Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1479

How could Ling Yun not understand this meaning, which was to tell him not to kill the piranha? That pleading look in his eyes made Ling Yun dumbfounded.

Be smarter next time.

This was what he said to the piranha. The latter trembled in fear. It couldn't afford to offend the man in front of it.

Then Ling Yun left here, returned to the grass where he was lying just now, and began to close his eyes and meditate again.

Beibei, on the other hand, was refining elixirs. She picked all the medicinal materials nearby, which took a lot of effort.

Miao Xin glanced at it, and her eyes widened immediately. If he was not mistaken, the alchemy furnace was a divine weapon!

So irritating…

He is simply a prodigal, and all the artifacts are given to children to play with. It can only be said that Pluto is too willful, and his heart is blocked.

Little princess, do you want to make an elixir? Miao Xin asked in a questioning tone.

Are you blind? Beibei rolled her eyes, and she started to put the herbs in the stove.

Ahem... But... shouldn't there be fire in alchemy? Miao Xin blinked, her face looking ugly.

That's right, oops...I forgot about it, hahaha.

Beibei smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and immediately released a ball of strange fire. Miao Xin's jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.!!

This tone was almost extremely shocking. You must know that there are not many people in the seven realms who possess strange fire.

Now a ball of strange fire was right in front of him, on a child, how could he not be surprised.

While putting the herbs, Beibei boasted to Miaoxin: Do you want it?


Then keep thinking.

Miaoxin: ...

He continued to ask: Little princess, I really want it.



Whether you have money or not depends on how many spiritual stones you have!!

Beibei's eyes rolled round.


Miao Xin was selected by Evil King Wensui from the Dragon Locking Tower. The latter promised to give him a fee after finding the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect, but now it has been ruined.

Then keep thinking.

No money?

Beibei will not tell Miao Xin that this child is a little money addict.

Then...can you tell me where your strange fire comes from?

Hahaha, then ask the right person. This strange fire is caused by eating green vegetables.

Miaoxin: ...

He had an expression that said I believe you.

Suddenly there was a bang!

The lid of the alchemy furnace flew off and exploded inside.

Beibei's entire little face turned dark. Ling Yun sniffed the air and said speechlessly: Beibei, what kind of elixir are you making?

Sky-priced Resurrection Pill.



Ling Yun was so shocked that he sat up suddenly. The sky-high price of the Resurrection Pill?

Miao Xin said: Little princess, don't joke, you don't know how to make elixirs, okay?

At this age, it was really impossible for him to believe that Beibei could make alchemy.

Do you know about elixirs? Ling Yun asked curiously.

I don't understand, that's all.

Hearing this, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and he was speechless. It would be weird if he didn't practice blindly and blew up the furnace.

Beibei, the first step is to prepare the recipe.

Then Ling Yun said directly that the elixir was coming out. Miaoxin on the other side widened his eyes and thought to himself, my dear, is this the real elixir? That's priceless.

Beibei nodded excitedly and wrote everything down in his head without missing a beat.

Based on some of the medicinal materials provided by Lingyun, Beibei began to refine the elixir again. However, her ability was limited after all, and the lid of the alchemy furnace was knocked off again.

Ling Yun sighed, and then comforted Beibei with a few words. The sky-high price of the Resurrection Pill is not that easy to refine, and Beibei still has a long way to go to learn.

Beibei, no one is perfect. You must understand that as long as you do something, there will be right and wrong. You are still a child.

But, handsome Shuai Shu, I just want to do better.

It's good enough. Ling Yun smiled slightly, squatted down and rubbed Beibei's little head, with a kind look on his face.

Soon, Queen Yaoyue came out with the cleaned little guy. As soon as the latter came out, she immediately asked Ling Yun what happened to the flower.

Ling Yun said: I hope your kindness will be valued in the future.

The little guy seemed to understand this, but she knew that her father did not kill the piranha, and that was enough.

Huh? Someone who doesn't know whether to live or die is coming to die. Ling Yun smiled strangely, and his demon as an informant knew that someone was approaching quickly.

Hahaha, I'm sorry, I just heard that Jiuyou Mingze came to the ruins, and I was disappointed to welcome him from afar.

Hearing his voice but not seeing him, he is the number one god of war in the hands of the hurricane god, blood history!

Who are you? This is a paradise of peace. Please leave, otherwise... you will die here. Ling Yun frowned, his eyes radiating a cold chill.

I have never met you, and you were not the one who killed me when I was alive. I just came here to fight you. I am the bloodthirsty spirit.

Xue Li's figure gradually appeared in front of Ling Yun and the others, dressed in red.

Hahaha, you want to die? You are not my opponent. Since we have no hatred, why should we die?

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Because I am the God of War! You don't understand that the God of War can only die in battle. You killed the Hurricane God and the Eight Treasures Emperor. Logically speaking, I will also fight for them.

I can promise you, but this place cannot become a battlefield. It is a place that my daughter likes.

I'll wait for you outside.

Xue Li frowned and stared at the little guy for a while before leaving.

Don't be careless, Pluto. He might be trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. You should be calm and don't be fooled. Miao Xin said.

Where is the emperor going? Queen Yaoyue asked worriedly, hoping that it was not the result she thought.

You stay here and I'll finish him off. Ling Yun smiled. It doesn't take long to deal with a piece of trash.

Come on daddy.

Come on handsome Shuai Shu, Beibei supports you.

The two little guys nodded to Ling Yun and shouted in unison, with a milky voice.

Please be safe.

Although there were Ling Yun's demons lurking around, he still reminded him loudly.


No matter how much Queen Yaoyue shouted, Ling Yun had already disappeared and could not be heard. She could only sigh.

Boom boom!

When Ling Yun appeared, Xue Li's fist came towards the wind.

From a head-on perspective, Xue Li knew that he was no match for Ling Yun. Instead, he was knocked back by Ling Yun's wave. He tried not to spit out a mouthful of blood. The difference in strength was too great.

Why do you want to die? You finally found a new body, why don't you live? Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, still a little admired by this man.

The eagle will not break its wings due to the storm, and the wolves will not be afraid of the long night. I am the God of War, and fighting is my mission. I will not be afraid or shrink back because you are Jiuyou Mingze.

Hahaha, you are so interesting. Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed, and then his eyes slowly darkened.

If I can fight Jiuyou Mingze, I will die without regrets.

Boom boom!

Without any hesitation, Xue Li unleashed his ultimate killing move, the terrifying power approaching Ling Yun.

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