Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1410 Mysterious Item

The little guy and Beibei looked at each other and laughed. After putting away the Moonlight Suppression Tower, they ran towards Ling Yun.

Handsome Shu, Beibei misses you so much. Beibei hugged Ling Yun's feet, her eyes red from crying, and she held them tightly with both hands.

Ling Yun picked them both up and said with a sweet smile, Why are you crying? I don't blame you for sneaking over here. Besides, we haven't seen you for a few days.

I've been thinking about it for a long time. Beibei rubbed his eyes, sniffed, and pouted.

Hahahaha, be good, be good, let's get out of here first.

Ling Yun smacked their little cheeks in a funny way. There was really nothing he could do about Beibei. She found the coordinates even from such a distance.

After counting, I haven't seen him for four or five days. This kid is quite good at talking.

When Ling Yun had just taken a few breaths, a hole opened in the void, and several rays of light forcibly flew out from inside.

The four presidents of the Tiandihui came here, but when they saw the ruins of the Colosseum, they were all speechless.

President Rat said: Who will tell me, where is Lord Pluto?

The terrifying sound seemed to kill people, making everyone feel breathless.

Snake will have a head full of white hair, but he looks like a middle-aged man. He said: Don't talk? Haha... Then you all go to death.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, please don't do anything. Lord Pluto just left, and we don't know where he went. Manager Chen immediately replied. Anyway, Lord Pluto just left, so he wasn't afraid to say it.

What a shame, you're a step too late. President Long said softly, as if he was deflated.

President Rat looked around and asked uncertainly: You really don't know?

have no idea.

The four presidents stayed there for a while without giving up, and then began to destroy.

Three days in the middle!

Ling Yun led the little guy and Beibei walking on the street of a certain city. The latter hadn't come out for a long time, so his eyes looked excited.

Beibei, why don't you bring little Irene with you?

She's not at home...

Where can she go? Isn't she going to school? Ling Yun asked curiously.

Little Irene missed her mother, so Aunt An notified her mother... Then her father came and took little Irene back to live in the Grand Dragon Palace.

Ling Yun nodded. Although Beibei's words were a bit difficult to understand, he probably knew where little Aileen had gone.

Is there nothing going on in Wuhun Continent?

No, I'm the oldest. They don't dare to cause trouble, but be quiet. Those dragons are very obedient and don't dare to move. Beibei said truthfully.

Those dragons are the Snow Dragon Clan...

Facing Wuhun Continent, they still did not dare to act rashly. An Qing alone made them uncomfortable, so they temporarily rested somewhere in Wuhun Continent.

Today's Wuhun Continent is developing peacefully with the help of An Qing and Baihua Palace Master Feng Ruqing, which means that Hot Mars already belongs to the little guy.

Hot Mars is a dead zone. Now, to establish a new overlord, you must obtain permission. After obtaining permission, you must pay 300,000 top-quality spiritual stones every year.

This and permission have not yet been obtained from the three remaining monarchs of the Dead Realm, so they are still not recognized.

With An Qing in Wuhun Continent, Ling Yun is also relieved. If the three monarchs of the Dead Realm don't want to die, then they will definitely not dare to do anything to Wuhun Continent.

Why don't we go back? Beibei scratched her head. Her handsome uncle and Sissi had been out for many days, and now they were in this strange place again.

Not so fast.

Ling Yun didn't come here to play. The Medicine King Cauldron, one of the top ten ancient artifacts, was in the Imperial Domain. He had to pay a visit. The ancient ruins of the Haotian Sword Sect were also there. He also wanted to know the secret of that painting.

The two might be related.

Handsome man.


What's wrong.

We want to buy this. I want to buy all the fun toys.

Ling Yun's mouth twitched, why do they like that garbage.


As the group of people walked casually, Ling Yun overheard the conversation of passers-by.

I heard that there is a mysterious item being auctioned at Shengshi Auction.

I've heard about it a long time ago, but I don't know what it is that attracts so many people.

It must be some kind of peerless treasure.

It's definitely unusual. I heard a lot of people came.

Ling Yun originally listened and pretended that he didn't hear anything, but the little guy and Beibei heard it.

The little guy said: Daddy, I heard that there are good things in that prosperous age.

Yes, Beibei likes it best, Handsome Shuai...that's a good thing.

The two children made Ling Yun dumbfounded. The latter could only go to the Shengshi Auction to see what kind of thing could attract so many people. It was confidential enough.

According to Ling Yun's consciousness, they will arrive at Zhongsan Santian's grand auction soon!

This is a not-so-famous city in Zhongsansan. Just because it is a place for trading, everyone calls it the Trading City.

It's no exaggeration to say that the trading city is packed with people at this moment. They have all heard about the year-end ceremony of the Shengshi Auction today.

Ling Yun put on his hat and finally squeezed in with the two little guys.

The little guy was sitting on Ling Yun's left shoulder, looking at the lively street with a smile on his face.

Daddy, what are they doing here?

They are all waiting for the Grand Auction to open.

Oh, I understand, lining up to buy things early in the morning.

Hahaha, sister said it wrong, they are you understand?

I understand, it turns out it's an auction. I like it best. I have a photo of Dad. I want to auction it. I can make a lot of money.

This kid remembered those things in Sin City!

Stop arguing, I'll take you in. Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Shuai Shu, you don't even have that yellow token. I've seen it. They have tokens. If you have them, you can get in.

Beibei sat on the right shoulder, his eyes always looking at the gate of Shengshi Auction.


The little guy started to dig into her pocket. She had the Emperor's Order in her hand!

Ling Yun said: Qian Qian, if that kind of token doesn't work, don't take it out.

Oh... okay, I have money. Money can make all the difference. Just sell the token. The little guy looked cute and wealthy.

You guys go ahead and don't block the road. Who would sell you tokens in this situation? You won't be afraid of laughing out loud if you tell me.

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked down at Ling Yun and the others, as if he were country bumpkins.

Beibei's eyes were round and he immediately said: Uncle, do you have a token?

No! The sharp-mouthed man with monkey cheeks shook his head.

Then what's your strength?

Listen, I am the Immortal Lord.

Oh...are you alone? Beibei asked.

Yeah...why do children ask these questions? The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was full of questions.

You don't have a token, you're not strong enough, and you're alone, yet you're still so arrogant. Beibei rolled his eyes and slapped the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks with his small hand. The latter's forehead immediately hurt so much that he had a pimple! hurts so bad.

The sharp-mouthed monkey covered his forehead, and his back was soaked.

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