Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1419 Blood Bodhi

Although Ling Yun couldn't figure out what Grandma Qu meant by interrupting the auction, he could smell the smell of blood and death.

Top floor!

There were several male servants beside Grandma Qu. While her shoulders were being pinched, she was enjoying the fruit that was stretched out to her mouth.

Elder Feng hurried up and pushed the door open.

Grandma Qu, who was originally threatened by Pluto, was angry. She naturally gave Elder Feng a lesson for being so violent.

Elder Feng received a violent kick from Grandma Qu, but it was harmless. Then he stood up and asked, Sister Qu, why are you angry? What made you stop the auction? This is the first time.

Let him believe that something went wrong with the client. This is impossible!

Because the client came from the Sea of ​​Demon Gods and has a very powerful background, it is impossible for him to go back on his word.

The price has been raised so high. No matter who takes the photo of Tianshan Snow Lotus, he will never give up.


who is it! !

Elder Feng frowned. This was the first time he saw Grandma Qu with such a panicked and serious expression.

You just have to obey Juetian's arrangements. You shouldn't know anything more. Just go down. Grandma Qu was upset and began to wave her hands.

I will listen to the boss's orders. If the situation is serious, more people can be called in. Elder Feng said.

It will be arranged! It's useless to have more people. We at Shengshi Auction will not participate in any struggle. No matter what happens later, we will definitely not take action. If you understand, we will inform you.


Private room 303!

Hearing the knock on the door, the little guy happily ran to open the door. This time it was unmistakable, it was the Demon Moon Queen!

Auntie Yao... Sissi misses you so much that she doesn't even come to see me. As soon as the little guy saw a familiar face, he immediately pounced on her.

Long time no see, Sissi, this is a little gift for you. Queen Yaoyue smiled, casually held her in her arms, took a small gift box from Fairy Leng and handed it to the little guy.

Aha, why are you so polite? The little guy smiled brightly and pulled the gift into his arms. He looked like someone was robbing him, which made people laugh and cry.

Queen Yaoyue was not surprised and smiled helplessly, but it was the first time she saw the little guy looking so cute. Fairy Leng covered her mouth and snickered.

Ling Yun was sitting at the table, and Beibei on the chair was pouring him tea.

Pour me another glass, Beibei!

Who's coming?

you guess…

Guess whether there is Wangzi.

Ling Yun: ...

He didn't want to jump into the trap, Beibei knew it clearly!

Queen Yaoyue came in and sat down without being polite to Ling Yun.

What about mine?

Beibei stared blankly at the little guy opening gifts, but why didn't she!

The demon aunt doesn't love me anymore.

Seeing this scene, Beibei rubbed his eyes, like an abandoned child.

Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched, she didn't know Beibei was there too!

Fairy Leng told her that there was only one...

When she came in, she realized that Beibei was actually here too!

Don't cry, don't cry... Auntie Yao doesn't love you, but I love you. The little guy said in a milky voice.

Beibei pouted her mouth, and her aggrieved look was just like that of the little guy. This look was unbearable.

Queen Yaoyue quickly explained: I haven't forgotten... I haven't forgotten... What does Beibei want?

Beibei laughed loudly when he heard this, his eyes rounded, and he heard the words of the emcee. What was being auctioned at this moment was the Blood Bodhi, which was once rare in the twelve regions.

Ling Yun shook his head and laughed, Beibei was about to start a trap!

I want the Blood Bodhi. I heard that I ate the child's body and got it.

Ling Yun: ...

Queen Yaoyue smiled and nodded to Fairy Leng, who immediately understood.

Blood Bodhi... twenty thousand!

It's 303 again. She can't let her take this Blood Bodhi so cheaply.

It's so outrageous. Who is 303? We haven't taken any photos of them until now. They all took them in the private room.

It's impossible for her to be photographed so easily this time. I'll pay 40,000.

The four presidents at the high platform stared at 303 and then started to bid. They had so many spiritual stones on them that they could win all the auction items in this grand auction.

The matter of Blood Bodhi was left to Fairy Leng, while Queen Yaoyue flicked her hair and then looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun said: Why are you looking at me? If you have anything to say, I will blush.

Haha... I know you are thick-skinned, so I just want to ask you, how do you plan for the next three days?

How do you calculate it? I don't understand what you are saying!!

You are pretending to be confused, right? Let me guess...since you appeared in the imperial domain, you must have killed the Golden Crow Emperor three days ago.


Ling Yun did not deny it, but simply admitted it.

So what will happen in the next three days if the world is ruined? Are you going to let it go? Queen Yaoyue has been looking at Ling Yun to see what kind of expression the latter will have.

The result disappointed her, Ling Yun's expression remained calm and unchanging.

The next three days will be ruined. It's useless for you to find Tianxiahui, not me. Besides, they are downstairs. You can go and question them. Don't worry, I won't interfere.

Everyone in the seven major regions knows that the world will fight in your name, but you just sit back and do nothing? Let them become more rampant?

Queen Yaoyue was shaking with anger. If she took action, it would be like four against one. There were many masters hidden in the Golden Age Auction. She might be killed in three days before she could get back.

You can't handle a bunch of scum, how can you be a queen?

I want you to take care of it!

The little guy tugged at Ling Yun and said in a sweet voice: Daddy, don't quarrel. Auntie Yao is a girl, and grown men should let her go.

Your daughter is much more sensible than you, and I like you the most, Sissi!!

Queen Yaoyue smiled sweetly.

Ling Yun: ...

Glancing at the gift in the little guy's hand, Ling Yun asked curiously, Why did you give her this?

It was a very rare piece of spiritual jade. It was green in color and emitted a faint green light.

I think this kid likes it. I don't know what to give as a gift. I happened to have received this piece of spiritual jade a few days ago. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal to leave it with me, so I gave it to me.

So rich?

This piece of average quality spiritual jade is worth a million spiritual stones, and the Demon Blood Queen is really willing to give it up.

Does Sissi like it?

If you like it, go back and show little Irene. I'll get a shiny stone again. The little guy smiled from ear to ear.

Ling Yun said: This is money, don't lose it.

Maybe I can use it to pay off the debts I owed just now. Ling Yun has made up his mind! !

Grandma Qu has been watching. She also knows that Pluto from 303 owes 110,000 high-quality spiritual stones, but there is no way. Who dares to speak out? She just hopes that the next auction will go smoothly.

President Long said: I like Blood Bodhi. For those of you who want to buy me a favor, I will offer you one hundred thousand!

A blood bodhi shouts to 100,000...


Everyone's backs felt cold, they were really rich!

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