Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1403 Participate


Other spectators were also delighted and completely guilt-free.

The bloody smell of the battle between them spread in the air, and the bloody scenes made the surrounding audience become excited and extremely excited.

Waves of shouts came from their mouths, and their eyes were blazing, staring at the almost cruel competition.

People here like this kind of competition, they are excited about it.

Ling Yun quietly looked at the two low-level monsters on the stage. The low-level monsters had very little spiritual knowledge and even had no ability to think or judge for themselves.

All their actions are based on instinct, and they are not aware at all that their kind are fighting each other just to gain more glory for their masters and more fun for the onlookers.

As far as the monsters in the arena are concerned, they are just following the orders of their trainers. Even if they are not hostile to their own kind, they still have to show their fangs and tear each other into pieces bit by bit.

It's cruel, vicious fun.

But the little guy rubbed his eyes, pulled Ling Yun, and said in a sweet voice: Daddy, why are you doing this? They are all so cute.

Ling Yun didn't know what to say, so he could only touch her little head helplessly. The latter frowned slightly, and she really didn't like this Colosseum.

When a monster in the ring was seriously injured and fell to the ground and could no longer get up, the winning side received cheers from the crowd.

Its owner rushed to the ring with joy, held the blood-covered animal in his arms, his face was full of joy, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.

But he didn't notice at all that his victorious spirit beast was already covered in blood, and there were deep visible bone scars on its back.

He only had joy and laughter, and no trace of heartache or regret.

They are just tools. To their owners, they only have interests in their eyes. Ling Yun said.

It is said that people in Hanting City love monsters, but in his opinion, this is not the case.

What Ling Yun saw was not that they used monsters as capital to show off. They were just tools, not partners.

They tame monsters in order to show their talents and to have a chance to get a better future, regardless of whether they like them or not?

The reason why there was no abuse of monsters was simply because the city lord's orders were on top of people's heads.

Ling Yun didn't believe that those people would really love their monsters in every possible way when they turned their backs on others in private.

If that were the case, how could they be placed in such a cruel colosseum and left to fend for themselves?

The selfishness and hypocrisy of human nature are undoubtedly displayed here. Amidst the cheers, only the little guy looked at the two scarred monsters, and his heart was full of sadness.

They should have lived freely in nature, but because of people's selfishness, they were kidnapped when they were young and domesticated for many years, causing them to lose their own nature and become people's capital to show off.

Sad, deplorable, ridiculous.

The victorious monster was unable to continue the next match due to serious injuries, and soon the two monsters from the other match were brought to the ring.

After watching two games in a row, Ling Yun told the little guy a lot of knowledge. The latter nodded in understanding, not as depressed as before, and understood the survival laws of nature, the survival of the fittest, and the elimination of the unfit.

The next two monsters were brought into the ring. One of them was like a tiger, covered in gray and black, and looked majestic and powerful.

The two fangs are extremely long and are directly exposed outside the jawbone. Compared with the tiger, the tiger-shaped monster is one size larger.

Opposite the tiger, an unexpected monster appeared.

The little guy's beautiful eyes widened...

The other monster was none other than the same kind as Little Piggy. It looked almost exactly the same, but its skin was a little darker.

The little black piggy was already extremely petite, and even more vulnerable in front of the tiger spirit beast.

Its size was not as big as one of the tiger's front paws. It was placed on the ring. The little black piggy squatted on the spot, its tiny ears hanging down by its sides, and its big black eyes filled with fear. His whole body was trembling.

How could such a petite spirit demon be put into the Colosseum?

The little black piglets eat grass. This kind of monster is not aggressive at all. Just the slightest sound will scare them away. They feed on grass and have never attacked any living thing.

It was the target of massacre in the Bishui Continent, and it was also a delicacy.

It can be said that the little piggy is the most docile and good-for-nothing among the monsters. This kind of monster has no aggressiveness at all, let alone fighting.

What are you doing? This kind of useless monster is actually being used to compete with others?

Thankfully, I've been looking forward to it for a long time in vain. There's no suspense about this competition at all. What's going on!

In the Colosseum, some people booed. They didn't care about the life or death of the little black piggy. They only knew that there was no good show for them.

The purpose of the Colosseum is to allow more people to demonstrate their ability to control beasts, not to kill monsters.


Who would put such a monster with no fighting ability in the ring?

Isn’t it obvious that you are sending yourself to death?

The little black piggy was very scared and helpless, but he didn't know what to do. He could only shrink up and try to hide himself.

But on the flat arena, its petite body had long been exposed to the tiger's eyes, and the tiger seemed to have understood its mission.

Before the game even started, he had already opened his bloody mouth and let out a low growl at the little black piggy.

The little guy finally couldn't sit still anymore, and her little face was filled with chills.

Ling Yun rubbed her head: Don't you like it? If you don't like it, let's leave.

No...they are all bad people, daddy, why don't you teach them a lesson?

I taught you a lesson this time, but what about next time?

Ling Yun's question stumped the little guy, who lowered his head with a slight frown.

Then I'll let Xiao Huzi defeat them.

Suddenly the little guy spoke, which really surprised Ling Yun.

Ling Yun called a guard and said to the latter.

Let the Colosseum stop midway.

He also felt that the little black piggy was very pitiful, but the rules of the Colosseum were here, and he wanted to break them.

Stop? What are you talking about? The Colosseum is not allowed to stop midway. This is your first time in Hanting City.

Stop when I say stop, don't you understand? Tell the person in charge to get over here.

The guards were so frightened by Ling Yun's fierce gaze that they could only call their steward over.

Distinguished The steward shivered when he saw Ling Yun, his speech was slurred, and his face was dripping with sweat.

Ling Yun narrowed his eyes and suddenly said to the steward: Go and sign up for me. My daughter's pet will participate in the next competition.

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