Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1370 Divine Tree (Second update)

The entire fourth level of heaven no longer had a foothold. Changsun Ling furiously slashed the ground and started shouting.

Dog Pluto, come out, what's the point of hiding underground? Aren't you capable? Come out, are you afraid?


Ling Yun's mocking voice echoed through the fourth heaven!

Changsun Ling felt that his body felt a little hot, and he seemed to have seen a shadow of fire passing by. He didn't know if it was an illusion.


He wanted to shout again, but his body hurt slightly.

It's you...ahem...

Changsun Ling lowered his head and looked at his body. Then his pupils got big. His chest was burned away. Even a certain evil king couldn't do anything to his invulnerable body.

And Ling Yun was right behind him.

You must be very unwilling. In front of me, you are just like ants.

As soon as he finished speaking, Changsun Ling looked up to the sky and vomited blood, his body completely burned.

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, but the ground could not support his strength. With a huge roar, the fourth sky exploded, and he himself was submerged in the terrifying energy.

The news that the Fourth Heaven ceased to exist was immediately spread to nearby planets, and was soon known to people in the seven domains, because the destructive power was extremely strong and the scope of influence was too wide.

The fourth level of the chaotic ruins has lost its former glory. The body of the ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace is lying on the sea of ​​​​stars. He is in a dying state. Recalling the scene just now makes his scalp numb. He has never seen such a terrifying killing. trick.

Destroy an entire world with one move...

It is said that it can shock people to death, but if it were him, it would take a day and a night to keep blasting the fourth heaven. And Pluto's few breaths, what a terrifying strength.

On the sea of ​​​​stars, a figure gradually gathered from unknown objects. The ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace struggled to open his eyes and suddenly vomited blood.

He saw Hades smiling at him...

Tsk, tsk, tsk... It's so miserable... It's so miserable... Is it worth it... for the powerful dead tree in your body? Ling Yun gritted his teeth, staring at the ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace with his angry eyes!

You don't understand what the divine tree is for. It is a divine seed refined from the Medicine King Cauldron. As long as it grows into a towering tree in my body, then I will have the divine personality of the ancient gods. Lord Pluto, you don't understand what God means. .”

God? How familiar... Maybe I really don't understand. What does God represent? Justice? Or the power you want. Ling Yun shook his head, quite surprised to hear that the last words of the ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace were like this.

Without godhead, you are nothing, nothing. Almost, almost, I succeeded. I can prove the Tao, break through the legendary realm, and break through the eighteenth Immortal Emperor!

Prove the Dao? Haha... The next path for you is to die, do you know! The seed refined by the Medicine King Cauldron should be the sacred tree Fusang. Now that it is dead, even if you are alive, you will not be able to attain the Dao. You will die very soon. valuable.

Hahaha...haha...even if I die, I can't let you get the seeds of the sacred tree Fusang, nor can I let you get the divine weapon Medicine King Cauldron.

You are overthinking. I am bound to get the Medicine King Cauldron, but can you keep the Fusang seeds? Ling Yun smiled instead of getting angry.

It's true that the seeds of the Fuso Sacred Tree are in my body, but unfortunately...I was wiped out in was also wiped out in ashes, and you can't keep it.

The ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace knew that it would take time to remove the Fuso seeds, and he did not have much time. He knew his physical condition very well, and he did not want to scare Pluto.

Just when the ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace was trembling, a seed floated out of his body, which was the sacred tree Fusang...

I'll fuck your grandma...

The ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace stared wide-eyed and refused to close his eyes. His body gradually dissipated in the sea of ​​stars and turned into dust in the universe.

Ling Yun raised his fingers towards the fuso seeds, which floated over like an excited child.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: They are all small tricks that are not worthy of showing off.

If the ancestor of Feather Demon Palace was still conscious, he would probably be angry to death.

Fuso, long time no see...

Ling Yun said something subconsciously, and even he was very shocked.

You are from ancient times, right? Tell me the whereabouts of the Medicine King Cauldron.

The light of the fusang seeds gradually dissipated, leaving only one direction for Ling Yun. The latter looked far away. That direction was the imperial domain ruled by Queen Yaoyue.

It takes three years to fall into deep sleep. Within three years, I can only rely on you to find the Medicine King Cauldron to no avail.

Of course, Ling Yun's words were his final plan. He would definitely be able to help the little guy get the Medicine King Cauldron. It's just the Imperial Domain. Once he rules the Martial Spirit Continent, the little guy can go there at the weekend.

Wuhun Continent, Baihua Palace!

Beibei's intermission time has come. The child has just finished enjoying it. She is sucking Wangzi in her mouth. What An Qing gave her, even the little guy and little Irene can only watch and have no share.

The little guy rolled his eyes and muttered: Bad mom, partial, I'm going to tell grandma.

An Qing smiled helplessly and explained: This belongs to Beibei. She will be busy later, so you can just watch while you don't drink.

The master of Baihua Palace, Feng Ruqing, said: The time is up, Beibei must not show off, and retreat if you can't defeat him.

Beibei shook his head, retreating was impossible.

The goddess of life also said that this was a test and asked Beibei to weigh it up. The latter shrugged and said it didn't matter.

The leader of the Jusha Gang, Lao Gao, waited until he became impatient, and showed a disdainful smile: It's okay if you admit defeat now, so as not to be beaten to pieces, and the children can't help but beat. are indeed bad guys, and you beat such a cute kid. Beibei suddenly stared at them, a serious look flashed in his eyes.

An Qing said: They are bad people, but you can't just kill them with one knife.

I knew it earlier. Beibei nodded. During the test, she was not allowed to kill people casually. She always remembered that.

Do you remember those sword skills? An Qing asked.

Beibei nodded. She remembered everything, including what Ling Yun taught her, what she learned secretly, and what she had just learned.

The little guy said: I also remember that I knew how to return to the clan with ten thousand swords, but I cheated. Dad even praised me.

An Qing definitely didn't believe it, so she just shook her head and remained silent.

The goddess of life asked curiously: Can you really do it? Wan Jian Guizong is the strongest swordsman in the legend. How do you understand it?

Ah ha, what a legend? Just squeak, I know it anyway. The little guy shook his head, cute and cute.

An Qing smiled and touched the little guy's head: You... stop bragging.

Although she didn't understand what Ten Thousand Swords Returned to the Sect was, she knew from looking at the surprised expressions of the people around her that it must be very powerful and difficult to learn.

No... the little guy quickly retorted, she just knows how to do it.

Beibei laughed loudly: Don't be afraid, I can do other things, they are no match for me.

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