Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1443 Buying medicinal materials

Conquer Tianxiahui?

The meaning is obvious, if it is not eliminated and incorporated into the War Temple, the World Society will be too rampant, and it will be deserved. The War Temple today is considered powerful, but it is still a bit difficult to face the strong men of the World Society.


Long Hua would not back down, even though he didn't know that there were only two presidents left at the Tianxiahui headquarters, Chicken and Rabbit!

Then, he immediately issued an order for the War Temple to attack Tianxiahui in a large scale and declare war.

After three days in the Imperial City, the people led by Jue Wuxin had arrived and were lurking on the outskirts of the Imperial City, waiting for an opportunity.

Jue Wuxin said: You stay here and stay hidden. I'll go to the imperial city to see what's going on inside.

President Pig said: Okay, be careful of Queen Yaoyue's people!


Looking at Jue Wuxin's slowly disappearing figure, everyone began to be on guard.

The little guy and Beibei were following Monk Shura to buy medicinal materials. They walked to the street and looked at the crowds of people coming and going. They held hands as if they were afraid of getting lost.

Because they are so cute and cute, many beautiful monks get close to them. In fact, they are asking about their fathers!

With such good genes, his father must be handsome! !

Monk Shura spent a lot of time liberating these two cute little guys from the hands of a group of girls. They laughed so hard that their faces turned red.

Amitabha, little princesses, follow me quickly. Monk Shura said.


Then they followed Monk Shura into a medicine shop, which was one of the best conscientious medicine shops in the imperial city.

Monk Shura doesn't take the ordinary route because he is familiar with the shopkeeper here and can be said to be a VIP.

How are you doing, Lord Gan? Monk Shura smiled at the person settling accounts at the counter, who was the shopkeeper of this conscientious pharmacy.

Hello, Master! I've had enough sleep recently, thanks to Master's guidance. Shopkeeper Gan smiled at Monk Shura, and looked down at the two little guys with a questioning look in his eyes.

Monk Shura didn't even explain, and just took out the piece of paper Ling Yun gave him. Shopkeeper Gan took it over and looked at it, and his eyes widened immediately.


He is not only a businessman, but also an alchemist secretly.

He had never heard of this prescription, but it gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

This...this is...the recipe for shattering and reorganizing Dantian. I am absolutely right.

Shopkeeper Gan had a look of excitement on his face, and his hand was trembling as he held the piece of paper. He didn't expect that he could see the lost elixir recipe, and he was really excited.


Monk Shura twitched the corner of his mouth and secretly thought that the shopkeeper was suffering from some kind of disease. Wasn't it just a pill recipe? What a fuss!

Dare to ask the master...

It cannot be said...Buddha said it cannot be said!

Monk Shura knew what Shopkeeper Gan wanted to ask, so he had no choice but to say Amitabha.

Beibei said: Amitabha, don't ask me questions that I shouldn't ask, or you may get killed.


Shopkeeper Gan: ...

Monk Shura: Ahem... Amitabha, please hurry up and get the medicine. You can't delay this kind of thing.

Hearing this, Shopkeeper Gan looked a little disappointed, missing the opportunity to become a powerful alchemist. Then he suppressed the doubts in his heart and started grabbing the medicinal materials on the prescription.

These are all unusual medicinal materials, and some of them take a long time to find, but this time is enough for Shopkeeper Gan to memorize the prescriptions in his mind.

So what if I write it down? Ling Yun is cautious in doing things. Some of the elixirs have more ingredients than others, which is normal! !

Even if Shopkeeper Gan knew the elixir recipe, he wouldn't be able to refine it.

Master, all the medicinal materials have been packaged. Shopkeeper Gan put a package of medicinal materials on the counter!

And the little one couldn't even see it beating a few times, so Beibei just stood up!

Aha, thank you sister!

Lifting the little guy up with one hand, if others saw it, they would definitely be shocked. In the eyes of outsiders, Beibei is only four years old, and he is still an ordinary person.

Well, what did you see? Beibei asked!

A pack of's so big!

Beibei: ...

Needless to say, the medicine must come in a pack. She meant to see nothing unusual!

The little guy suddenly frowned!

There was something wrong with these medicines, she smelled it, and her nose was like no other!

Monk Shura must not have noticed it, so he just nodded!

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy. What kind of shopkeeper Gan is this? Is he so bad?


It felt fun. She was serious about tricking such an unkind old man! !

Monk Shura said: Thank you for your hard work, donor!

You're welcome, Master, I still want to know...

Buddha said it cannot be said...

Shopkeeper Gan sighed, but he didn't believe he couldn't see the master alchemist!

He has already changed some medicinal materials. As long as Monk Shura brings them back, he can know who the master's alchemist is because there is a medicine that has a tracking smell.

It was this smell that made the little guy smell it, and then she quietly told Beibei, who frowned slightly and rounded his eyes.

Shopkeeper Gan said sincerely: I and the master have a feeling that it is too late to meet each other, so this time I will accept three thousand top-grade spiritual stones from you.

We met so late that we still wanted three thousand from him?

Depend on!

No matter how good-tempered Monk Shura is, he is still cursing in his heart at this moment.

He used to be the Demon King Shura...

Ahem... Looking back on the past, he finally looked helplessly at the little guy and Beibei, he had no money!

The little guy said: Grandpa, this pack of medicine is so expensive.

Haha, kid, it's not expensive anymore, it's a conscientious drugstore with a conscientious price.

If the elixir that can repair the Dantian comes out, you can imagine how much profit it will bring, so in his opinion, it is not expensive at all.

The little guy lowered his head and said in a touching tone: Grandpa, Sissi doesn't have that much money.

No money?

Monk Shura twitched his lips, where did they put the spiritual stones that they sold the beads just now!

Beibei said: Grandpa, if you answer my question correctly, I will give you double the amount. I am not short of money.


You can consider this, no no, you should agree immediately!

Shopkeeper Gan nodded immediately: What if the answer is wrong?

Then let us take this bag of medicinal materials without paying.

Okay, okay!

How could Shopkeeper Gan give in when dealing with a child? !

Beibei secretly covered her mouth and couldn't help but laugh.

The little guy said: If you are a thief, you steal six stones on the first day, eight stones on the second day, and the first ten stones on the third day... On the fifteenth day, may I ask...

Shopkeeper Gan has been calculating with an iron abacus, and is just waiting for the little guy to speak!

Excuse me, what's the name of that thief!! Beibei asked immediately, and the little guy smiled from ear to ear. She was not asking how much he had stolen in total. She secretly thought that this bad old man was stupid.

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