Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1422 Blood Earnings

Everyone in the private room has gained experience, especially Beibei, who held it carefully as if he had found a treasure.

The little guy asked: Daba, have you eaten it?

Her intuition told her that it must be!

And Ling Yun didn't lie, he nodded directly: Yes, who is your father? This thing can only be used as my daily thirst-quenching fruit, which is almost the same as fruit.

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of Queen Yaoyue, Maid Yin and Fairy Leng twitched fiercely.

Pluto is too wasteful!

Does it taste like cherry tomatoes? the little guy asked, licking his mouth.

Does it taste like cherry tomatoes?

It's not like grapes. It has a strong aroma of juice. Ling Yun smiled, knowing that the little guy wanted to eat it, but there was only one Blood Bodhi, and it belonged to Beibei.

Beibei said: Grapes, my sister likes grapes, so there is no need to eat them. The same goes for eating grapes!

When the little guy heard this, she suspected that she had been abandoned. The corner of her mouth twitched and she was stunned.

Queen Yaoyue is a fair person. She touched the unhappy little guy and said, Sissi, this is the gift I gave to Beibei. It belongs to her. Don't make it difficult for her. Turn around and I will The emperor asked her to eat it immediately, so that you can feel comfortable.

Yeah, okay. The little guy lay in Ling Yun's arms and said in a sweet voice, Sister, please eat quickly, I won't look...I won't peek!

Beibei: ...

Sissi, the Blood Bodhi is not very delicious. It is not as good as the King of Beasts Fruit you eat.

Ling Yun was quite amused, and then he carried her to the window sill. He wanted to witness the supreme-level grand auction, but the little guy covered his eyes. She had eaten four Beast King Fruits before...and didn't leave any behind.

As the eyes of the two father and daughter were fixed on the high platform, the little guy only saw a jade slip wrapped in golden light. It was the supreme formation that Ling Yun was going to auction.

And Beibei ate the Blood Bodhi in one bite. Just like Ling Yun said, it could only be used as fruit, and his body also changed a little.

Daddy, is that the garbage you said? Is it so flashy? The little guy looked a little dizzy.

That's right, random rubbish is not worth mentioning.


If other people heard this, they would say Ling Yun was bragging or ignorant.

In today's seven major domains, if you want a supreme formation, that is a luxury.

After the master of ceremonies introduced the origin of the jade slips, the audience cheered as loudly as the Tianshan Snow Lotus.

I'll give you one hundred thousand.

Get out of here, don't say anything if you don't have any money. You want to take away the Supreme Formation for just one hundred thousand dollars. Are you brain-broken?

What did you say? Say something else!!

If you have the ability, you won't think about it once... want to fight.

I will pay 170,000 yuan. Wang Gaowen, the nephew of the rickety old man, shouted.


The three presidents of the Tianxiahui were watching a show, and when the price was about the same, they made the move.

This is also the last auction item, the next item is Tianshan Snow Lotus!

After a few minutes, President Long's bidding followed, and no one dared to raise the price.

The transaction price was 1.3 million, and no one was that generous.

The transaction went smoothly, even if Grandma Qu wanted to stop it. After all, this was Pluto's commission. How dare she have the courage.

The rickety old man walked into 303 tremblingly. To be honest, he really didn't want to come in, but he had no choice but to give money to Pluto.

President Long's only request was to pay Ling Yun 1.3 million top-quality spiritual stones in person, but the rickety old man refused. This was the rule of the Grand Auction and the client must be kept secret.

President Long had an angry look on his face, but he was helpless.

I've met Lord Pluto. The first thing the rickety old man did when he entered the private room was to kneel down to Ling Yun.

You don't need to be so polite to me, maybe you will die in my hands later. Ling Yun looked at the rickety old man with a half-smile, who was scared to death.

I...I didn't say anything...

The Supreme Formation costs 1.3 million, deducting other items and repaying the debt. A total of 930,000 top-quality spiritual stones will be paid to you. Please take a look at it. The rickety old man handed over the storage ring respectfully, feeling uneasy in his heart. He planned to Let's go to the top floor for now.

Queen Yaoyue twitched her lips, so it turned out that this supreme formation belonged to Pluto?

Maid Yin immediately understood why the rickety old man asked her to greet Ling Yun properly. It turned out that she was the client of the Supreme Formation when she didn't know his identity.

Fairy Leng took a breath of air...

Only the little guy took the storage ring handed over by the rickety old man. It was full of spiritual stones. How could she let it go.

I didn't expect that garbage to be so valuable? The little guy's eyes turned gloomy and he wiped his storage ring, looking funny.


Queen Yaoyue was amused by her. What kind of rubbish? That is the supreme formation that everyone wants to get! !

Young man, please leave first. The rickety old man didn't dare to stay any longer and immediately offered to leave.

Ling Yun smiled and did not stop her. Queen Yaoyue thought something would happen, but she was a little disappointed.

The last Tianshan Snow Lotus is left in this auction of Shengshi Auction.

Many people wanted to stay and see who took the photo of Tianshan Snow Lotus in the end!

Boom boom! !

There was a loud bang outside the gate. Everyone looked over calmly and saw a shaky figure walking in. The two guards at the front were killed by a sword energy!

When everyone saw the figure, they all opened their mouths, expressing great surprise.

That person is the Wuji Sword Master who was driven out by Elder Feng before!

He walked in holding a head with a smile on his face, but everyone couldn't tell who it was when they looked at the blurry head and could only make random guesses in their minds.

Elder Feng frowned and said in a stern voice: Master Wuji Sword, you are too presumptuous.

I didn't come here to look for you. The corner of Wuji Sword Master's mouth raised, and he immediately came to the high platform and knelt down: Fallowing your order, Master Jianglong's head is here!!


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Isn't Master Jianglong in his private room? How could he be killed?

Looking at the injuries on Wuji Sword Master, they must have had a big battle, but Wuji Sword Master was slightly better!

The direction where I knelt down was 303, and all eyes were immediately on 303!

Grandma Qu's eyes flashed with cold light. This was Pluto's order. She should have known from the beginning that according to Pluto's style, Master Jianglong, who had always been against him, would not be alive.

What surprised her was how Master Jianglong was killed by Master Wuji Sword outside. He should be in the private room.


He killed Master Jianglong!

Elder Feng glared at Wuji Sword Lord angrily, and without saying a word, he just slapped him!

At this time, the Wuji Sword Master was exhausted and couldn't fight back at all. He could only watch the terrifying palm attack him. He had no choice but to close his eyes in despair and smiled...

Boom boom!

303 burst out with a wave of fingertips, easily breaking Elder Feng's palm technique and saving the Supreme Sword Master!

The breath of terror spread throughout the auction building...

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