Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1372 Passed (first update)

The people of Baihua Palace shouted together, victory is in sight!

Beibei immediately curled his lips: There is no pressure.


None of the more than a dozen powerful people dared to speak. It was so shocking that they couldn't beat a child in a round-robin battle. They were so embarrassed.

An Qing's mouth twitched, this must have been taught by Ling Yun. When the latter comes back, she plans to make Ling Yun look good. What did he teach her?

Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, smiled and said: Who else among you can come, my niece is tired, but I am still here.

Hundred Flowers Demon Girl, why are you so arrogant? You just have a child to stand out, otherwise there will be no Baihua Palace after today. The hunter said crazily!

His eyes flashed scarlet, as if he was a little dazed, and he thought he had seen through everything, that was Beibei's artifact skirt, and those powers were emanating from the artifact.

He didn't know that the artifact skirt radiated the power of protecting Beibei, not attacking.

What did you call me? Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, hated this title the most and stared at the hunter Kuang Xin.

The little guy also said: Why are you swearing?

Then when she saw the hunter's crazy eyes, she was afraid again, and instantly retracted into An Qing's arms, her voice getting softer and softer, she was scared.

If you talk too much, I won't hug you if you stay with little Eileen.

An Qing rolled her eyes. The little guy kept trying to hold her and moved restlessly. The stinky men opposite her were all staring at her heart, blaming the little guy for squeezing her.

The little guy didn't speak, his eyes turned bleakly, and then he looked up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

There are only three factions left, the Hunters, the Foresters, and the Southern Shaolin!

The three of them discussed it and decided to be shameless and come together!

Beibei immediately curled his lips and said, Go together again? Want to make a sneak attack?

You are so bad. Once the test is over, I will pass you through and enter the Moonlight Demon Suppression Tower.

Southern Shaolin clasped his hands compassionately: Amitabha, since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good. You are the daughter of Pluto. Don't blame us for bullying others with more people.


This time everyone heard clearly, that little girl is actually the daughter of Hades?


It’s really a shocking secret!

Those who knew it was true had no fluctuations in their hearts. They just despised their poor eyesight. Now they know, why are they surprised? Isn't it normal to have such strength?

The forest people couldn't hold a breath, that is, the forest king died in the hands of the Supreme Lord, and they felt eternal hatred in their hearts.

The others in Baihua widened their eyes, and their hands and feet trembled. The daughter of Pluto? If you look closely, they really look alike, no... it should be them.

Su Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, You don't need to react so much. He just said it, it's very important at the beginning, don't offend or let them get hurt.

Hunter Kuangxin knelt down directly, what to fight...


What to fight?

Is Pluto's daughter something they can deal with? If they win, they will die, if they lose, they will be embarrassed and injured. What's the use?

Nan Shaolin said compassionately: Why are the donors so cowardly? As the world is yet to be determined, we may all be dark horses.

Ma... Ma... Ma, what do you know about your mother compared to... you, an old monk? You know that monks and nuns are all empty. What are you empty of? You want me to die? The hunter Kuang Xin pointed at Southern Shaolin Mercy and cursed.

The forest man said: Just one less person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Master Mercy, I will never back down.

The hunter said crazily: You go and die, I will admit defeat.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Nan Shaolin's compassionate eyes, and he directly wounded the hunter Kuang Xin with one palm.

Old monk, you are so cruel and sanctimonious. I have misjudged you. The hunter covered his heart with a crazy heart, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

Lao Monkey's compassionate palm is filled with compassion, so how could he be cruel? Nan Shaolin put his hands together compassionately, without any regret or guilt.

Su Yu sighed...

Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, sneered: Master is so compassionate.

Beibei said: You are as bad as other bald donkeys!

Without further ado, she couldn't stand it any longer, and black energy began to appear under everyone's feet!

The little guy suddenly widened his eyes and laughed: Great, Hei Ma Ma... my sister has learned it again, what I taught... Ma Ma... Ma Ma... I taught my sister, Hei Ma Ma...

The child was so excited that he was incoherent...

Didn't she just want to express that she taught me about black holes? I was so excited that I was sweating.

An Qing had a big head, and the child became restless again, which made her heart ache.

What is this? Nan Shaolin asked curiously, looking at the ground, confused!

Get off the ground quickly, that's Pluto's magical power. The forest man saw it at a glance, and immediately flew into the air in a hurry!

Hearing this, Nan Shaolin Mercy's expression suddenly changed. He was too slow. He was already entangled in the black hole, and the forest people were not spared either.

The forest man was pulled back into the black hole by a huge suction force in mid-air.

An Qing: ...

Beibei knew Ling Yun's magical really surprised her.

The goddess of life frowned. She was also surprised by this result, but she knew that this was a trick. She felt that the power inside was extremely powerful. Even if she fell into it, it would be difficult to escape.

Everyone had pale expressions on their faces, their scalps were numb, and their backs were covered in sweat.

That black hole?

very horrible…

What Beibei used was not an ordinary black hole, which was used to travel through space, but what she was using at the moment was a death vortex, which was based on a black hole.

It's what she learned secretly before... After the little guy taught her the black hole, she cleverly combined it. This is Ling Yun's ultimate move, the death vortex. Once locked, it can be said that there is only death, and there are few moves that can break it. .

Seeing that the two of them could not struggle and were about to be swallowed by the black hole, the goddess of life immediately broke it, and the endless glow penetrated the black hole.

Beibei's death vortex is immature, but the goddess of life is effortless.

Everyone was frightened. They had a feeling of escaping from death, and they were more surprised by the power of the goddess of life.

Feng Ruqing, the master of Baihua Palace, swallowed her saliva when she saw the Goddess of Life becoming serious, secretly thinking that this woman is too scary.

Southern Shaolin put his hands together compassionately and immediately meditated to heal his injuries. He tried not to vomit blood for the sake of face.

And the forest man was lying on the ground with a helpless expression. He was so frustrated. He was defeated without even making a single move.

It would be okay if he was defeated by Pluto, but he was defeated by his daughter, a little girl.

Okay, Beibei... you have passed this test. From now on, are all of you convinced? The solemn voice of the Goddess of Life echoed through the Palace of Flowers!

No one at the scene dared to speak out. Everyone looked at me and looked at your attitude!

answer me.

The goddess of life frowned, and her tone shocked their hearts.

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