Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1447 Accidental collision

After sending Lin Tiewei and the little boy away, Ling Yun smiled slightly, and then led the little guys back to Foyuan Pavilion!

The backs of the group of people remained in everyone's sight. It wasn't until not long after that someone came back to their senses and said, isn't that the King of Hades!

Foyuan Pavilion!

Ling Yun touched the little guy's head and said to her and Beibei: You two stay here and look after the shop while I go to see a doctor!

Yeah, yeah.

Don't worry, I will sell whatever I can. Beibei said in a sweet voice.

Monk Shura twitched the corner of his mouth!

Master Xuankong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then led Ling Yun into the back room.

Not long after, someone quietly came into the store!

This person is none other than the escaped Blind Sheep Guild Leader, with a sealed cultivation level?


I finally smell the two of you. Hahaha, I'll kill you. I'm going to kill you. Guild Leader Sheep muttered in his heart.



Beibei's eyes were round. She pretended not to know and said in a sweet voice: Hello, do you want to buy anything?

President Sheep was confident that he had not been recognized because he had blackened his face.

What do you have for sale here? President Sheep asked!

The little guy frowned slightly, why is this person so dark? Blind again. he the Bao Qingtian and Bao Heitan that Dad said?

No. Beibei shook her head. This man was the bad old man from before. She recognized him and his aura was unmistakable.

Ahem... Guild Leader Sheep frowned, and was about to decide whether to take action now, because he found that now was a good time.

He didn't believe that he couldn't kill two children!

Look around, they're all here. Beibei said!

The little guy tilted his head and stared at the sheep president. The kid thought he looked familiar, but he was just a little darker.

Damn it!

When President Sheep was about to take action, the little guy burst into laughter!

I know you are a bad old man.

Depend on!

Once they were recognized, they would kill them immediately without stopping.

How can this be.

Seeing President Yang coming towards him with a knife, the little guy suddenly disappeared!

Where did you go.


Beibei was snickering on the side, laughing unabashedly. This kind of laughter seemed to be mocking President Sheep!

Damn it, if I can't kill her, then I'll kill you. President Yang suddenly faced Beibei coldly, his body exuding a cold killing intent.

Hahaha, fun.

I'll wipe it!

Guild Leader Sheep stood there blankly, the corners of his mouth twitching fiercely. Is this invisibility?

This time he felt clearly that Beibei disappeared right in front of him. His consciousness was correct, and he felt the movement of air. This was invisibility.


Beibei kicked Guild Sheep hard on the butt while being invisible.

And when the little guy took advantage of President Yang to fall, he waved his little hand, and the terrifying force knocked President Yang out of the door, and his internal organs seemed to be broken.

Depend on!

He felt aggrieved because he couldn't defeat Pluto's daughter and had no choice but to run away.

The passers-by outside were startled, and everyone was a little surprised when a big living person suddenly flew out.

The two little guys forgot Ling Yun's words, and chased him out in invisible state without even looking at the store.

Guild Leader Sheep quickly fled outside the imperial city.

I'm going, what's the matter?

Guild Leader Sheep was so frightened that he quickened his movements. Although he couldn't see the two little guys, there was no one around and the air was flowing. He secretly wondered why they were chasing after them!

Huh...sister, I won't chase you anymore.

The little guy suddenly appeared, sweat all over his head. This kid must have been too excited just now.

Then let's stop chasing him. Consider him lucky. Beibei also gave up. The cat and mouse game is not fun.

President Sheep, on the other hand, thought he was saved and was lucky to have escaped.

As a result, he was targeted by the people sent by Queen Yaoyue, and he was seriously injured. Naturally, he was defeated and was arrested again. He was so angry that his eyes darkened and he passed out.

The two little guys bumped into each other by mistake, and unexpectedly met the presidents of the Tianxiahui who were lurking.

Someone is approaching us.

It's just two kids, don't make a fuss.

The Pig Club frowned and looked at the little guy and Beibei nearby.

They are the daughters of Hades, exactly the same!!

President Ma was immediately pleasantly surprised. He was not ready to admit his mistake, and his tone was very sure.

After hearing this, a group of people immediately came out and surrounded the two little guys. The two of them were shivering, as if they were frightened, and they all hugged each other.

See little princess.


They were scared to death. They thought some bad guy who kidnapped children was here, but it turned out they knew them.

Beibei touched the little guy's head and said in a sweet voice, Don't be afraid, sister, sister is here.

The little guy nodded and began to glance at everyone in the Tianxia Assembly.

Little princess, where is Lord Pluto? President Tiger asked.

Ask me daddy, why do you ask me? The little guy rolled his eyes.


Several presidents were immediately speechless.

Did you forget something? Beibei rubbed his hands!

Seeing her like this, President Tiger understood that the two of them probably wanted gifts.

Princess, this is just a little bit of fun from my subordinates.

I have it too!

The four presidents took out a storage ring one after another and handed it to Beibei!

Oh, I'm so sorry, this is the first time we've met.

Beibei accepted it with a smile, and everyone's lips twitched. They couldn't see her embarrassed expression, but she looked quite embarrassed.

Where's mine? The little guy looked at it stupidly, and his cute look made people dumbfounded.


Everyone: ...

Haha, I have some, here you go! President Ma felt extremely pained, and he looked very willing.

This time the little guy smiled. She stretched out her hand again and again, and all the spiritual stones in the pockets of the presidents were given to them.

Yes, yes, for the sake of your filial piety, I will tell you where Shuai Shu is. Beibei said.

President Tiger chuckled, showing his big yellow teeth and asked: Where is Master Pluto?

Beibei said: In the city.

Everyone was speechless, were they asking in vain?

President Monkey pulled several presidents aside and whispered to them: Are you stupid? We can just capture them and bring them back to Tianxiahui. Pluto will definitely come.

Damn, what a good idea, why didn't I think of it. President Ma immediately slapped his thigh, looking like he suddenly realized something.

President Zhu said in surprise: This is the best. The awakening ceremony will be held in Tianxiahui. The sleeping Lord Pluto is coming back.

President Ma looked at the little guy with a half-smile but said, as long as he catches her, it will be worth all the spiritual stones he gave away before.

Others agreed!

The world will always be on the edge of death and never stop.

For them, dealing with two little guys is just a matter of waving their hands, and there is no pressure in their hearts.

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