This fellow Taoist didn't have to pay any money not long ago. Why do you need so many top-grade spiritual stones per person now?

Even if you accept it, you shouldn't accept as much as one top-grade spiritual stone. The prosperous cities in other continents only have hundreds of low-grade spiritual stones. What is a single fish city?

You don't know? A certain guard stared at the beautiful woman Yan Xuefei and couldn't take his eyes away. The latter seemed to be used to being looked at.

Ling Yun coughed twice!

The guard looked away and said: Today is a good day for the city lord of Danyu City to break through the 18th Immortal Emperor. The whole city is celebrating. The mermaids who come here have to pay for registration. Moreover, the city cannot accommodate so many people, so the money is too high. It’s to limit the number of people.”

Look at the people over there. They just don't have money, so they are not allowed to enter. If there is no money, there is nothing we can do. We have to follow the rules.

Another guard pointed at the group of people under the big tree not far away. It was estimated that there were thousands of people, so densely packed!

Oh...are they all broke? I thought they were having a party somewhere. Beibei said in a sweet voice.

Are you having a party? Baby thought they were getting ready to fight.

Aha, aren't they full and have nothing to do? The little guy scratched his head!

Ling Yun: ...

Yan Xuefei looked through the storage ring with her consciousness. She didn't have a single spiritual stone in her hand. She had used all of it on the guardian array of Devil May Cry City in the new city!

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