Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1439 Reactions from all parties

The little guy also put on the crown that Queen Yaoyue placed next to the seat. Although the size was not suitable, it still looked stylish.

Seeing this, Beibei clapped her little hands in joy and said in a milky voice: Hahaha, my sister will be the queen from now on.

Queen Yaoyue then smiled and said: Sissi, being a queen is very tiring.

I'm not afraid! Auntie Yao, let me take your seat from now on, and you can take care of yourself at home, and I'll make money...make a lot of money to support you. The little guy said in a sweet voice, with his hands on his hips, as if The appearance of an old man.

Well, when you are able to find the real Lady Qin in the future, I will pass the throne to you. Queen Yaoyue smiled charmingly, she liked the little guy very much, and even pinched the latter's pink face.

There has always been a legend in her family that only those who are worthy of possessing the Lady's Piano can become the domain lord. At that time, she was recognized by the fake Lady's Piano, so she was very justified!

Lady's piano?

Isn't it in her hand? The little guy suddenly became very excited and danced while standing on the throne. Queen Yaoyue didn't know what she was going to do. She was jumping around on the throne.

Sissi, be quiet. Ling Yun had to remind him aloud, really worried that she would say it.

It's not a good idea to take out the real lady's piano at this moment. The entire imperial domain will give Queen Yaoyue a headache first, because Diya is eyeing her!

Also, the little guy is not enough to take over the entire imperial domain. Even if Queen Yaoyue passes the throne to her, everyone will be quite unconvinced.

The most important thing is to establish her prestige. If she doesn't, everyone will regard her as a paper tiger and ignore her casually. What's the use of having the throne of queen.

You have to search hard in the future! Queen Yaoyue smiled sweetly!

The little guy listened to Ling Yun's words and said nothing, with his head nodding lightly.

The world will meet!

Three days later, the news came out. When the people of the Tianxiahui learned the news and learned that the three presidents of Snake, Rat and Dog were killed, and that President Sheep and Dragon were severely injured and detained, every president was shocked.

They are the newest sects in the new seven realms, and they are super overlord-level existences in the entire universe. They are not something like the Star Palace.

From its establishment until now, not many people have dared to challenge their Tianxiahui, but now someone actually dares to challenge his Tianxiahui like this.

Killing three people and capturing two alive is simply a provocation and insult to Tianxiahui Chiguoguo.

For a time, the entire world was very angry. Everyone was aggrieved and threatened to kill Queen Yaoyue.

Poor people didn't know that it was Ling Yun, the faith in their hearts, the powerful Pluto who personally ended them.

As the president, Jue Wuxin said to his subordinates: Follow me closely, go to the Imperial Domain, rescue the old dragon and the old dog, and make trouble for three days!

Follow the president's instructions!

There are many masters in Tianxiahui. In addition to the Twelve Guild Masters, there are also some casual cultivators who have joined. All of them are as powerful as the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor. They are proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts and cannot be underestimated.

but! The Immortal Emperor, the only female beauty among their twelve guild presidents, frowned slightly!

President Rabbit said: I heard that Pluto appeared in the middle of the three days and that the Diya Legion was destroyed by him. I don't know if this is true or not.

If it is true, why were the five presidents unable to be saved despite being in the middle of the country for three days? This was the doubt in her mind.

Little Tutu's words make sense! President Chicken frowned and said!

He also felt that this matter was not simple!

Jue Wuxin said coldly: Whether it is true or not, when will our world be provoked like this? Whether Pluto is here or not, in short, I will make a decision in the last three days.

He rejected Fei's suggestion and was determined to go there for three days! ! !

If Pluto is here, then he forcibly awakens the latter's sleeping demonic nature, kills the little princess, wakes up Pluto, and unifies the twelve realms!

If Pluto is not here, then that naughty bitch Queen Yaoyue should know that there will be an existence in the world that she can never afford to offend.

Afterwards, Jue Wuxin, who was full of murderous intent, led the five presidents of Tiger, Monkey, Pig, Horse, and Ox and more than a hundred Immortal Emperor casual cultivators to set off immediately.

The remaining two presidents, Rabbit and Chicken, stayed behind at the headquarters!

I had no intention of dying and never thought that this trip would never come back and the other presidents would be killed! !

The Great Emperor Jue Tian, ​​who was at the Shengshi Auction Headquarters, was equally angry, his eyes flashing with cold murderous intent!

All of his Red Blood Team were dead, not a single one was left, Zhong Sansan's deployment was ruined, and Qu Wanyan was deemed a traitor!

The rickety old man, Elder Feng, and several of his subordinates who were in Zhongsan Santian at that time were all killed in battle, and no one survived!

Pluto, you forced me. You have always forced me. We demons are at odds with you. Please clean your neck and let me wait for you.

Emperor Jue Tian was full of murderous intent, and the muscles on his face were rolling, making the world change. But he still had sense and did not immediately seek trouble for Pluto.

Holy area!

Diya stood by a tree, looking up at the stars. He listened to part of what his subordinate said, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

He sensed it before the Golden Avenue was cut off, and knew that the Black Legion would never return, and did not rescue again.

This chase has just begun. Lord Taishou, do you think you will win the game between you and me?

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Diya's mouth, and her eyes flashed with coldness.

Just as he finished laughing, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

The Evil King's True Eye said directly: Diya, you'd better not mess with him, you don't understand what he represents.

The True Eye of the Evil King? What are you doing here! Diya frowned slightly and continued through gritted teeth: He and I are destined to be old enemies. In this world, there is him without me, and there is me without him. You don't understand.

It's because you don't understand that he is from a different era than you, and you will never know how terrifying he is. The Evil King's True Eye reminded him.

Oh...not necessarily, he is just like that!

Diya shook his head. As the mastermind behind the last war in the God Realm, he had already seen it. He didn't think Tai Shenjun was that strong. He was still confident of winning when facing him head-on.

It's too late to stop now, otherwise your father Di Longyuan won't be able to save you! Evil King True Eye said in a heavy tone, with a serious expression on his face.

I don't need his rescue. I can strategize and win thousands of miles away. I'm better than him. I already have the divine domain, and the remaining six domains will be mine. And Hades is my stumbling block. I won't feel at ease until he dies.

He short, I have said everything that needs to be said, life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven, please take care of yourself.

The Evil King Zhenyan sighed. He knew that Diya would not stop. Even if he told the latter the true identity of the ancient Pluto, it would only make Diya fearful, but it would be useless and stimulate the latter's fight. Strong and competitive spirit.

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