Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1486: Conspiracy

On Ling Yun's side, he looked at the stars in the sky and suddenly smiled. He could use the stars to quickly reach the Holy Spirit Bead with one move.

The stars have changed!

A burst of light descended, and Ling Yun and his party immediately followed the light and arrived at the place in an instant. And when had the two little guys ever seen this operation before?

Their eyes widened. This seemed to be more awesome than Thunder Gate.

Queen Yaoyue and Miaoxin finally managed to gain a foothold, and were equally surprised.


In front of Ling Yun was the Evil King who was questioning the crime, and the latter laughed.

Nine Netherworld Ze!

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor and the others are also here, and they have just arrived. He, the Hurricane God, and La Yue!

You are finally here, so to speak, they are dead, hahaha, you killed them well. He basically knows those subordinates of Hurricane God. If Ling Yun appears here, then those resentful spirits and their blood history will be gone. sacrificed.


Evil King Wen Zui stared at Ling Yun with wide eyes and a look of shock.

Jiuyou Mingze was the King of Hades. This news hit him hard.

So you are him, good! Very good, very good. Evil King Wenzui laughed loudly. He was no longer a ball of black energy, but was now fully armored, all black, and the demonic energy around him was very strong.

Evil King Wenxin, I didn't expect you to dare to come out and not run away when you saw me!! Ling Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised by the power of Evil King Wenxin at this moment.

The power is there, probably the same as the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor and the Hurricane God.

Hahaha, you are the Supreme Lord, Pluto, and Jiuyou Mingze. Remember the battle in the God Realm. I said that I will come back sooner or later. The evil king asked.

Today is the end of you. The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor snorted coldly.

Ling Yun smiled disdainfully, who wouldn't say harsh words.

I didn't expect you to be the one who took away the Holy Spirit Orb. The Evil King will ask the blame. The Hurricane God smiled, unable to get angry at this moment.

As long as you don't hate me, the massacre of the Haotian Sword is Lord Yinfeng's order.

Evil King Wensui looked at the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor and the Hurricane God with shock in his eyes. It was really an accident to meet them here.

You are alive, that proves that he is still alive. We have not blamed anyone, we are just unwilling... Do you know why we exist?

A kind of unwillingness after death. We are resentful spirits. We are transformed into resentful spirits and we also want revenge. This moment is a fateful encounter. Jiuyou Mingze, you can't get out alive. The hurricane god said angrily.

They are three against one at the moment, and there is also a LaCrosse. In their opinion, Ling Yun is in a certain death situation.

The evil king asked: I can understand that Jiuyou is right in front of you right now. Let's kill him together.

Where is Master Yinfeng? I am still not convinced. The Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor said.

Demon Sea.

The evil king asked the crime and had no intention of hiding it from them. He said it directly, and Ling Yun and the others heard it very clearly.

Queen Yaoyue was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She had read about the Lord Yinfeng mentioned by the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor and others in the records.

The most powerful god in ancient times, Yin Feng!

The Hurricane God smiled and said to the Evil King: When I finish Jiuyou Mingze, I will follow Lord Yinfeng again.

If I don't go, I haven't seen him looking for us or avenging us for so many years. What kind of leader is he? The Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor became angry and his beard twisted in anger.

You all know Lord Yinfeng's situation. It's not that he doesn't want to avenge you, but that he is powerless.

You are also seeking death. You insist on provoking the God of Darkness and ruin your future. The Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor said.

It was the decision of the gods to seal the ancient Yin Feng into the Demon God Sea, and his subordinates, a total of ten evil kings, also sealed the Demon God Sea.


The Evil King questioned the ridicule of the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor across from him, but just raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then answered calmly.

The Hurricane God shook his head, stared at the Evil King and asked with great curiosity: Evil King, why can you come out?

According to his understanding, it is impossible for the demon gods sealed in the Demon God Sea to come out. Now that the Evil King Questioning the Sin appears in front of him, it really scares him.

I'll tell you later. Evil King Wenzui smiled mysteriously, and the power in his body soared into the sky.

Boom boom!

Huge dark clouds formed in the sky. The evil king wanted to bring the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect back to the world. There was a huge rumbling sound in the sky.

Five minutes later, Ling Yun stared at the sky. A huge hole had opened in the sky, and the clouds and mist were pushed aside to see the blue sky!

You can clearly see the sky outside, the sun is shining brightly, and wisps of warm sunlight shine in, contrasting with the darkness.

Ling Yun clapped his hands and said, Interesting, interesting. The Evil King is asking for guilt. I will let you know that you are wrong later.

The little guy next to me pointed at the strange sky and said in a sweet voice, Daddy, is this the exit?

Yoyue, take them aside and protect them both. If there is a hair missing, please apologize.

If it was so serious, Queen Yaoyue turned pale with fright, and she was under great pressure.

Sissi Beibei, come here quickly, this is where you want to stay. Queen Yaoyue said.

The two little guys looked at each other, and then followed Queen Yaoyue and Miaoxin.

The evil king asked, Even when death is imminent, Jiuyou Mingze still speaks arrogantly.

With the reappearance of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect's ruins, all the people brought in before the Evil King's inquiry flew over.

The group also includes Linghu Hero, Sikong Stealing Star, scholar Bai Xiaoru, and Lao Zamao!

Facing them, Ling Yun was not nervous at all, but instead felt a sense of anticipation.

The hurricane god laughed and took out his weapon, an ax named Shidian Yama!

Jiuyou Mingze, have you seen it? It's exciting. Are you afraid? Old friend, do you still remember it?

Ling Yun was indeed surprised when he saw the Tenth Palace Yama, but he was not trembling.

This ax is very harmful and once chopped off one of Ling Yun's hands. This is the reason why the Hurricane God has always been scornful in front of the Eight Treasures Emperor.

The Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor said: He has lost his memory, but it doesn't matter. Your ax will make him remember the pain.

Your Ten Palaces of Yama, the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor's Shura Sword, and my Holy Spirit Pearl, I don't believe that Jiuyou Mingze will have nine lives.

You are doomed this time.

That's a long way to go. Are you going to fight or not? Ling Yun frowned and became a little speechless.

Come on, Lord Evil King.

Hero Linghu and others on the side could only encourage the Evil King to punish him, but they did not dare to interfere in their affairs.

Evil King Wenzui whispered to Linghu Hero: The Tai Chi Seal is on that child. When we fight Jiuyou Mingze later, you are responsible for getting the Tai Chi Seal. any cost.

Although the voice was small, Ling Yun heard it, and the latter became furious.

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