Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1441 Earning martial arts skills

The little guy is a great last-hitter!

Grandpa, look, the beads are shining! They prove to be good things.

She touched the prayer bead gently, and it emitted a burst of dazzling golden light, making even her eyes widen.

It’s just that the Buddhist beads have spirituality, what a fuss!

But the old man was overjoyed, thinking to himself, what a good thing!

Beibei turned around and snickered, coughed twice and said: Grandpa, I have the final say and will give you a discount!

How many!


Okay, okay, you have the talent to be a boss. The old man was secretly happy.

That's right! Beibei curled her lips, as if it was the truth.

Then I want this string of Buddhist beads. The corner of the old man's mouth raised a hint of excitement.

The little guy said: Let me see what the price is!

She looked at the price tag inside the box, which showed fourteen thousand top-quality spiritual stones.

Beibei saw quickly and told the old man directly.

With a discount, the total is fourteen thousand yuan!

So little? When the little guy heard this, his face turned dark, and he immediately retorted: Sister...I said it wrong, no, was a discount of 30,000! 30,000!

Thirty...thirty thousand?

The old man jumped up and down. This was a money grab. What kind of discounts were there to deceive the old man? He was so angry.

The little guy scratched his head, then picked up the beads and said, Amitabha, old donor, don't think it's not worth it. Everything is worth it. Look at the color and the exquisite craftsmanship. You deserve it.

Hahaha. Beibei couldn't bear to look at it, it was her sister Li who was the one who was deceived!

It's just an ordinary thing. I don't think it's as amazing as you said. Nowadays, children can talk. I don't believe it.

Do not believe?

The little guy frowned slightly, then showed a hand!

The string of Buddhist beads actually emitted a power that shocked the old man, as if it had been activated. The latter was stunned.


What the little guy said is true. This string of Buddhist beads is indeed worth 30,000 top-quality spiritual stones. Master Xuanzhen would not have sold it if he had not been desperate.

The old man swallowed his saliva and glanced at Monk Shura secretly. Then he made up his mind and carefully said to the little guy and Beibei: Child, grandpa only has this little money, do you want to sell it?

Beibei asked: How much?

Not much, 20,000 yuan! The old man had 25,000 yuan in his storage ring, but he didn't want to take out more, just to fool two ignorant little guys.

How could I hide this little trick from the little guy!

No sale...just leave! You don't deserve such a good thing!

Just now I said it was worth having, but now I say it's not worthy...

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched violently!

The little guy put away the prayer beads and didn't let the old man see them!

Beibei said: Then I won't sell it. Anyway, there will be people coming later.

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man came to the door of the store!

Look...someone is coming.

The little guy smiled happily and looked like he was in demand, which made the old man anxious. He really liked this string of beads, and with the power he had just released, he must be a treasure.

Okay, two big bosses, I will give you this storage ring. There is also a book of martial arts in it. Can you use it as money to buy the Buddhist beads? the old man said eagerly.

The little guy's consciousness swept away!

The old man was suddenly startled and broke into a cold sweat!

He seemed to have a feeling of being stared at, but he just didn't know that it was the little guy's mysterious consciousness.

Oh well!

The little guy was extremely excited, but his mouth showed that he was not very willing, with an expression of unwillingness on his lips.

Beibei took the old man's storage ring, and the little guy gave him the string of prayer beads. Joy appeared on the latter's face.

These two kids are so easy to fool, this is a magic weapon! !

He read that right…

Even if he doesn't use it himself, he can still make a fortune by selling it at auction, which makes him feel happy.

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other, he went home immediately!


When he got home, he was dumbfounded. What kind of magic weapon?

I bother…

It's so fake, a few of them are bad...what a loss!

It's too late to regret now. Death has no proof and can only be used as a lesson.

Beibei laughed loudly, she had made money, she had a storage ring, a bunch of spiritual stones, and a martial arts book, which was about swordsmanship, which she liked best!

As soon as the young man who came in saw the back of Queen Yaoyue, he immediately ran away, speechless!

When there was no one in the shop, Beibei came to Ling Yun holding the sword technique.

Handsome Shu, do you think this swordsmanship is awesome?

Ling Yun glanced at it, feeling familiar! !

The four big characters on it are Aoxie Sword Technique!

Queen Yaoyue exclaimed: This is True Lord Aoxie, the number one madman in ancient times, with extremely powerful swordsmanship.

It's him!

Ling Yun suddenly remembered that when Nan Wutian was not the God Lord, as the latter's master, he arranged for a fight between True Lord Aoxie and Na Wutian.

That battle was shocking in the God Realm. In the end, True Lord Aoxie was defeated and was imprisoned in the Dragon Locking Tower.

He's not dead, that old man just now? Could it be him! Queen Yaoyue's mouth twitched fiercely. If it was him, it would make people laugh or cry.

Ling Yun shook his head, recalling the old man's face, he looked a bit like True Lord Aoxie. This old guy was so unlucky that he spent his entire youth in the Dragon Locking Tower.

Beibei tugged on Ling Yun's pants and said in a sweet voice: Handsome Shu, you haven't said whether it's powerful or not.

It's okay. If Beibei likes it, just learn it. There are so many skills that you can't overwhelm yourself.

Hearing this, Beibei immediately put away her sword skills happily and watched it when she had time. Ling Yun even praised her performance just now.

The little guy was looking around at the entrance of the corridor from the first floor to the second floor, his gray eyes rolling.


She walked up quietly, Ling Yun glanced at her and ignored her, while Beibei took the spiritual stone of the Buddhist beads.

Only then did Monk Shura remember the reason why they wanted to sell the beads.

Your Majesty, I have a favor to ask of you.

But it doesn't matter.

After a short period of expression from Monk Shura, Ling Yun and Beibei finally understood why Master Xuanzhen wanted to sell the string of beads.

Master Xuanzhen's little apprentice had been fatally injured only after the last battle in the God Realm, and needed a lot of tonic to survive.

They are now at the end of their rope and are still being hunted by Putuo Temple. They don't dare to blatantly come out to make money, so they can only devote themselves here.

Monk Shura wanted Ling Yun to save Master Xuanzhen's apprentice, a young monk who was in the God Realm at that time.

Ling Yun said: Where is he injured? He needs such a high amount of tonic.

The Dantian is broken.

Hearing this, Queen Yaoyue was shocked!

Who did it?

The evil king is asking for guilt! If Xuanzhen and Xuankong hadn't joined forces at that time, the child would have died. Monk Shura said.

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