Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1414 The Subdued Dragon Seeking Death

He was a little helpless this time. He couldn't receive the spirit stone and felt uncomfortable.

As soon as he took a step forward, the person sent by Queen Yaoyue to check the private room arrived. It was the female monk wearing armor.

Dong Dong Dong…


Ling Yun frowned and said one word calmly!

The word made the nun's head tingle. She stopped knocking on the door, but did not leave. Instead, she wanted to speak to identify herself.


This time, when Ling Yun waved his hand gently, the female monk's internal organs were shattered by a force, and blood continued to drip from the corner of her mouth.

If it weren't for Queen Yaoyue's sake, the female monk at this moment would be a cold corpse.

The strength is terrifying.

The female monk immediately chose to run away. She knew very well that the force was a warning. At the same time, her face turned pale because she did not know Ling Yun's identity.

Maid Yin saw all this, but she didn't notice it.

The two little guys had finished studying the bronze armor at this moment, took it into their hands happily, and then started to nibble grapes.

While eating, the little guy squealed and said, How good is Daddy? It's not good for the one who beats the demon auntie when she's angry.

Well, Beibei also feels something is wrong. She must have asked that aunt to come to us.

Ling Yun: ...

Queen Yaoyue felt angry when she saw that her subordinate was injured and how serious it was.

Such an arrogant and arrogant person does not deserve the appreciation of this emperor.

Your Majesty, your strength is unpredictable this time, so you must not let him go. We will show some sincerity and pay him a personal visit later.

If you go there again, your attitude must be more sincere.


Next auction!

Every item was taken away by Beibei and the little guy. The amount was huge, 110,000 was recorded. Ling Yun's head was so big that he wanted to file for bankruptcy.

303 is really rich, but it's a pity that I can only yearn for it.

He has offended so many people. If there was no backstage, he would not be able to get out of Zhongsansansan. A man in a private room murmured to himself, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Daddy, these are all good things. If Mom is here, she will be very happy.

Aunt An will be happy.

Ling Yun's face turned dark, happy? He didn't think An Qing would severely criticize the two children if she knew they were so prodigal.

The person inside must be a big man who picks his feet, with a lot of money. Even if he has athlete's foot, he still smells good. A young man in a private room on the fourth floor said, his voice was neither loud nor soft, just enough for Beibei to listen.

You fart, you are a foot-picking uncle, very ugly. Beibei rolled her eyes repeatedly, looking very angry, puffing out her cheeks, like a puffer fish!

I want to visit 303 even more. The young man smiled strangely and then really went out.

The tycoon in VIP Room 303 was so powerful that he attracted a Wuji Sword Master who had a relationship with the little guy. The latter just wanted to see his face. Even if he could not become a friend, he would not become an enemy.

He was not alone, and he met two people just at the door. One was the young man, Master Jianglong!

Master Jianglong specializes in slaying dragons. This title is very crazy. Countless dragons must have died in his hands.

The other one is the female monk who comes up again, the counselor beside Queen Yaoyue, Fairy Leng!

When Lord Jianglong saw Fairy Leng, he immediately straightened his clothes, and then said with a smile: Hello, girl!


Out of politeness, Fairy Leng still replied.

Master Wuji nodded. He must know the people around Queen Yaoyue, so he asked: Fairy Leng also went to see 303?

That's right.

Hahaha, it's so fateful, and so is the young master. Master Jianglong began to wink at Fairy Leng.

Since we are all together, let's visit together. Master Wuji Sword said.

Open the door, open the door. The people inside can come out. A beautiful woman is visiting. Come out to greet her. Master Jianglong wanted to show off in front of Fairy Leng, so his attitude became a little arrogant.

The shouting was loud enough, but there was no movement inside! ! !

So cool? He's just a rich guy, a big guy who picks his feet! Master Jianglong's cold gaze made him very embarrassed in front of the beautiful lady Leng Xianzi. You know who he was afraid of!

Dong Dong Dong…

The knock on the door came to mind again, and Ling Yun's face turned dark when he knew someone was disturbing him!


The little guy ran to open the door, but Beibei refused to let Ling Yun send them away.

These two children really thought that Queen Yaoyue came to them.


The door opened, and the little guy scratched his head and looked at the three people in front of him. None of them she recognized, but one of them looked familiar.

The Infinite Sword Master broke into a cold sweat and his feet began to tremble!

Isn't this the little princess? Then the person in the private room is the adult!

A child? out the person inside. Master Jianglong said!

Fairy Leng: ...

The little guy suspected that the way she opened the door was wrong and slammed the door shut.

Oh, this child has such a bad temper. She must be taught a lesson. Leave it to me... to show you what a man is.

Dong Dong Dong…

Master Jianglong knocked on the door again. This time the little guy seemed to be playing and opened the door again, but there were still three strangers in front of him.

The Supreme Sword Master was scared to death. He was trying to kill himself. It was the little princess who opened the door. The latter was easy to talk to and could leave with a few words of praise.

Who knew this Dragon Subduing Master was a fool! !

It’s over…

The next figure came out, and that was Beibei leading Ling Yun!

When Fairy Leng saw Ling Yun, her eyes were full of fear. Only then did she realize that the body of the ancient figure Wuji Sword Master was trembling. It turned out that he knew.

I...asked you to come out just to tell you that Senior Wuji Sword Master and I don't know him. Fairy Leng pointed at Master Jiang Long, who frowned because he didn't recognize him.

Master Wuji Sword turned to look at Master Jianglong, trembling and said: It's too much. How can you be so rude? It's too much. We don't know him.

Then he forced out a smile and said to Ling Yun: My lord, go in first, and I will criticize him!


Ling Yun gave a gentle greeting, then closed the door and went in, as if he had never appeared.

Who is this person? What are you afraid of? He closed the door as soon as he saw it. I, Master Jianglong, also have face. He must have recognized me.

At this time, Master Jianglong was still pretending to be flirting with girls, and he had no idea that Master Wuji Sword was angry!


A loud slap hit Master Jianglong on the face!

Fuck, my uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it. Master Jianglong got angry and started fighting in the corridor. The roar was deafening.

Ling Yun smiled, and a cold voice came out.

Bring his head to me.


Wuji Sword Master has no choice. If Master Jianglong doesn't die, he will be the one who dies. This sentence is obvious.

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