Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1304 Who comes and who dies

Beibei also nodded, how about it? Just hit her! !

If Ling Yun knew Beibei's thoughts, he would be extremely speechless!

call out!

call out! !

Three figures appeared quickly, and Ling Yun frowned!

You guys go in first and come out when you arrive. I'll get to know them and have a few words with them. Ling Yun smiled sweetly at Yan Xuefei and the others.

Yan Xuefei shook her head. The three old men opposite were so fierce. How could they possibly know each other? If it was Ling Yun who had dressed up before, maybe others would know him.

Daddy... hurry up, don't drink, smelly! The little guy nodded, then pinched his nose with a very disgusted expression.

Ling Yun: ...

Beibei walked in first and said, Follow me quickly and look for the magic weapon.


Yan Xuefei immediately took a deep look at Ling Yun, and then chased after him, leaving Ling Yun alone!

And the three old men in mid-air stared at Ling Yun coldly!

The three are the deacons from the Shengshi Auction who came to the Poison Forest, Deacon Li from the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, Deacon He, and Deacon Mu!

No, they want to go in and get the Taixu Divine Armor!

Stand still, I am not allowed to go in.

Deacon Mu and Li spoke one after another with anger on their faces.

Deacon He shouted loudly, pointed at Ling Yun and said: You are seeking death!!

You guys are too noisy. Ling Yun sat on the ice chair with a faint smile, and the chair slowly rose up, looking down at the three old men.

Who are you? Where did I come from, the deacon of Shengshi Auction!

Didn't you ask for advice? Deacon Li half-closed his eyes and looked Ling Yun up and down, and unexpectedly discovered that the latter was a true immortal!

This made him very confused. Where is this?

Deep in the famous forbidden area of ​​Danyu Continent, in the Poison Forest, how could a boy who is just a true immortal come here?

Do you know that you were already guilty of a capital crime just now at Shengshi Auction? You should ask Jue Tian of Shengshi! Does he dare to talk to me like this?


Isn't that the leader of their grand auction house, the Great Emperor Jue Tian!

You are uttering arrogant words, and you can call him that? Deacon He immediately pointed at Ling Yun, who had murderous intent in his eyes!


Ling Yun disappeared from the ice chair and appeared directly in front of Deacon He, who's eyes widened!

The Ling Yun in front of him was so terrifying. He was surrounded by black silk and his eyes were very scary. This was his first demon form. Except for the little guys, all the people he had seen before were dead!


Ling Yun directly pressed down on Deacon He's entire face and crushed it hard, causing miserable screams to spread around.

The goddess of life frowned as soon as she came out, but she met the little guys walking over and was entangled!

And they didn't care about the screams, they only saw the magic weapon Ling Yun told them.

Damn it!


Could it be...

A figure suddenly appeared in Deacon Li's mind, the ancient Pluto who had made countless strong men frightened by the news, the Supreme God who had just resigned!

Old He... Deacon Mu's face turned pale, and he was suddenly confused. Who would tell him what happened?

He Lai, the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor, didn't even make a single move, and his head was crushed directly! !

Old Mu, leave quickly, otherwise no one can escape. Deacon Li knew very well that no one could escape from Pluto. Opposite him, there was only death and begging for mercy.

He also tried his best to delay, hoping that Deacon Mu could escape smoothly and break the curse that no one could escape from Pluto!

Such Pluto has never been recorded in the twelve realms. His face is ashen, there is only one truth, everyone who has seen him like this has died. hands and feet are trembling and I can't escape. Looking at Ling Yun's murderous eyes, Deacon Mu fell directly from the air!

No, no, no! Lord Pluto, please calm down and listen to me. The three of us are just passing by. Deacon Li stepped back step by step, with a look of fear on his face.

Ling Yun smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his right hand, put his fingers together, and heard another miserable voice!


Deacon Li covered his heart in pain. The severe pain made him unable to breathe. All that was left was to fall to the ground and roll around!

Deacon Mu shivered when he saw it. What was going on? Pluto hadn't even touched Deacon Li, so why was the latter in so much pain!

Save me...Old Mu... Deacon Li struggled to say a few words, then kicked off his feet and went to receive the lunch box!

Fuck... Nascent Soul... Nascent Soul... Deacon Mu trembled, why was Deacon Li's Nascent Soul crushed to pieces!


Ling Yun's figure arrived in an instant, crushed Deacon Li's body with one foot, and smiled evilly at Deacon Mu again!

Devil...Devil...come me! Deacon Mu started to run!

However, he is not running, he is only a little faster than walking, because his feet are soft and he has no strength!

Damn legs are broken, can you please be more confident?

Gradually, dozens of people from the Shengshi Auction came from the distant sky, all coming to assist their three deacons.

We're saved, I'm here, here. Deacon Mu shouted, using all his strength to raise his voice as high as possible! !

What's going on over there?

An old man in the distance said, his eyes narrowed, and a group of people came quickly behind him.


Ling Yun snapped his fingers with a half-smile!


There was a sudden loud noise in the sky in the distance, and these scumbags were instantly killed by Ling Yun's star blast!

Deacon Mu stopped and collapsed directly on the ground. He didn't have any courage to live, so he made a desperate move!

Pluto, you make me die badly. Even if I die, I will try to shed a layer of your skin.

The words have fallen!

Butler Mu angrily blew himself up!


This power swept through the world, but Ling Yun shook his head and left directly. If Deacon Mu saw it, he would be so angry that he would die again. His self-destruction could not even shake Ling Yun's hair.

Ling Yun gave a bitter smile, it was a bit too much, the monsters in the poisonous forest were trembling, but he sat on the ground, meditating quietly and waiting for the little guys to come out.

The deepest part of the poisonous forest!

The goddess of life was speechless. The little guy in front of her was such a rogue.

Give it to me...

No, I keep this magic weapon for others, but I can't give it to you, the little one. The goddess of life shook her head.

give to me?

The little guy's eyes turned gloomily and he asked again.


555~ Those who bully children... don't even love me. The little guy muttered, and Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched slightly when she saw it, with a rather funny look on her face.

Beibei said: Auntie is so beautiful, she shouldn't bully us.

Auntie is the best, haha. The little guy started hugging the goddess of life's legs again, and then asked the latter for a hug!

The best!

Just like that, the three little guys acted coquettishly and tried to get the Taixu Divine Armor from the goddess of life!

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