Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1321 The Ancestor of Juechen Poison Palace (First Update)

Yan Xuefei was stunned!

Beibei shook her head and said in a sweet voice, How lonely it is to be invincible.

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly: The ugly snake is finally gone. Now daddy's kidney failure can be saved.

Yan Xuefei rolled her eyes and said speechlessly: No, it's poisoning!

Yeah, I said it wrong, it's poisoning! The little guy smiled awkwardly.

Stop talking, let's walk slowly to the swamp abyss. Yan Xuefei was indescribably happy. As long as she successfully obtained the Poisonous Grass, she could save Ling Yun.

You guys follow me...I...555~, godmother, pull me!

Beibei was so stupid that he fell deeply into the swamp after taking only a few steps!

Don't move, I will save you right away. Yan Xuefei was shocked. She knew it would not go well, so there was no point in consoling herself!

Sister... the little guy yelled on the spot. This kid was quite smart and didn't move even a step from beginning to end.

Yan Xuefei took a rope and planned to trap Beibei, but the little guy behind pushed her and she fell down too!

It's over this time!

The corner of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched. Both she and Beibei fell deeply into the swamp, unable to move!

No power...555~! Beibei panicked. She found that she couldn't use her moves in the swamp. Did she not understand?

The little guy looked at them stupidly, not nervous at all, and even wondered if they were pretending. Isn't this just land, and it can eat people?

Sissi, quickly bring me the rope next to you. Yan Xuefei remained motionless and shouted with a corner of her mouth!

The little guy scratched his head, and then threw the rope down obediently. Yan Xuefei's face turned dark!

Come out quickly, we're going to find the poisonous grass. The little guy said in a sweet voice and pointed ahead!

I'm going to die. Tell Shuai Shu that Beibei will never see him again. Beibei looked sad and tried not to cry.

Beibei, don't move. The more you move, the faster it will sink. Yan Xuefei said!

The little guy scratched his head and said in a sweet voice, I'll help you!

The words have fallen!

As soon as the Five Elements technique is used, Yan Xuefei and Beibei rise from the ground!


Yan Xuefei: ...

Beibei: ...

Thinking of a way, she didn't tell them earlier, which scared them out of their wits, and they were really speechless to the little guy.

Beibei muttered, holding down the swamp with one hand, and then forcibly changed the swamp, and a solid avenue was formed. Yan Xuefei's eyes widened when she saw it!

What kind of ability is this!

Beibei, you can't do anything random in the future. Yan Xuefei remembered the words of the goddess of life and warned her again.

Follow me, I won't fall off this time.


The little guy followed immediately, and Yan Xuefei walked at the end, feeling quite helpless.

Yan Xuefei: Beibei, don't be so fast, something is coming.

The little guy shivered, and when he glanced at it with his consciousness, he saw a group of unknown monsters crawling nearby.

It's a leech, one as big as a palm, don't let them get close, it sucks blood!

It's up to me to dry you out!

Beibei let him imitate Ling Yun and snap his fingers calmly, causing the fire unicorn scales in the sky to release more heat. The leeches lost their moisture and soon became dry.

Yan Xuefei and the little guy were sweating profusely, and they were also very hot!

Beibei, can you try a different way to kill them next time? We are almost dried out by the sun. My skin is all dark. How can I see people?

Yeah, let's talk about it next time.

Hearing this, the corner of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched. All the leeches in this swamp must have been burned to death. There must be no future. Such strong light can kill all the eggs.

A low sound of fear came from the swamp abyss!

How can a thousand-year-old worm and a thousand-year-old leech be so vulnerable? I want to see who is coming!

That's not right. How could there be light outside? Could it be that... Lord Pluto is here?

Oh! It's very possible. What if he takes a fancy to my qualifications and insists on accepting me as his disciple? Should I agree or not?

How about? Give him the sinister grass as a apprenticeship ceremony?

No, I've been waiting for the sinister grass for many years. My old friend in Tianmen wants it. How can I give it away?

That won't work. Even if I treat my Juechen Poison Palace as a apprenticeship ceremony, I won't hesitate to do it. Master Pluto is here just for me, right?

The voice became more and more excited, with endless joy!

After spending five minutes walking, the little guy gave up. Only then did Beibei think of the Thunder Gate and reach the edge of the swamp abyss!

The corners of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched fiercely. It turned out that Beibei already knew the Thunder Gate, no wonder she could go there! !

Immediately, they all looked at the abyss where the scales of the fire unicorn could not shine, feeling deep fear in their hearts.

Beibei said: Look at me down there!

As she spoke, she snapped her fingers, and a moment later, there was a lot of movement below!

The ancestor of Juechen Poison Palace said fiercely: How can he be a little bastard?

Where is Lord Hades? Hum, you still want the poisonous grass...die...

A surge of power burst out, directly knocking Yan Xuefei and the others back. The latter reacted quickly, and she knew there was danger.

Beibei curled her lips and said: Yo yo yo... Is there anyone down there? It's scary!!


Don't be afraid, let me show you my strength!

After Yan Xuefei finished speaking, her figure suddenly rushed into the abyss, dressed in enchanting red, which was particularly dazzling. are looking for death!

The ancestor of Juechen Poison Palace sounded furious. He didn't expect that someone would dare to come down. It was simply arrogant!

Terrifying power kept attacking from below. Yan Xuefei couldn't hold on for even one round and was hit directly!

Her face looked ugly, not because she lost the fight, but because she was poisoned!

I'll teach you a lesson, get out! said the ancestor of Juechen Poison Palace!

Yan Xuefei just now was hit by his poisonous technique. It would take at least thousands of years to resolve it, and her strength would be greatly reduced. Even the immortal blood phoenix spirit would be useless!


The little guy blinked his eyes and looked at it. He felt very distressed when he saw Yan Xuefei's appearance. He ran over to hug her with his short legs, but when his little body pressed down, the latter spurted out the blood that he had been holding back.

Hahaha... It's finally the most mature key, and it was almost destroyed by you.

There was no trace of the voice, and the ancestor of Juechen Poison Palace spoke with excitement as he picked the poisonous grass from the edge of the abyss.

Hit my godmother...and take my poisonous grass, should be beaten!

Beibei frowned slightly and swung his little magic fist down towards the abyss!


boom! !

She punched twice in total, and the earth shook.

The ancestor of Juechen Poison Palace got the long-awaited Yin Poison Grass.

When I was excited just now, I was a little carried away. I had no idea who punched him. He dodged the first punch and suffered a little damage from the second punch. It was not a big problem!

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