Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1340 Four points deducted

It was true that Ling Yun criticized the little guy just now, but the seriousness behind it was all pretended to show the goddess of life. If not, it would not have been saved.

The goddess of life hugged the little guy and had a nice chat, but the latter didn't seem very happy.

Deduct six points from her. Ling Yun added fire again!

After hearing this, the little guy started to cry loudly. Although he didn't understand it very well, he still felt that it was not easy and it was okay to cry.

Ling Yun suddenly couldn't bear it anymore, but when things got to this point, he had to continue his selflessness.

The Goddess of Life glared at Ling Yun and shouted loudly: What are you doing? It's up to you whether to deduct it or not.

She and Ling Yun are the judges, but since the latter is their relative, she has a lot of decision-making power.

Yelling at Ling Yun so loudly, the latter was dumbfounded, but the little guy pushed away the goddess of life and said with a cry: Don't call me daddy, don't...

She wiped her eyes stubbornly, twisted her mouth, and stared at the goddess of life with her beautiful eyes. The latter was stunned, and then smiled!

You are really protecting your father. He has already done this to you. Why are you protecting him? Don't you know that I am good for you?

It's good for her to be nice to her, but it's wrong to yell at her father loudly.

She cried and said in a milky voice: Daddy, I will protect you!

Ling Yun smiled and rubbed her head, and then helped her wipe away her tears. He was so moved that he almost cried!

The goddess of life patted her forehead helplessly, she was defeated by the little guy. !

The law is ruthless, you have to figure it out. Ling Yun looked away at this moment. If he was destined to be deducted six points and it was irreversible, then he would try his best.

Seeing the little guy crying like this made him feel uncomfortable, but he was also moved by her actions, which made him dumbfounded.

The goddess of life said: Cheating is wrong, she did something wrong, and you didn't explain that the stone was fake just now. She regretted it immediately and admitted her mistake. You also severely criticized her about this...

Ling Yun began to feel happy in his heart, expecting the goddess of life to say forget it, what a big deal, but...

The goddess of life said: Four points will be deducted for this matter. Two points will be considered as extra points for her to bravely admit her mistakes and perform well.

The little guy sniffed and looked at them with tearful eyes blinking.

Ling Yun: ...

This bitch doesn't look like a good person. She actually deducted points from his superb acting skills. What a sin... The little guy acted his true self without knowing it. What a waste.

I'm going to pay attention to them. You two have good things to do, but the ugly things are ahead. I'm already very lenient. You can't criticize her harshly anymore. The goddess of life glared at Ling Yun for a few times before disappearing into the yard.

The little guy blinked at Ling Yun, who said: Go ahead and behave better, otherwise you will lose the bet. The results will come after you rule the Martial Spirit Continent. Perform well. Dad supports you.

Hmm... Daddy, if that Auntie Hua bullies you again, tell me and I'll beat her up for you, the little guy said!

Ling Yun smiled sweetly, then helped her wipe away her tears and asked her to continue looking for the pebbles. This time she was severely criticized and would not cheat again. At least she would not cheat naughtily during this period.

Beibei had a strong mind. At that time, she saw that the force thrown by Ling Yun was relatively strong, and it must have fallen outside the City of Time, so she planned to start looking for it from far to near.

Little Eileen didn't even know if she was looking for it, but she came back again and again and found herself near the yard, chewing fruit and looking at the ground.

The goddess of life is secretly observing all this.

Walking on the street, the little guy started to lower his head, trying to find the whereabouts of the small stone.

Hey...why is she here? Is my sister lying?

There was a man not far behind the little guy staring at her. He was Yan Xuefei's cousin Yan Sijun. They had a pretty good relationship and they were half-mother!

There is a woman next to Yan Sijun, someone the little guy has met once, the Ghost Queen of Ghost Island, her real name is Dongfang Honghong!

This time she came to Wuhun Continent because she heard about Ghost Island, and she came here specifically to see Yan Xuefei, the granddaughter of Mrs. Dongfang, Dongfang Rumeng’s sister!

Before, when I was not on Ghost Island, I went back to deal with the family. All the family members said that it was Old Lady Dongfang and Dongfang Rumeng who rebelled!

Dongfang Honghong asked: What are you muttering about? Sister Fei has gone into seclusion. I came at the wrong time.

The childish female voice has a unique flavor!

Come up with me, I saw it right, it must be her.

Yan Sijun took the lead to step forward and block the little guy's path. The latter scratched his head and blinked at Yan Sijun, whom they had met before.

Really, why are you so crazy as a child?

Although he didn't agree that the little guy was his sister's child, he couldn't help but say a few more words because he was connected by blood.

Before retreating, Yan Xuefei explained the whereabouts of the three little ones. She only said that they were picked up by their father, and no one dared to speak out after that. The Pisces Monarch was no opponent of Ghost Island, so what could they say about her!

Dongfang Honghong, who was following behind, thought she had seen the little guy before. The more she thought about it, the more familiar she felt. Then she looked at Yan Sijun and asked.

Who is she...your sister? Or niece?

What sister, what niece? She is the concubine's daughter, my niece! Yan Sijun shrugged and replied!

Daughter? Oops... I just said why do you look so familiar? It turns out to be you.

Dongfang Honghong's eyes widened. She didn't know how many years had passed since we last said goodbye. She was still the same size. I couldn't believe it!

Then she felt that it wasn't the one on Ghost shouldn't be that he didn't grow up, so she planned to ask for more information! !

The little guy also felt that the Ghost Queen Dongfang Honghong was a little familiar, especially that childish girlish voice.


Dongfang Honghong asked uncertainly. She heard this nickname from Yan Xuefei, and she was called like that! did you know that my name is Sissi? Who are you? The little guy looked at Dongfang Honghong warily, thinking that he was a bad person.

Hahaha, you can't be wrong this time, don't you remember me? We saw it on Ghost Island, and you also touched the skeleton general's bald head, do you remember?

Dongfang Honghong started to laugh. The child was still as cute as the first time she saw him.

Hearing what she said, the little guy suddenly remembered that the figure in front of him overlapped with the previous memory, and he immediately rushed over with a smile.

Aha, it's you!

I'm your mother's sister. You want to call me Aunt Dongfang.

Sister Honghong, what is her background? Yan Sijun was stunned!

What's the background? She is your sister's daughter. Didn't you tell me that we have met before? Dongfang Honghong pinched the little guy's cheek, and the latter did not feel disgusted.

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