Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1493 The dust has settled

I'm trying to show that old man some respect. Leave now, or I'll spare your life.

Ling Yun's eyes condensed, and his tone was filled with murderous intent! !

Old Man Sui could see that Ling Yun was not joking and ran away in fright.

Years...years...come back to me! Come back.

No matter how much the evil king screamed, the old man never looked back, wishing he had two more legs.

The little guy scratched his head, looked at the black hole in front of him, and rolled his eyes immediately. She wanted to stay here and have a look, and learn something by the way.


She couldn't help herself, Queen Yaoyue grabbed her with one hand and walked directly into the black hole, while Beibei followed with Miaoxin.


The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor shouted unwillingly behind Junyue, feeling the color of death coming step by step.

Jiuyou Mingze, we will meet again later. Evil King Wen Zui turned around and ran away before the thunder and anger fell.

Damn it, they're all so cowardly. If I don't accept it, it's better to run away first, so that I can keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood.

While saying harsh words and doing the same cowardly thing, the hurricane god's behavior made Ling Yun shake his head and laugh. In the face of death, who dares to say that he is not afraid.


Suddenly, a magnificent wave surged from the sky, overwhelming the sky, giving people the illusion of a huge mountain crashing, and the void was shaking.

Suddenly, a large ray of lightning came and spread across millions of miles, and then turned into a purple-blue ocean, like the energy of chaos permeating everywhere, covering the sky and the sun, and being extremely thick.

Ling Yun's huge thunder fell, and the evil king laughed loudly. He thought he could escape, but he bumped into Ling Yun's heavenly prison, and the entire ruins were shrouded in the heavenly prison.

Where can these people escape? The terrifying power of Thunder and Fury is suppressed and continues to wreak havoc in the ruins. However, the sea of ​​death in the outside world is just rough and has no power to flow out of the sky prison.

The defense of Tianlao is so amazing. From the outside, it looks like the end of the world. Except for the black lightning that is constantly flashing, nothing else can be seen.

The entire sky in the ruins was shrouded in thunder and fury, emitting blazing thunder light, constantly flashing and intertwining, as if a dragnet had been laid, covering the evil king to punish them.

The evil king Wen Zui kept resisting desperately, bleeding first from the corners of his mouth, and then from all seven holes. It was horrific, but he was still gushing out all his strength. If he couldn't escape this disaster, he would die.

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor was hidden in a tree by Jun Yue and then insulated. He used his body as a wraith to resist the powerful thunder and lightning.

After a while!

Jun Yue closed his eyes in despair. He tried his best, but in the face of this endless power, the resentful spirit in his body could not save him.

The hurricane god laughed and died directly in the thunder and fury...

Although the whole person was full of unwillingness, he accepted that he was killed twice by a man. No matter how unwilling he was, there was no hope.

He still underestimated Ling Yun... After so many years, he didn't even know that Ling Yun had grown to a level that he could not stand.

I beg for mercy...please for mercy...don't kill me...

Unable to bear it any longer, Evil King Kunsui was finally willing to bow his head to Ling Yun, but Ling Yun, who stood in mid-air like a god, had eyes full of indifference.

Seeing Ling Yun being indifferent, Xie Wangwensui knew that he would not survive even if he was humble, so he no longer begged for mercy at this moment.

In Jiuyou Mingze, there will be people who will avenge me. I am waiting for you in Huangquan...waiting for you...Master Yinfeng is the strongest.

The evil king laughed loudly, and his figure was finally swallowed up in the thunder and fury. Everything was settled, but the terrifying thunder and fury continued to destroy the ruins.

Ling Yun frowned and suddenly smiled and stared at a certain place. There was an insulating tree in that place, and the Eight Treasures Emperor was hiding inside.

It's good that you're not dead. I promised you that you would never be reincarnated. You have to thank your subordinates.

Ling Yun's figure flashed and took away the insulating tree.

The Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor vomited blood to death. He was already a disabled person. He was still not given a way to survive. He hated Ling Yun in his heart.

Ling Yun suddenly appeared in the Sea of ​​Death, just above the ancient Haotian Sword Sect. Below, Thunder Fury was destroying, and he glared at the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor.

Give you a way to survive? Haha, what about those people from the ancient Haotian Sword Sect? Did you ever give them a chance to blame me for all this?

Ling Yun had read the memory of the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor before and knew part of the matter. He had no mercy for the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor and the others.

Ahem... let go of me, I am a god... you shouldn't do this to me, you humble human being.

Being choked by Ling Yun, the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor couldn't breathe. He felt very uncomfortable and even said harsh words without restraint.

He really had to choose to commit suicide when he was about to die. The words of the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor made Ling Yun extremely angry, and a pair of blood-red eyes reappeared.

You can only attack a useless person. If you have the ability to go to Lord Yinfeng, who are you?

Hahaha, him? As long as he dares to come, he must know who has the final say in this world. Ling Yun laughed angrily.

Kill me, kill me...

You will never be reincarnated. Ling Yun transformed into a giant Buddha and muttered some strange scriptures to himself.

The Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor was crushed to pieces in the palm of his hand, and the blood fell into the sea of ​​death. The Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor screamed a few times, and then died no more.

After that soul floated out, it was tortured by Ling Yun's scriptures and dissipated bit by bit between heaven and earth.

This is what is called never being reincarnated, and having to suffer tremendous torture before death.

You're rubbish, and you dare to be so crazy in front of me.

Although Ling Yun killed the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor, he was still filled with anger because of what the latter said before he died.

Dark wind…

It's best not to appear in front of him, otherwise he will be killed without fail if you offend him.

Just when Ling Yun was about to leave, the ruins flashed with light.

I forgot about you. Although you have been refined, it is not a problem. Ling Yun smiled softly and stretched out his right hand.

A huge force enveloped the entire ruins...

Condensation, Holy Spirit Bead...

After a burst of golden light, a complete Holy Spirit Bead slowly floated up and slowly flew into Ling Yun's hand.

The Holy Spirit Pearl had been destroyed by Ling Yun's thunder and fury, but it still remained in the ruins. Ling Yun used his supreme divine power to condense it again.

Outsiders must be surprised by such a small trick, but for Ling Yun, it can be done in minutes.

The Evil King is asking for sin. I wonder if you will be surprised when you see the Holy Spirit Pearl in my hand. You will definitely be shocked and speechless.

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he disappeared directly into the Sea of ​​Death, while the thunder and rage continued, like a roaring lion, and the power seemed to never disappear.

In the palace for three days, the little guy was sitting on the throne, waiting quietly for Lingyun to pick her up, while Beibei was teasing the little Medicine King Cauldron on the ground.

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