Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1499 Reconciliation fails

Yan Xuefei had met An Qing once before at the Yuexia Auction in the God Realm, but she could only see her true face now.

An Qing smiled and nodded in response.

The person in front of her was the Emperor and Empress of the God Realm. Everyone would be extremely surprised, but An Qing immediately put on her mask and nodded slightly to everyone.

Little princess, we are just a general meeting of the family. We have not bullied Concubine Yan Xuefei, absolutely not. The ancestor of the Yan family had fear written all over his face, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his back was soaked.

The little guy muttered, and she was just talking casually. Then she looked at the ancestor of the Yan family and said, Where's my daddy?

The ancestor of the Yan family didn't know this question either. He was speechless and hesitant for a while.

Yan Xuefei said speechlessly: The Emperor is not here. Are you looking in the wrong place?

Beibei's mouth twitched, there really was no trace of Ling Yun here.

Not there.

The little guy started looking around, not believing it at all.

At this time, a certain elder said: Little princess, that... Supreme Lord is really not here.

After Long Yanran was sure, she told the little guy that Ling Yun was not here, and she nodded.

Beibei shook Yan Xuefei's skirt and asked in a milky voice: Fuck mom, do you need my help? I'll tell you, Beibei is really amazing now.

Yan Xuefei believed that Beibei had done more harm than her, but it would be too embarrassing to ask a child to help, so she smiled bitterly and shook her head in refusal.

Beibei raised her hands and turned her head to the side, looking quite angry, which made An Qing and the others dumbfounded.

Ancestor, we are leaving.

Many elders began to leave one after another, just because the little guy and An Qing were here, they were too stressed.

To be honest, they really don’t want to have anything to do with Pluto, who is the public enemy of the world!

If you have a relationship with Pluto, something will happen sooner or later!

let's go.

The ancestor of the Yan family waved his hand. He was also helpless. This little guy ran to the door. How dare he drive them out? It was obviously impossible!

After everyone left, Yan Xuefei also resigned. Since Yan Sijun was fine, she would be released on the spot.

This is still the credit of Beibei!

Uncle, do you still remember us?

Beibei blinked and looked at Yan Sijun, who twitched the corner of his mouth, wondering if he could remember that these two little scourges caused him to be beaten so badly.

You can play by yourselves while I go back to my room to recover.

Thinking of him taking the blame, Yan Sijun was so angry that he simply turned a blind eye to avoid being upset.

Beibei laughed loudly, and then led the way, taking An Qing and the others to Yan Xuefei's yard.

in the yard!

Everyone was discussing the matter of the Snow Dragon Clan. Since the matter was caused by two little guys, An Qing could not just sit idly by.

An Qing said: Let's do this. I will come forward and have a good talk with the Snow Dragon King and the others first to avoid the loss of life in Wuhun Continent.

The Wuhun Continent already belongs to the little guy, so we should try our best to avoid war and hurt innocent people.

Okay...I'll go with you then.

Yan Xuefei also nodded in agreement, but she nodded temporarily. The death of the head of the Yan family must be avenged.

Regardless of the attitude of the Yan family or hers, the battle between the Yan family and the Snow Dragon Clan must be carried out but not now.

She planned to contact Gui Jianchou, Gui Yaksha and the others to immediately start a war with the Snow Dragon Clan, so that it would not affect Wuhun Continent.

The Ghost Queen smiled mischievously and said, With me as my addition, we'll see when the Dragon Clan dares to be so rampant.

Beibei's eyes rolled round and she said in a sweet voice, Count me in, I want to see it too.

You! Stay here well.

The others didn't speak, just shook their heads, but Qin Xianglian was the one who spoke.

Bad mother...

Beibei was so angry that she curled her lips, but there was nothing she could do.

Ah ha, sister can't go. The little guy covered his eyes and peeked with some gloating. He looked so cute.

You can't do it either, come down quickly. An Qing flicked the little guy's forehead and rolled her eyes.


Beibei: Hahaha!

Kid, you have no human rights. The little guy immediately curled his lips, feeling like he had missed a hundred million.

After a while!

An Qing, Yan Xuefei and the Ghost Queen set off, leaving Long Yanran and Qin Xianglian in the yard, as well as several maids around Yan Xuefei.

Beibei's eyes rolled round and she said to Qin Xianglian: Mom, I'm sleepy and I'm going to sleep.

Qin Xianglian paused, and then took her back to the room to rest. At this point, most of the Yan family was awake.

The little one refused to go to bed and said she wanted to wait for her father to come back. She also clamored for Long Yanran to tell her stories.

Long Yanran said jokingly: Hey, Sissi doesn't remember who I am, you...go to bed quickly, I don't have a story either.


The little guy started scratching his head again.

Aunt Long!

Her little body was rubbing her body and she was acting coquettishly. Long Yanran smiled and said, Do you know who I am?

Aunt Long, where's Uncle Xu Le?

He has gone to practice, and the ends of the earth will follow him.

Oh...then tell me something I don't know.

Long Yanran: ...

But Beibei in the room was restless, secretly following An Qing and the others. She was smart enough to use the magic skirt to become invisible, so she was unaware of them.

Yan Xuefei and An Qing arrived at the temporary residence of the Snow Dragon Clan. The opposite side was brightly lit and there were tents stretching for thousands of miles.

It seems that the Snow Dragon Clan is serious, the whole nest is dispatched! !

After An Qing and the others were notified, they met the Snow Dragon King as they wished, but after a brief conversation, the latter became quite angry.

To reconcile with your sister, your Yan family must bury my son with him, said he is the emperor and empress? This Dragon King will believe it. Even if he is, he will not spare you.

The Supreme Lord is no longer the Lord of God, so what qualifications do you have to speak? Besides, he is still the sinner Pluto, and everyone will kill him. If you kill my son, you will all die.

Kill them!

The Snow Dragon King glared angrily, and after a few roars, he gave an order, and everyone immediately surrounded An Qing and the three of them.

An Qing didn't expect the Snow Dragon King to be so disrespectful. The situation had become serious. If so many dragons went crazy, it would be difficult for the three of them to escape without dying.

What should we do? There are so many people on the other side. The Ghost Queen swallowed hard. She had never seen such a big battle before.

There are still several snow dragons flying in the sky, the temperature is slowly dropping, and white snow is falling.

Why are you being cowardly? We are from Ghost Island and we cannot be cowardly even if we die.

Yan Xuefei immediately drew her sword and faced it. She was not afraid of the opponent's overwhelming force at all. She also told her that she had died long ago and that she had earned her extra time.

A certain snow dragon clan elder immediately came forward with a sword and fought with Yan Xuefei. For a while, it was difficult to tell who was the superior. The others were not watching the show, but were beating up An Qing and the Ghost Queen.

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