Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1477 Divine Sense

Queen Yaoyue said: Emperor, pay attention, something is wrong here.

Miaoxin said: Amitabha, there is indeed something wrong, but I can't explain it clearly.

He was just aware, not discovering anything.

Ling Yun sneered and pressed a certain part of the huge remains with one hand.

Boom boom!

The entire remains shook violently, and then a golden light floated out from the remains.

In the endless years, you are the first person to awaken my spiritual consciousness. Do you know where he is?


who is it!

Ling Yun frowned and then said: Jiuyou Mingze? are him, hahaha, are you coming back? I have been waiting here for hundreds of millions of years.

Go away. This is just an attachment that you are unwilling to stay.

It is useless to wait for so many years.

I... it's impossible. I can still reshape my body and fight for you. I respect you, sir.

It's useless. You are already dead. You are not a resentful spirit. You are just an unwilling spirit. What's the use of coming here.

Hehehe, I understand. I can't accompany you to fight. I can't see you unifying the universe and suppressing all generations. I can't see you avenging our Haotian Sword Sect. I'm retreating.

As soon as he finished speaking, his spiritual thoughts disappeared, and the huge remains also disappeared with the wind.

Ling Yun sighed and looked at the sky. He was thinking about why he must dominate the universe in order to live. He recalled how he was confused and killed Mu Duo, and how he was treated in the past.

Daddy, let's go.

Handsome Shu, you are so sad. Beibei said.

Ling Yun nodded, then smiled and said: Come here quickly, it's time for us to set off.

Papa, hold your sister. The little guy said as he threw himself into Queen Yaoyue's arms, which was the most comfortable position.

Queen Yaoyue was still slightly surprised. It wasn't until the little guy was lying on her heart that she suddenly realized it and her face became a little more rosy.

Ling Yun smiled, hugged Beibei, and flew away directly into a stream of light. This speed was so amazing that even Queen Yaoyue and Miaoxin couldn't catch up. The gap was too big.


The voice was very small, but Ling Yun heard it, and he quickly stabilized his figure.

What's wrong with Handsome Shu? He's so cowardly.

The road ahead was flat, but she didn't understand why there was a sudden brake, which scared her to death.

Ling Yun half-squinted his eyes, tapped his feet lightly on the ground, and then Beibei said: Let's wait here for Sissi.


Beibei nodded, Ling Yun said whatever she said, and she began to look around, while Ling Yun smiled mysteriously.

Is this a declaration of war? That's fine.

Ling Yun sensed that far away, groups of armies composed of resentful spirits were coming.

It was the army of resentful spirits of the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor. The latter returned to the dilapidated palace and found that the Holy Spirit Pearl was gone, and he immediately went crazy.

He couldn't figure out who had taken it. You know, the Holy Spirit Bead had been in his hand for many years, but he couldn't take it away because there were too many taboos around it that couldn't be broken.

At first, he suspected that it was Ling Yun, but after thinking about it carefully, he dismissed it. It was impossible for the latter to come here so quickly.


In a rage, he summoned all the resentful spirit armies and began a large-scale search for the person who had taken the Holy Spirit Bead. The Holy Spirit Bead belonged to him and could not fall into the hands of others.

This army of resentful spirits was not aimed at Ling Yun, but the latter simply thought it was coming towards him and wanted to declare war.

The person who took away the Holy Spirit Orb was Evil King Kunsin. This guy was practicing somewhere in the ruins, and the others were wandering around, diverting the attention of the resentful spirits, and buying time for Evil King Kunsin to attain enlightenment.

Ling Yun gently snapped his fingers, and demons rose up from the ground in the distance. Each of them was extremely powerful, and they were like an army formed by a mass of black energy.

With a roar, they obeyed Ling Yun's order and began to clear the way, killing all the resentful spirits, and those who refused were reduced to ashes.

Wherever they went, the horror was horrific, and the army of resentful spirits was retreating steadily, filled with fear.

Beibei said: Why are you so noisy, handsome man? You just don't care?

It's okay, that sounds nice. Are you hungry, Beibei?

Hahaha, you have discovered this. Beibei scratched his head in embarrassment, then looked at Ling Yun stupidly.

No, it's for you.

Eh... the packaging is different. Beibei looked at Wangzi in Ling Yun's hand with a look of surprise on his face, and then licked his mouth, making the kid drool.

Ling Yun smiled and said nothing. He asked the Sixth Guardian to change this packaging. It was more than ten milliliters larger than the previous one.

Thank you, handsome man.

Drink slowly, don't be in a hurry, be careful of choking.

I have to drink it quickly. When my sister comes, Handsome Shuai will not be able to bear to watch her drink it.

Ling Yun: ...

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Since Beibei had already made plans, Ling Yun didn't say anything and just followed the child.

Beibei scratched her head. How could she choke when she drank Wangzi? Isn't this a joke?

Just when she was thinking about this, she coughed!


Look, I told you to drink slowly. Ling Yun patted her back wordlessly.

Well, well, I have to drink quickly. Auntie Yao and my sister will be here soon.

Ling Yun: ...

After a while, Queen Yaoyue and the others arrived late, still dripping with sweat, obviously because they were in a hurry.

Daddy must have just arrived. I knew it. The little guy climbed down from Queen Yaoyue's arms and stared at Ling Yun and Beibei.

She seemed to smell a hint of Wangzai in the air, and she was so sensitive that she discovered the Wangzai jar on the ground.

No...this is yours.

Sister, I didn't drink either, not at all.

Ling Yun: ...

Beibei, can you destroy the can you drank from? If not, throw it far away. Do you think Sissi is blind?

Thinking back to this, Beibei couldn't survive without drinking. This kid cheated him openly. Ling Yun said it was too difficult.

The little guy shook his head: Okay, daddy, give your sister a can, and you can't let her watch me drink it.

She was very generous. Even though she knew that Beibei had just drank a can, she still pretended not to know anything.

Good boy.

Ling Yun smiled slightly and was very satisfied with Sissi's performance. Then Beibei got what he wanted and kept thanking the little guy.

Not long after they rested, the demon army had wiped out all the resentful spirits, but they were also beaten by Jun Yue to the point where they were unable to fight back. Although the demons did not die, they were also restrained.

After Ling Yun rested, he embarked on an adventure journey again.

They traveled unimpeded along the way until they reached their next destination, which was the Haotian Palace at the end. It was a broken place and there was no one else here.

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor and the Hurricane God were already planning how to kill Ling Yun and his party. When the former knew that his army of resentful spirits had been wiped out, he was furious and trembling with anger.

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