Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1382 Treasures of Heaven and Earth

When An Qing heard that the little one was okay, she ran in excitedly. She was almost worried about her outside.

Beibei ran over, tugged at Ling Yun's trousers, and said in a milky voice: Handsome, has my sister woke up?

Sister...Sister, haven't you woken up? She's so sleepy. Little Irene muttered, staring straight at Ling Yun, which was really cute.

Shh... you two keep your voices down, don't wake Sissi.

Yeah, yeah.

Beibei has been protecting this place these days. I will take Sissi out to relax for a few days. I will leave the difficult task of staying here to you. You can't let me down. Ling Yun touched Beibei's little head, and then The person frowned slightly.

He didn't want An Qing and Beibei to see the little guy's miserable state because the latter was temporarily paralyzed.

Ling Yun also needs to take her out for some fun to avoid making her unhappy.

Beibei is very sensible and doesn't want to act coquettishly and wants to go along.

You must make your sister happy.

I must make my sister happy.


This child still wants to hook up with Ling Yun and is not allowed to change for a hundred years.

In the room, An Qing just looked at the little guy, her eyes shed tears from time to time, and she didn't know whether she was happy or knowing something.

Ling Yun coughed lightly, and when An Qing looked back at him, he smiled and said, An Qing, help Sissi take a day off these days, and I'll take her out to relax.


To Ling Yun's surprise, he was planning to lie to An Qing. Unexpectedly, An Qing chose not to ask anything, which made him feel a little strange.

We will be back in a few days. You take good care of Beibei and the others.

Ling Yun kissed An Qing, and then hugged the little one: Qianxi, daddy, give me a hug.

The little guy frowned a little, but she wasn't awake yet.

An Qing held Ling Yun's cheek and kissed her passionately. After a moment, she forced out a smile and said, Have fun with her, I will keep an eye on this place.

Thank you...I'll be back in a few days and take good care of myself.

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he and the little guy disappeared here, no longer in Wuhun Continent.

In the imperial domain of Queen Yaoyue, the imperial domain she rules is divided into three major areas, namely the strongest upper three days, the middle three days, and the weakest lower three days.

Two days later!

Ling Yun appeared in the small town of Xia Santian, holding the little one in his arms, but the latter could not move her hands and feet. She was like a porcelain doll, her whole little body lying softly on Ling Yun's heart.

Daddy...why can't I move?

She has asked Ling Yun this question N times. When Ling Yun heard these words, his heart clenched together every time.

Dad said, you have overused your strength. You will be fine after a few days. It's the same with dad holding you and taking you all over the world.

The little guy rolled his eyes, can it be the same? Don't bully her for being ignorant.

She was so wronged that she only remembered defeating the evil demon in the Baihua Palace, but could not remember anything after that.

Daddy, what are we doing here?

Let's come here to play and see the customs and customs here.

Ling Yun touched the little guy's head in a funny way. The latter smiled and narrowed his eyes. She liked it best when she heard him playing.

Ling Yun came here a day ago because he heard that a precious medicinal plant would be secretly sold here, and that medicinal plant was called Fire Lotus Petals, which was both a medicinal material and a cultivation resource.

The fire lotus grows in an extremely hot environment. One plant occurs every ten thousand years. It is very good for the little guy's health, so Ling Yun inquired about it.

In the past two days, Ling Yun has been using his strength to repair the little guy's Supreme Divine Body, but he still can't make the latter's limbs strong. The side effects of removing the Supreme Demon Lotus are too great.

It can only be nourished by the treasures of heaven and earth, and fire lotus petals are a great nourishing medicinal material.

A smile appeared on Ling Yun's lips. He had never thought that such a large-amount transaction would happen in a small town. It was so low-key.

Under Ling Yun's powerful consciousness, he walked leisurely on the desolate lanes. The people here were very honest and simple.

The little guy asked curiously: Daddy, they are all looking at us. Are we bad people?

They are not bad people, because we are outsiders, so...

Ling Yun carefully explained to the little guy, who laughed from time to time.

Sissi, are you happy?

Hearing this laughter, Ling Yun asked with a grin.

I'm so happy, can't you hear me laughing?

Does smiling mean you are really happy...Ling Yun suddenly stopped.

He screamed in his heart, why should fate punish his daughter? Why couldn't all the sins be punished on him?

Young man, please come to our small town for the first time. Do you want to stay overnight? Come to my house. All you need is a low-grade spiritual stone, and food is included.

At this time, an old man came in front of Ling Yun and the others. The latter had a smile on his face and looked like an honest man.

The little guy was also hungry. Ling Yun didn't plan to stay overnight, but he needed to borrow someone else's kitchen, so he nodded.

Okay, you can always lead the way.

Hearing this, the old man was overjoyed. In their small town, a piece of low-grade spiritual stone could buy several kilograms of food.

For those who don't live well, he also said that it is a huge sum of money.

The little guy said in a sweet voice, Daddy, I want to drink water.

Ling Yun touched her head in a funny way, and then followed the old man, who took out a can of Wangzi and fed it to the little one.

The little guy shook his head. She wanted to drink it, but the problem was that it was not held by her. If so, it would be a soulless way to drink it. She would rather not drink it.

Ling Yun sighed and understood what she was thinking, so he took it back.

After a while!

The old man took Ling Yun and his daughter to a dilapidated small tile-roofed house. It was dilapidated and not very suitable for human habitation at all.

Ling Yun didn't mind it either, since they didn't want to stay in the hotel anyway.

After listening to the old man's introduction, Ling Yun knew his name and some basic information.

The old man was a poor man from a small town. He had no wife, no children, and was alone. People nearby called him Old Man Shan.

Wait a moment, young man. I'll clean up right away and make sure you have a comfortable stay tonight.

Old man Shan, this is a medium-grade spiritual stone. You keep it. I will only use your precious land to cook for my daughter. She won't use it if she stays overnight, so you don't have to clean up the house.


Old Man Shan shook his hands. He had never gotten a middle-grade spiritual stone in his life. To be honest, he was really Shan...

It doesn't need to be that much, it doesn't need to be that much, you just need to borrow the land and I won't take it.

Old Man Shan was an honest man and quickly returned the spirit stone to Ling Yun. The latter smiled and then shook his head.

Take it, it may be a lot to you, but to me, it is just a stone.

It doesn't take that much. Just give me a low-grade spiritual stone. Old man Shan's eyes widened.

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