Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1306 Transaction (first update)

Under Ling Yun's spiritual inspection, there was another woman in the room, and on the bed...


His consciousness was attacked!

The middle-aged man noticed Ling Yun's consciousness, so he also fought against it!

Ling Yun smiled slightly. He knew that this was wrong, so he withdrew his consciousness and apologized to the middle-aged man.

I'm sorry, I just offended you.

If nothing happens, please leave, sir. The middle-aged man had an angry look on his face, but he was slightly surprised in his heart. Just now, was his consciousness as good as Ling Yun's?

When he looked Ling Yun up and down, he found nothing unusual. The latter's true immortal strength was also normal.

Something... something happened! Ling Yun stepped forward and picked out the medicinal materials placed on the bamboo pole.

What's the matter with you?

The feng shui of your yard is very good. I fell in love with it. I made a price and bought it. Ling Yun said it very directly, with a smile on his face!

Good Feng Shui? If you don't want to sell it, don't sell it! The owner of the yard shook his head, with a wry smile on his face. After living there for so long, he really didn't realize that Feng Shui was so good.

It's not enough for you to make medicine like this. What's the prescription the doctor gave you? Ling Yun was very curious. He could tell from the smell of the medicine that the medicine was brewing to cure something!

He guessed correctly, this kind of disease really cannot be treated with elixirs, and can only be taken with decoctions and slowly recuperated. However, the patient's death is coming soon, and this medicine cannot save him.

Leave quickly!!

The middle-aged man became unhappy!

At this time, a gentle female voice came from the room: Husband, are there any guests in our house?

No, there's someone asking for directions. The middle-aged man relaxed slightly. He didn't want to cause trouble, he just wanted to scare Ling Yun away in this way.


Ling Yun was not affected at all. He said: The patient is your child? Is it your biological child? Why are you a god of war, but your child is an ordinary person.

That’s right!

From this medicine, Ling Yun could get a lot of information. Only ordinary people would need such medicinal materials and prepare the medicine in such a way.

You...who are you?

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately took out a stick from the side and pointed it at Ling Yun!

Don't be so angry. I'm really here to buy a house.

Get out! the middle-aged man shouted coldly, and hit the ground hard with his long stick. Several deep cracks opened on the ground, which was a warning to Ling Yun.

Husband, what's wrong?

At this time, a woman came out of the inner room. She was pretty.

do not come.

The middle-aged man had obviously listed Ling Yun as a dangerous person, because Ling Yun had been calm and collected from beginning to end, and was not nervous at all when faced with his Immortal Emperor aura.

Hahaha, how about a deal? You save my daughter and you sell me the yard!

You? Just you, huh.

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes. Because of his daughter's illness, he had spent nearly all his money in the past twenty years and visited famous doctors from all over the twelve regions. They all said that he would not live to be twenty years old.

But he never thought about giving up.

You have no choice. Your daughter will not survive tomorrow. As the Immortal Emperor, you should know that she is exuding death energy.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's body trembled and he said angrily: You're talking nonsense.

He knew it, but he deceived his wife and daughter and kept giving them a false hope.

Husband, is what he said true? The woman's eyes immediately turned red.


Seeing the middle-aged man's expression, the woman couldn't help crying.

Why are you crying? You should be lucky to have met me. Ling Yun blinked and blinked!

The woman said: Sir, if you can save my little girl, I am willing to buy you the yard.

The middle-aged man frowned and said, No, madam, he is a liar.

He didn't think Ling Yun could do anything, not even the pharmacists from the Danshen Sect could do anything.

Husband, I won't listen to you this time. You always said that you can find the Supreme Lord. There is a way to find the Supreme Lord. But after the battle in the God Realm, he is the King of Hades, and you can't find it. Our daughter has time to wait. . The woman's words were full of complaints about the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man suddenly became speechless.

Don't even think about what the Supreme Lord is. We are all ordinary cultivators. Such a figure is the existence we look up to. We will never see him in our lifetime.

Hearing this, Ling Yun became interested. It turned out that women didn't know the middle-aged man's real cultivation level, so the latter was hiding his name.

The middle-aged man did not speak this time, but sighed.

Sir, please save my daughter. The woman's eyes were full of pleading, while the middle-aged man was wary of Ling Yun, wondering if Ling Yun was lustful, after all, the latter was so handsome.

Take me in.

Ling Yun didn't care about this kind of gaze. There was nothing he could do about being jealous if he was too handsome.

The woman was ecstatic and immediately invited Ling Yun in!

Looking at the haggard-looking girl on the bed, Ling Yun sighed. She was more than ten years old and tortured by illness.

Don't worry, we can save you!

Ling Yun said calmly, the woman was really excited, but the middle-aged man wouldn't believe it.

Master, take action quickly.

Ling Yun walked to the table, poured a glass of water, and then dropped a drop of the Everlasting Water. This move was not hidden from the couple.

Here!! I will stay here tonight. After Ling Yun handed the glass of water to the woman, he smiled softly and slowly retreated.

There will be a touching scene next, so Ling Yun shouldn’t watch it.

The woman was stunned, and the middle-aged man rolled his eyes: Madam, pour it down, it might be poisonous.

Ling Yun took a quick look when he came in. He didn't feel his pulse, so he was extremely speechless.

I don't care, no matter how you say it, there is still hope. She saw hope in Ling Yun's eyes, and she firmly believed that Ling Yun would not lie to her.

The middle-aged man sighed: Madam, you can't...

As he said this, it was too late for him to stop him. The woman had already given the water to the girl on the bed to drink!

After a moment, the middle-aged man clenched his fists and said angrily: What a boy, how dare you lie to me!

He thought in his heart, I am so brave that even the ancient Duan Shuishui dares to deceive me!

The woman looked at the girl who looked as old as before, covered her cheeks and cried bitterly. This was the first time that she felt so desperate.


The girl on the bed felt that her body was full of vitality, and there was a faint sound of crying in her ears. She tried to open her eyelids several times.

Madam, I'm so tired that I'm hearing hallucinations. The middle-aged man turned his back to them and wanted to leave the room and go out to make medicine!

The woman's eyes widened and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She saw that her daughter's body had changed, and her face slowly turned rosy.

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