Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1462 Meeting the wonderful heart

She still clearly remembered the first time they met. She was very ignorant at that time and found Ling Yun very strange.

As someone who had died twice, she knew very well about Ling Yun's ability, a mysterious and god-like man.

You all have a heart. Don't be sad. It's normal to be separated by life and death. This is the saying that there is always a banquet in the world.

Handsome Shu, why is there always a banquet in the world? It all depends on people. As long as you are willing to stay, we will prepare another banquet for you.

Yeah, I will definitely learn cooking skills from now on and make egg fried rice for you every day.

Ahem, no, no, no...that will allow you to take action. Ling Yun's mouth twitched, Sissi's cooking? Only if he can eat it is simply to inherit Ji Wuxue's dark cooking talent.

No, I want to learn to cook in the future.

The little guy seemed to have made up his mind, but Ling Yun knew that she was only interested in it for three minutes, and would forget about it after a few minutes.

Sissi, can you give me some of your father's future pension now? Even if you don't give it, you have to take some of it yourself.

Ling Yun took the opportunity to change the topic. He was short of money and could not afford a large amount of medicinal materials and materials, so both of them fell behind in their alchemy homework.

Daddy, I'm still a child. The corner of the little guy's mouth suddenly twitched, and his eyes turned gloomily.

Ahem, didn't you take the spiritual stones from the last auction? It was almost a million.

Oh, no more.

Impossible. Ling Yun's eyes almost widened.

It’s only been a few days!

How could it be gone? Where did the flowers go?

Beibei said: Shuai Shumao, I can testify that we don't have any spiritual stones anymore.

Did you lose it? Ling Yun asked angrily.

The little guy shook his head!

Beibei shook her head. She was a little embarrassed and said, My sister gave me all her spiritual stones.


My father, mother... they don't have it, so... so Beibei... Beibei said, hesitating as he spoke.

I see.

Ling Yun smiled slightly and turned to smile at Beibei.

Beibei must have gone out to fulfill her filial piety. She has not been with Long Xingtian and the others for so many days. It would be a lie to say that she doesn't miss them.

Just think of it as a small gift to them. Ling Yun can't really be that stingy.


Ling Yun was surprised, could Beibei secretly return to Wuhun Continent?

Later he found out that Beibei's Supreme Demonic Lotus had swallowed up millions of spiritual stones, and he didn't know if Beibei had discovered the power of the Supreme Demonic Lotus.

Don't worry, handsome man. Beibei will definitely work hard to make money in the future and earn lots and lots of spiritual stones.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. What's most important is that Beibei grows up happily. And you, what I hope is that you grow up safely.

Yeah, yeah.

It doesn't matter if the spirit stone is gone, Ling Yun has a lot of good things in his hands.

He could just take some of the things here and sell them at a price that no ordinary person would be able to earn in three lifetimes.

Look, handsome squid, what's at the front? Beibei pointed not far away. She saw some huge weapons on the ground, which were still overgrown with weeds.

Buzz! ! !

Ling Yun walked in the direction Beibei pointed, but unexpectedly stepped into a place similar to a battlefield.

The blood surging all over the sky here is the blood formed by too much blood that has been condensed and unable to dissipate.

The ground was covered with countless skeletons and corpses, as well as traces of various swords, guns, swords and halberds. Ling Yun looked at all of this with a familiar feeling.

Waves of cries of ghosts and howls reached Ling Yun and the others' ears, and the two little guys almost got goosebumps.

Then they saw countless resentful spirits gathering here. These ghosts transformed into skeleton faces, which were hideous and terrifying, and looked extremely penetrating.

Moreover, these resentful spirits contain very terrifying energy.

Handsome man.


Where is this?

This should be an ancient battlefield. These resentful spirits are left behind after the death of these powerful men.

Ling Yun said.

At this time, all these resentful spirits, which were making bursts of ghost cries and wolf howls, rushed toward Ling Yun and the others in a dense mass.

Surrounding them, these resentful spirits seemed to rush into Ling Yun and the others' bodies.

The expressions of the two little guys changed continuously, as if they were surprised, and they kept taking action to destroy these resentful spirits.

It's just that these resentful spirits quickly condensed after being shattered, as if they couldn't be destroyed at all.

It's so annoying, just like air. Beibei frowned slightly, wasting her energy.

Yao Yue has been here before, and her breath remains here, as well as the smell of blood. Ling Yun's face suddenly became very solemn.

The demon aunt is there, Sissi can't see it. The little guy's eyes started to look around.

Don't worry about these resentful spirits. If you dare to act recklessly, let them disappear into ashes. Ling Yun said.

ah! ! !

A male scream was heard nearby.

Ling Yun ran over quickly. He really ran, just like a normal person.

Who is he, bald?

The little guy and Beibei had almost the same tone, and they were both curious about who the screaming person in front of them was.

They witnessed with their own eyes the resentful spirit rushing into his mind. His eyes were bulging, his face was painful and ferocious, and he was clutching his head with both hands.

Handsome Shu, please save him.


It must be unbearable to watch, the two little guys couldn't hold it back.

Ling Yun came to him, pressed his brain with one hand, activated his power, and forcibly extinguished the resentful spirit in his mind.

Huhu, thank you...thank you...

When he woke up, his face was dripping with sweat. He was almost taken away from him, but now when he thanked Ling Yun, his body was shaking involuntarily.


How could he be here? This was his question.

Who are you?

Wonderful heart!

Putuo Temple?

Yes, I committed some crimes before and was sent to the Dragon Locking Tower by Nan Shen Zun.

I don't want to know what you committed. When you and your group come to the Haotian Sword Sect, it's not as simple as just exploring.

I don't know the specific reason. I ran away from them without getting an order. Miao Xin suppressed the anger in her heart.

He was betrayed, sold by Ban Yue and Jian Chi. Fortunately, he survived the catastrophe and came here by accident.

Ling Yun nodded and guessed that Miao Xin must have hidden some things about herself. Seeing that he was in such a state of desolation, he must have gone through a lot of hardships.

Sister, why is he semi-bald?

The attentive little guy discovered that Miaoxin had grown a little hair, but the Mediterranean Sea in the middle was very obvious.

Losing your hair at such a young age?

What's the reason? the little guy asked again, patting Miaoxin fearlessly, but the latter didn't dare to move.


Miao Xin wanted to say that he was a monk and he had been busy looking for the remains of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect these days and had no time to shave.

You don't need to tell me, I know. Beibei interrupted Miao Xin's words and stroked her chin with her little hand, looking like a little adult.

Aha, sister, tell me quickly.

Ling Yun also became curious, so he listened quietly.

Beibei said: Without a partner for a long time, your head thinks that you are going to become a monk, so your hair falls out spontaneously, which is commonly known as the Mediterranean Sea.


Ling Yun couldn't hold it back and laughed!

But the one who laughed the loudest was the little guy. The child’s laughter was full of milky sounds, which was very nice.

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