Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1349 Rising again

Li Si finally figured it out. He kept praying for good ingredients. Then he raised the knife and cut it like a watermelon with the first knife.

The two exposed halves were all gray in color, without a trace of material, and I began to panic.

Li Si was unwilling to give in and cut it into silk ribbons with one knife after another...but there was still no trace of the crystal.

Li Si, you are not as lucky as Fatty Three. Look, I just cut out a piece of stone today and a diamond was cut out. What's going on with you?

That's right, Li Si, you have to work hard. If the material is cut out, I will take care of the stone mine in your shop!

People around him loved to join in the fun and make noise, constantly putting pressure on Li Si.

Li Si was angry, but had no choice but to pick up the second piece and cut it into pieces. However, even though he cut it into powder, there was still nothing.

The third piece, the fourth piece... still no trace of material.

He started to get a little anxious, and cold sweat broke out on his face.

He secretly glanced at Dongfang Honghong, but saw that the girl still looked as calm as the wind, standing with her hands at ease, her eyes casual, seemingly careless.

Anyway, she concluded that there was no material, so why should she be nervous? Besides, the quarry was free of charge.

On the other hand, the two little ones were so excited!

Sister, why not?

It's coming, it's'll be there soon.

The two little guys were muttering, and little Irene became impatient because she couldn't see the material.

Thinking of Dongfang Honghong's confident appearance, Li Si felt suffocated again and felt extremely regretful.

They looked innocent, who knew they could be so cunning! From now on, even if I gave him ten thousand more courage, he wouldn't dare to go against the fat three again.

Li Si's heart was depressed, but he didn't stop in his hand. He raised the knife with one hand and dropped it with the other. The fifth piece... still not there, the sixth piece, and until the eighth piece, Li Si himself lost confidence!

He thought to himself: I must have had bad luck for the eighth time today. Normally I can cut out the best stuff every day, even the worst!

It shouldn't be... According to the choice made by the child, he is also very optimistic about it. They are all good stone mines. Why is there no material? What a mess...

He kept muttering to himself, becoming more and more unsure!

There are more and more jeers all around...

Yan Sijun didn't know what kind of regret he would have, he just knew that luck couldn't be that good, how much better it would be to have a spiritual stone!

Dongfang Honghong was also very disappointed. She comforted the little guy and little Irene...

It's okay, just for fun...

The two little guys shook their heads together. The last thing is the important point. I have to say that Li Si is going to make a lot of money. I don't know what he is complaining about. When the good stuff comes out later, he will smile from ear to ear.

Come on, why are you still standing there? Someone shouted anxiously.

If it's there, it's there. If it's not, it's not. If you hesitate for a moment, it's not something that suddenly becomes something. So, hurry up and take the knife. Someone said.

Li Si was extremely conflicted, but in full view of the public and under pressure, he still cut it off...

No... I couldn't even find any trace of material after cutting eight pieces of stone ore that performed very well.

Yeah, if we bought this from Li Si's store, we would be at a loss. Fortunately, I just looked at it and didn't buy it randomly.

That's right, it seems that Li Si's batch of stone mines is not very upright.

Discussions reached Li Si's ears one after another, and he was so angry that he almost shouted. Who is the most aggrieved here? How about counting himself?

You don’t spend any money just to watch the fun, but I want to pay you to watch the fun so that I can be laughed at by you. I’m provoking someone!

Li Si feels miserable...

Of course, he only dared to say these words in his heart, but he really didn't dare to say them out, right?

Dongfang Honghong frowned at this time and seemed a little unhappy. She raised her sleeves and said casually: Forget it, forget it, you are really unlucky. You have a good stone mine, but you don't even have a piece of material. , forget it, I won’t cut it anymore.”

Li Si suddenly became anxious and cried: Auntie, it's not that my luck is bad, it's that the stone mine doesn't produce materials. What can I do!

He is also very innocent, okay?

Dongfang Honghong raised his eyebrows sarcastically, and said slowly: Oh, what do you mean, the quality of your batch of quarries is not good?

Hearing this, Li Si was speechless. Why did this girl speak so sharply?

Yes, I was defeated again.

This girl is really trying to use the other's spear to attack the other's shield. No matter what, he is the one who is unlucky!

But, have to finish cutting your stone, right?

Now Li Si is not afraid of being taken advantage of by Dongfang Honghong. He just wants to be able to cut out a piece of material and regain some confidence for the customers in his store.

Dongfang Honghong couldn't make up her mind for a moment, so she looked at the little guy!

The little guy said: Uncle Bad, I have a surprise for you.

Little Eileen said: Well, I can do magic. When I touch them, materials will come out of them.

The remaining two pieces are all good materials, that's why little Eileen said this.

The little guy was kind-hearted to let Li Si earn some sweetness, but little Aileen saw that Li Si was a shady businessman, so she didn't want Li Si to become famous and take all the credit on herself.

real or fake?

Someone is dismissive!

Yan Sijun said speechlessly: What does a little kid know?

Dongfang Honghong touched their little heads and said with a smile: Okay, let him continue to untie them. Maybe little Irene can really do magic.

Little Eileen started to clumsily go up and touch two pieces of stone...

Li Si swallowed his saliva, and then took the nearest stone mine in his hand!

The little guy also pointed and asked Li Si to cut it in any way, but the latter was unwilling to do so. As a result, after the third cut, a smile gradually appeared on his face!

Hahaha, there are materials... There are materials... Do you see it?

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!

Little Eileen started to beat, and said with a milky voice: The baby has changed, this is magic!

The little guy nodded, as if admitting that this was the truth!

As Li Si continued, the stone mine was finally unlocked. This was a common material, the empty stone, used to refine storage rings, but it was also a material.

The two little guys were laughing from ear to ear!

The last piece was also solved, and everyone was shocked. This is a rare secret stone. As long as there is a secret stone, the weapon will be indestructible and extremely destructive.

Ling Yun, who witnessed everything with his consciousness, was stunned. This is definitely not a coincidence!

The chance was so small, how could her daughter encounter it, unless it was the Eye of Delusion! !

I go!

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, can you learn this? When did it happen?

(The heavy feeling is almost gone. I’ll pay whatever I owe first. I don’t want to stay up late anymore. I heard that many people died suddenly. It’s a matter of life.)

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