Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1604 The last one (third update)

Ling Yun frowned and didn't take them seriously, as if they had never appeared!

Why is that figure so familiar?

It seems to be our demon lord!

What, it's really the same image.

Are they going to fight?

Listening to the discussion around him, Yutian Demon could no longer hold back: He is not the Demon Lord, he is a devil. He killed the Cold-Blooded Demon, the Xiaoyao Demon, and the Junlingxi Demon!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Three demon kings died, which was unheard of.

How could the Demon Lord do this to you!

The Demon Lord has always been the belief of people in the Demon World, but now that the Heavenly Demon Lord says this, how can they accept it.

If you don't believe it, you can ask him. The Heavenly Demon Lord pointed at Ling Yun with the golden head of the ax on his back.

Ling Yun smiled softly and nodded in response: I killed them, do you want to stop me?


In the distance of Haotian City, millions of monks were dead and silent. At this moment, there are no words to describe their mood.

Three demon kings died in one day. This was a major event that had never happened in the demon world.

The Heavenly Demon Lord saw a familiar figure and quickly said: Xiaoyue, it's me... help me quickly!


How to save?

The Laughing Moon Demon Lord recognized the embarrassed Yutian Demon Lord. But he was confused and didn't even understand what was going on. He didn't dare to act rashly.

If this is the Demon Lord, why would he kill Yutian Demon Lord and the others? Besides, he may not be able to save Yutian Demon Lord if he takes action. He is not stupid.

This is your business and has nothing to do with me. The Laughing Moon Demon Lord said calmly.

Ling Yun looked at Yutian Demon Lord and said in a deep voice: It's the same for everyone, you will die!

Ling Yun put his fingers together and swung out his sword energy. The sword light seemed to reflect the changing seasons and the prosperity of the universe.

Even if I die, I won't make it easy for you!

The Heavenly Demon King was holding a giant golden ax and struggling to resist.

He slashed out with his ax, and the mighty ax light seemed to cut through the sky.

But once it encountered the sword light released by Ling Yun's sword, the ax light seemed to have been weakened layer by layer.

As soon as the powerful ax light fell into it, it was ruthlessly eroded and weakened by the sword light.

How can it be?

Yutian Demon Lord was shocked. Without any suspense, Ling Yun killed Yutian Demon Lord again.

Everyone who saw this scene was extremely stunned. What they feared most was that the air suddenly became quiet.


They had heard that the three demon kings had been killed before, but had not seen it with their own eyes. Now that they had actually seen it, they felt horrified.

After a while!

Ling Yun turned around and left. Who knew who was shouting in the crowd: Long live the Demon Lord!

Long live the Demon Lord!

Almost at the same time, everyone was shouting this sentence.

And Ling Yun's majestic voice seemed to fall from the sky.

I am not your demon lord. The demon world can choose another one. One day, I don't want to become your enemy.

Most of the people in Haotian City are former indigenous people, and there are some who later joined the demon world. Not all of them are people who deserve to be killed.

Ling Yun had left, but he left behind a legend, a passage that made them unbelievable.

His power was even more deeply ingrained in their minds.

At this moment, Qiu Mo was frightened and fled far, far away, into a desert!

After escaping so far, there's no way he could come. I'm exhausted. Qiu Mo was sweating profusely under the huge sun.

He naturally had his own plans for escaping here! !

In the desert, he also had a good friend who entered the demon world for deep cultivation in ancient times. His strength was not lower than his own, and he could be said to be the strongest person in the demon world.

He is indifferent to fame and wealth, and only thinks about cultivation without caring about worldly affairs.

Demon Lord Yu Qingjue!

Qiu Mo, what are you doing here? The voice seemed to come from all directions.

Yu Qingjue, I came here to take refuge this time.

Qiu Mo said directly.

Are you kidding? With your strength, who in the demon world can do anything to you, haha.

Demon Lord Yu Qingjue laughed.

I'm not kidding, I just hope he won't be found here.

Qiu Mo's tone was trembling.

This is my territory. Even if his dragon comes in, he will have to lie down when he comes in! Demon Lord Yu Qingjue said coldly.

Hearing the words of Demon Lord Yu Qingjue, Qiu Mo felt somewhat confident.

Just don't be cowardly when the time comes. I'll take a rest first. I'm exhausted.

You're such a cunning person, you're still the same as before. You don't want to tell me what's going on. Demon Lord Yu Qingjue said in a helpless tone!


A clear figure flew over from a distance. He looked like a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a smile on his face and looked very domineering.

What are you talking about? Qiu Mo sat down weakly and glanced at Demon Lord Yu Qingjue. The latter was still the same as before, not much changed.

This is the first time I've seen you in such a mess.

A smile appeared on Demon Lord Yu Qingjue's lips, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He thought that Qiu Demon's claim that he was in trouble was a lie, but he never thought that it was true.


Demon Lord Yu Qingjue and Qiu Mo both looked serious at the same time.

Demon Lord Yu Qingjue frowned: Who is it?

Here he comes, damn...he still caught up... Qiu Mo immediately stood up and looked around, his face pale.

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, floating down from the clouds, lightly stepping on the air, feeling at ease.

Who are you? You broke into my home without permission. You are seeking death. Demon Lord Yu Qingjue frowned, looking at Ling Yun with half-squinted eyes, and his tone was very cold.

You are not qualified to know. This matter has nothing to do with you. Just get out of the way, otherwise I will not be responsible for you getting hurt.


These words made the Demon Lord completely angry. He had never seen any scene before, so he would be afraid of a young boy, and he would talk so brazenly.

Boy, you are quite capable.

Demon Lord Yu Qingjue looked at Ling Yun and said.

Yu Qingjue, that's him, let's join forces and kill him! Qiu Mo stared at Ling Yun, still feeling a little scared and uneasy.

Hahaha, beg the devil, you are getting better and better as you live. Do you still need me to deal with him? You have already done it yourself.

Demon Lord Yu Qingjue shook his head and smiled. Isn't this a joke? He knew exactly what the demon's strength was.!

Qiu Mo wanted to say something else, but Demon Lord Yu Qingjue pushed him away and made a kill-without-pardon gesture.

For such a thing, Ling Yun just shook his head. If Demon Lord Yu Qingjue was nosy, he wouldn't mind giving him a ride.

Come on, what are you afraid of? It's just a good time to see if this kid like you has made any progress over the years. Demon Lord Yu Qingjue said with a smile.

Qiu Mo faced the powerful Ling Yun and mustered up his courage!

I'm not afraid of you. You've already killed them. You don't have much strength left at this moment!

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