Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1625 Sneaking away to play (first update)

Beibei God's last strike: Auntie, your menopause has arrived early. We are going to play, not with you.

As soon as he finished speaking, Beibei took the little guy and little Irene and left, leaving Long Yanran in a mess in the wind!

I'm so angry. I have to regain some face, otherwise the three of them will ride on me and dominate me in the future.

Long Yanran made up her mind to firmly establish the image of violent women so that they would not dare to bully them casually.

The three little guys were whispering to each other and sitting on the table.

Ling Yun made chicken drumsticks for noon today, one for each person. An Qing held them out with a smile.

Sissi, Beibei, little Irene, you three must be starving. You can eat after a while.

After An Qing finished speaking, she put down the plate of chicken legs and returned to the kitchen to continue helping.

Sister, go quickly and tell Aunt An.

Sister, I'm relying on you!

After hearing this, the little guy immediately ran to the kitchen and saw An Qing and Ling Yun.

Papa, Mom, let's go to Auntie Wanqing's house for dinner. You can eat by yourself. I have to leave.


An Qing's face was full of astonishment. It was a bit incredible to go to Duanshui Shui's house for dinner.

Ling Yun frowned and didn't understand, but he still nodded in agreement.

Come back quickly after dinner. I will arrange tasks for you in the afternoon.

Yeah, yeah, goodbye daddy, goodbye mommy!

After the little guy left, Ling Yun smiled happily, with two intoxicating dimples on his cheeks: It seems that going to college is a very right choice!

Carrying the plate of chicken legs, Beibei took the little guy and little Irene and tiptoed out of their yard, but their destination was not the Duanshui family.

All the way!

They were gnawing on chicken legs and walking into the city, their mouths full of oil.

When the three of them passed by the place where they had just committed suicide by chanting sutras, they heard the sound of wooden fish, followed by the sound of Master Xuanzhen's sutra reciting.

Aha, Amitabha.

Beibei ran up, her little hands were full of oil, slapped Master Xuanzhen's bald head, and shouted in a sweet voice: Bald Grandpa!

This move frightened everyone around.

Whose child is this? He dares to hit Xuan Zhen!

It's over, it's over. I'm afraid this child will die. I heard that this coffin-carrying blood demon was killed by Master Xuanzhen. If he offends the latter, the consequences will be disastrous.

Some people shook their heads and sighed, not wanting to see the next scene.

Master Xuanzhen opened his eyes and did not look back. Instead, he smiled and said, Hello, three little princesses.

Well, what is grandpa still doing here? the little guy asked curiously.

It'll be ready soon, by the way... Master Xuanzhen whispered: I'm going to visit the Emperor later. I don't know if he is free.

The smile on Master Xuanzhen's face made everyone stunned. When did Xuanzhen, who was so selfless and selfless, smile so well? Damn it.

The little guy said: Grandpa, my daddy is eating, you can still have a full meal in the past.

With that said, she gnawed on the chicken legs again!

And Beibei handed over the leftover chicken legs: Grandpa, the chicken legs are so delicious, want a bite?

The sound of milk is so ridiculous that it makes a monk eat it!

Master Xuanzhen twitched the corner of his mouth and said Amitabha: Thank you very much for your kindness, little princess. I am a vegetarian.

What's so good about being a vegetarian? Daddy said, you can't grow up just by eating...

When the little guy said this, he suddenly stopped. His head was covered with black lines. How could a monk grow so big if he only eats vegetarian food?

Master Xuanzhen smiled and said nothing, while little Eileen's eyes widened: Grandpa must be a vegetarian and have a lot of strange fire.


Hearing this, the three little guys opened their mouths wide and stared at Master Xuanzhen, who felt as if he was being targeted by a tiger.

Such a delicious chicken drumstick. Fortunately, grandpa doesn't want it, but I won't give it up.

Beibei took another bite of the chicken drumstick, which was so delicious that Master Xuanzhen swallowed his saliva.

Say it!

This chicken drumstick is so delicious. No matter how it is cooked, I can hardly stand it.

The little guy threw the bone casually, and a nearby stray dog ​​immediately ran over like crazy and took it away.

Grandpa, it's so miserable for you to be a vegetarian. I don't even understand you.


Master Xuanzhen asked curiously.

Amitabha, my daddy said that wine and meat pass through the intestines, but they remain in the heart of the Buddha.

Grandpa, have you realized it?

The little guy’s eyes turned gloomy!


As the wooden fish was struck, Master Xuanzhen's state of mind was opened to a new world. As long as there is Buddha in his heart, it is enough.

Amitabha, that's it. I thank you.

Master Xuanzhen looked at the chicken drumsticks on the plate, his eyes were shining, and he was about to stretch out his hand.

The little guy's mouth twitched, did he want to eat their chicken legs?

Oh my God!

This old man is so shameless.

Ahem, grandpa, I'm sorry, there are only three left.

There is still saliva. Grandpa will definitely not eat it.

Well, you won't compete with children, right?

Hearing this, Master Xuanzhen was extremely embarrassed and retracted his outstretched hand.

Just now I said I would give it to him, but now I don’t give it to him. I feel like I’ve been cheated. My face turns red and I feel ashamed!

The little guy said: Grandpa, I still have it at home. Dad has made a lot of it. From here, walk for a while, turn this way, walk for a while, turn that way, and walk so many steps, and you'll be there.

Master Xuanzhen felt dizzy. This way is over there, and over there is which way?

The little guy continued: There is a puppy at the door. It is missing one foot. Its name is Da Huang. If you tell it, I asked you to go in, it will understand!

Master Xuanzhen twitched his lips, and with the dog guarding him, he said it was too difficult to see Ling Yun.

What if it doesn't let me in and bites people?

Master Xuanzhen was worried. This dog didn't understand human nature, and it was the watchdog of the Supreme Lord. He couldn't be beaten. When the time came, he would be chased until he lost his monk's robe, which would be embarrassing.

Then tell it that if you don't let it in, I'll break its third leg!

Depend on!

Master Xuanzhen subconsciously tightened his crotch and broke into a cold sweat.

The little guy scratched his head. Although she didn't understand, every time she told the watchdog, the latter trembled all over.

Everyone stared with wide eyes as they watched Master Xuanzhen chatting with the three children. Their expressions were rich and they didn't know if it was an illusion.

It's getting late, and the little guy's eyes are bleak!

Amitabha, grandpa, the Buddha said we will meet again if we are destined, bye!


After making a few milky sounds, the little guy handed the plate to Master Xuanzhen. Regardless of the latter's reaction, he took a piece of chicken leg and walked away, leaving Master Xuanzhen where he was.

After Master Xuanzhen came to his senses, he sighed, at a young age, the Buddha nature existed in his heart, and it will be amazing when he grows up!

But when I turned around and thought about it, the Supreme Lord was the ancient true Buddha. It was normal to have Buddha nature at a young age when you were around him.

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