Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1401 First hearing about the Colosseum

Ling Yun smiled, very intoxicatingly...

I hope you continue to have this luck.

Thank you...can you big brother...just like when I first met you. Ouyang Qian said while blinking her tears of farewell.

It's up to you, the title doesn't matter.

Big brother!

The little guy curled his mouth, made a face, stuck out his little tongue and said with a smile: Shame... It's so shameful that a child as big as a big sister is still crying.


Everyone was amused by the little guy again.

When Zhang Daxian looked at their father and daughter, he suddenly felt that the ancient Pluto was not as ruthless as they said. He was such an easy person to get along with.

Ling Yun said: There are some gossips outside. To avoid accidents, I will send you out.

As soon as the words fell and no one responded, Ling Yun waved his hand and took him away, leaving only Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian.

As for why these two women were left behind, firstly, Xia Morong was holding the little one, and secondly, he wanted to give Ouyang Qian a gift.

Ouyang Qian just said that she had no demands, but Ling Yun wanted fairness.

Xia Morong gently put the little one down, smiled sweetly and said, Sissi, if we are destined to meet, we will meet in the near future, I believe it.

She is related by blood to Queen Yaoyue, and the latter knows Lord Tai Sheng, that is, he knows the ancient Pluto, and we will have the opportunity to meet him in the future.

Yeah, yeah. The little guy nodded his head hard.

Ouyang Qian, please take this communication talisman. If you need anything in the future, you can notify me. No matter if the sky is falling, I will come.

Ling Yun clicked into the void, and a communication talisman came out. It looked like a high-end product, not like the one used by the Blood Fiend Sword Master.

This black communication talisman is also the only one in Ling Yun's hand, and it is made of very precious materials.

Can ignore all obstacles and communicate smoothly in all fields!

Thank you, brother, I won't use it easily. Ouyang Qian cried again, a very innocent and true fairy child.

Her dream is to become the strongest alchemist, not an alchemist. Maybe this road is really difficult, because an alchemist must be an alchemist, and she only knows a little medical skills, which cannot be said to be superb.

let's go…

A black hole appeared in the front space, which shows that Ling Yun still has some love, because Zhang Daxian and the others were sent away, and their balls hurt immediately, which was not as gentle as walking into the black hole.

after one day!

In the largest city in the next three days, Ling Yun led the little guy here.

Originally, they weren't supposed to stay for three days, but the little guy said she wasn't allowed to play before and insisted that Ling Yun take her to a place with the most people.

The next three days will be the largest city, Hanting City.

The streets and alleys were all talking about the big event that happened in the Monster Forest yesterday. It was said that Queen Yaoyue, who was in seclusion, was alarmed and ordered a strict investigation into the matter. After all, it was the territory under her jurisdiction.

A group of soldiers from the first level of the Immortal Emperor came here from the upper three days and temporarily stationed in Hanting City. They wanted to thoroughly investigate this matter and find the person who destroyed the lower three days, that is, Ling Yun.

However, no matter how they checked, they couldn't find out that it was Ling Yun who did it. When they sneaked into the depths of the monster forest, they discovered a shocking secret.

The Golden Crow Emperor is dead! !

The news spread like a tide to all over the world.

Who killed the ancient Golden Crow Emperor, and who was the self-proclaimed bull-slaughter? A series of questions could not be answered, and they could only guess.

The second biggest topic is the breaking news that today marks the 10,000th anniversary of the establishment of the largest Colosseum in Hanting City.

After the little guy heard about it, he went to see what the Colosseum was and what it was about fighting beasts.

In Hanting City, there is a Colosseum, where competitions between monsters and beasts are held every day. If you get good results, you can also get the Yuling Bone Flute that is only owned by the Beast Controlling Sect.

As soon as you arrive near the Colosseum, in addition to the people on the street, you can also see monsters of all sizes. They are either held in people's arms or led by ropes to walk with people. Such a scene is quite charming. Not surprising.

Near the Colosseum, the most common place is where monster cubs are sold.

Adult monsters are extremely difficult to tame, so those who are interested in taming monsters will deliberately select newborn monster cubs. There are many monster cubs locked in cages on both sides of the street.

They looked at these people coming and going with their ignorant eyes. Their spiritual consciousness had not yet been enlightened, they were captured early in the morning and put into cages, stacked together like goods waiting to be purchased.

The little guy frowned slightly as she looked at the spirit beast cubs locked in cages. She felt that this was so cruel to the monster beast cubs.

The only good thing is that in Hanting City, it is strictly forbidden to abuse monster cubs. If anyone discovers it, they will be severely punished.

But even so, the little guy couldn't help but frown slightly, seeming very unhappy.

Some people came with their children to choose spiritual beasts, and they were very rough in selecting monsters.

Making those ignorant cubs panic and uneasy, those young and weak whines can be heard everywhere in the streets, and the voices are full of fear and confusion.

The little guy heard their wails and looked at them with confused eyes, feeling very uncomfortable.

These cubs are all caught from the monster forest outside Liufeng City. Some of them are born from monsters domesticated by people in the city. However, the price of those cubs born in the city will be higher. After all, Compared with those caught in the wild, they are more docile and easy to domesticate, but their numbers are smaller.”

The bearded shopkeeper on the side saw that the little guy's eyes were always on the cages, thinking that she was interested in these, so he opened his mouth to explain.

The little guy frowned slightly, frowned tightly, and said nothing.

Little girl, do you also like monster cubs? The bearded shopkeeper asked again.

The little guy still didn't respond. She had no resistance to furry creatures, and she had no sympathy for some monsters, but she didn't like to see those frightened little monsters in cages.

She is still very caring.

That's not what they should be like. They should live carefree and under the care of their parents.

Even though Ling Yun doesn't like it, he never wants to force it. To him, it is the same whether it is a human or a monster. This world has no rules.

But the little guy understands that life is inherently equal, and people use force to make those animals submit.

She didn't like this very much, especially the helpless little cubs. They were so cute, how could she treat them like this.

Sissi, let's go, the beast fighting is about to begin. One person cannot change these millions of years of racial discrimination.

Ling Yun sighed helplessly, he knew exactly what the little guy was thinking.

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