Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1337 Mr. Mirror commits suicide

Mirror Master did not dare to look directly at Ling Yun. The latter's eyes became extremely bloodthirsty, and his murderous gaze rested on him.

It's none of my business. It's obviously you who can't do anything about the stone tablet. What excuse are you making?

Hahaha... I admire your courage. You dare to be tough and talk to me like this. Ling Yun suddenly felt funny.

Mirror Lord shouted: Are you here? Come together and catch him.

After saying this, he escaped back to the mirror world, and the people he was talking about didn't exist at all, just to distract Ling Yun.


Ling Yun kept staring at him, asking Mr. Mirror to escape, since he couldn't escape from his grasp anyway.

When the newcomers to Sin City saw Pluto appear again, they immediately ran away in fear. They didn't believe it when they heard that Pluto was sealed, and they really couldn't believe the result.

When the Ice Archer King saw Mirror Lord running away, he immediately shouted: Emperor, he ran away, ran away...

He was so excited at this moment that he immediately flew to the ground and stared at the bronze mirror!

Ling Yun replied: In the world of mirrors, don't think that I can't do anything to you!

He closed his eyes calmly, and then the ground began to shake. After a moment, the seal shone brightly, and he took down the three sins!

Looking at the three sins in his hand, Ling Yun grinned and murmured to himself: Good stuff!

The three sins are three pieces of extremely precious materials, which are very similar to ancient Chinese jade. They are as big as the palm of your hand and are completely red, just like blood jade!

The Mirror King in the Mirror World was shocked again. He really escaped, and the three sins were removed. This was a shock to his world view. Being an enemy of Pluto would lead to death!

Now he is at the end of his rope, but he is very confident in his mirror world. As long as he stays in it, Pluto can't do anything to him.

The three crimes were removed, and those who witnessed all this immediately fled, fearing for their lives.

The die-hard Plutos laughed heartily. What they saw today was worth it, and they will be very satisfied for the rest of their lives.

After Ling Yun happily put away the three sins, his eyes were fixed on the bronze mirror!

Can't you get out?

If you don't come won't come out even if you kill me!

Haha... If you want to die, it's very simple. I will make it happen for you.

Ling Yun smiled strangely, and his figure appeared next to the Ice Archer King. He stepped on the bronze mirror, and his eyes were full of coldness.


The bronze mirror couldn't withstand Ling Yun's kick and broke into countless pieces!

Mr. Mirror laughed heartily and said sarcastically: Come here, come and beat me. This is my world, and I am the master. If you have the ability, just come in and beat me.

as you wish.

Ling Yun's figure floated into the bronze mirror like a puff of smoke, and the Ice Archer King smiled. He had never seen a Mirror Lord be so mean-spirited and make such a mean request.


Seeing Ling Yun come in, Mr. Jing could no longer remain calm!


After Ling Yun entered, he punched Mr. Jingjing and knocked out one of his front teeth!

It hurts...

Just know it hurts. Didn't you let me hit you? I hope you can hold on for a few more punches. My anger has not yet burned out.

As Ling Yun said this, he punched Mirror Lord again. The latter screamed in agony and had no resistance at all!

He was so panicked that he even forgot to fight back. It can be said that he was extremely frightened!

After Ling Yun punched him for the third time, Mirror Lord began to dodge and suddenly swallowed the pill!

Yo yo yo... You still dare to swallow the pill? Are you recovering from your injuries and continuing to torture me? Okay, okay, I like it!


Ling Yun changed his kick this time, and this kick directly opened a huge hole in the mirror world. Mirror Lord calmed down a lot and started to fight back!

In his world, his strength gradually increased to the highest level, and his body became enlarged. He was handsome for only three seconds, and an energy ball appeared in Ling Yun's palm and blew him away.

And he was directly blown out of the mirror world, and a big hole was made in the outside world! !

555~...I won't play anymore. You're so damn bullied. I finally transformed. Is it easy for me... Mr. Mirror lay on the ground, wiping the blood from his nose, like a child who was bullied by an adult!

The corner of the Ice Archer King's mouth twitched!

This is the fate of a bitch... He doesn't deserve sympathy. This kind of person wants to die and won't shed tears until he sees the coffin!

Ling Yun's figure floated up from a broken bronze mirror. He looked at the mirror on the ground and said, Play, you have to play, because I haven't played enough!

Hearing this, everyone in the distance ran away!

Ling Yun: ...

The Ice Archer King swallowed his saliva and did not dare to look at Ling Yun. Can't tonight's battle satisfy Pluto?

Mr. Jingjing kicked his feet: You guys can play, I'll quit, no no... I'm already dead, I'll burn the paper if I have something to do.

Ling Yun's lips twitched, do you think he is a fool? I wonder if this idiot's brain has been damaged by him?

stand up!

The Ice Archer King couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked over and stepped on Mr. Mirror's stomach, forcing him to get up. If this idiot doesn't play, maybe Pluto will regard him as his opponent!

It's so inhumane. We won't spare anyone's death. You don't have to die well. the child.

Let's finish it.

Ling Yun smiled strangely and stabbed the Mirror Lord with one finger!

The Ice Archer King was trembling. He was the one who almost died because Mirror Lord had a knife hidden behind his back. If Pluto didn't kill Mirror Lord, then he was the one who died!


not end yet…

Even Ling Yun was slightly surprised that Mirror Lord could still stand up. He held down the spot where Ling Yun poked him and turned his back to them. He didn't know what he was doing.

The Ice Archer King's eyes widened in shock, and he trembled: What kind of monster is he? His heart is not dead?

I'm not dead. It's good that I'm not dead. I can still play!

After hearing Ling Yun's words, Jing Jingjun committed suicide, his body slowly fell down, his eyes closed quietly, wishing he could die early!

It's quiet all around...

Ice Archer King and Ling Yun both twitched their mouths, secretly thinking that Mr. Mirror is really fragile inside. They can't even think about this. The world is still so beautiful!

After a while, the Ice Archer told Ling Yun his experience. The latter expressed sympathy and gave him a jade slip with a few words in it, telling him to try it at the Temple of War.

The Ice Archer King said: Thank you, Emperor, for your great kindness, which I will never forget!

Stop saying anything sensational. I wish you good luck.

I will, I will definitely get back what I lost. The Ice Archer King firmly said!

Ling Yun shook his head: Actually, I want to say that there is no grass anywhere in the world. Why should you fall in love with a flower unrequitedly? There is no need to give up the entire forest for her? Right!

It's easier said than done if you want to give up, and I haven't tried it before!

The Ice Archer King smiled bitterly!

Ling Yun sighed. He knew that he could not persuade the Ice Archer King. Maybe only the side of her that he loved deeply could hurt the Ice Archer King to make him see the reality clearly.

(I haven’t been feeling well these past few days. I owe you an update. I’ll make it up in the future.)

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