Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1668 Lucky Chenyan (first update)

There is no way they can see into the private room from the outside!

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy. Isn't this elixir the same one she had refined before?

I didn't expect one to be worth as much as 40,000 yuan, so I hooked four of them on my little finger.

Isn't this a provocation to the Grand Auction? Miss Shi immediately said to Lingyun's private room: Your Excellency, please pay attention to your identity.

Ling Yun said: Qian Qian, don't say anything, let them fight with each other.

But Aunt Yaoyue will be bullied.

The little guy answered with a sweet voice.

forget it.

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled, will Queen Yaoyue suffer? He wouldn't believe it.

The bidding between her and Leng Mian Sha Luo brought the elixir to 90,000 yuan, and neither of them had any intention of stopping.

Chen Yan naturally heard the little guy's voice, so she quietly left the private room and went to find the little guy. For her, 303 is mysterious and she will definitely not talk nonsense.

On the way here, Chen Yan met her cousin, Shangguan Fei, who was obsessed with her!

Shangguan Fei is the grandson of Shangguan Feihong, the lord of Bronze City among the five major cities in Yannan Continent.

Cousin, we are really destined. Are you here to find me?

Ah...cousin, why are you here?

Chen Yan was a little surprised that he could meet an acquaintance when he went out.

My cousin said he would wait for you here, believe it or not.

Shangguan Fei looked at Chen Yan and said.


Believe it or not, it was just a coincidence. Chen Yan felt slightly contemptuous.

Watching Chen Yan continue walking, Shangguan Fei stopped her and said, Where are you going, cousin?

Get out of the way, it's none of your business where I go. Chen Yan's face immediately darkened, and he stared at Shangguan Fei with an unhappy expression.

What are you talking about? When you go out, cousin, I have the responsibility to protect you.

After all, Shangguan Fei has been following Chen Yan, who is helpless and can't get rid of him.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ah ha, Aunt Yaoyue is indeed here to find me.

The little guy ran out and opened the door happily.

When he saw Chen Yan at the door, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

You're really here.

Chen Yan smiled sweetly, she came with uncertainty.

Sister, why are you here?

Can I come in?

Yeah, you're welcome. Treat yourself as your own home.

The little guy dragged Chen Yan in, and Shangguan Fei also followed in with a slight frown. For a moment, he didn't even notice that this private room was 309!

Her little look really makes people laugh and cry. Although she is not the Queen of Demon Moon, she can at least bring someone back to her, so she won't be embarrassed when she returns to the private room.

Who is this person?

Long Yanran was a little curious.

Chen Yan glanced at the private room and suddenly became a little shy. When she saw Uncle Ma kneeling on the ground, her face gradually became unnatural.


The person kneeling down is not the very awesome Tianmen elder.

This girl, I don't know what's wrong with you.

Xin Zhao asked, but his eyes were fixed on Shangguan Fei behind him. Shangguan Fei didn't pay attention to the kneeling person, with disdain in his eyes.

The little guy said in a sweet voice, She's here to see me.

Chen Yan could only nod.

Hey, what do you want from our little princess? Xin Zhao knelt down and pinched the little guy's cheek!

The little guy curled his lips, he wasn't here to find her, how could she know?

Chen Yan lost his composure and said, I just want to ask, do you really have that detoxifying pill?

As soon as he heard that he was here for the detoxification pill, the little guy immediately became happy.

Shangguan Fei shook his head and said: Cousin, you are too stupid. How can there be an antidote pill here?

I don't want you to interfere with my affairs. Just go away. Chen Yan immediately frowned and cursed at Shangguan Fei.

Shangguan Fei was also quite thick-skinned. No matter how Chen Yan scolded him, he always had a smile on his face.

Hey...there are two beauties here, hello.

Although Shangguan Fei really wanted to flirt, he also knew how to look at the situation.

Long Jiani and Long Yanran both frowned slightly and didn't want to talk to him.

Who said no? Look at... Nuo!

The little guy took out a fourth-grade antidote pill from his pocket, which immediately left Shangguan Fei speechless.

Haha, you are such a little kid, how dare you take out such a pill.

Shangguan Fei rolled his eyes directly.

Chen Yan needs the ninth grade, not the fourth grade. Furthermore, he doesn't know what this antidote pill is.

The little guy said with a sweet voice: Sister, this is the only pill that Sissi has. For the sake of being friends, if you give me ten thousand, it will be yours.

Ten thousand?

Shangguan Fei suddenly became angry: You might as well go grab it.

Beibei on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily: We are just robbing each other now, love or not.

Shangguan Fei said: Are you tired of living? Do you know who I am? I am the famous Shangguan Fei.

Who is Shangguan Fei?

The first person of the young generation in Bronze City!

Uncle Ma shivered and thought to himself, this young man really doesn't know the heights of the world, Pluto dares to be so loud here.

Shut up.

Chen Yan couldn't bear it anymore and shouted directly at Shangguan Fei.

Shangguan Fei's eyes flashed with a chill.

Xiao Xinzi, he is too noisy, please ask him to quiet down.

Ling Yun slowly spoke.

Just when Zhao Xin was about to take action, the kneeling Uncle Ma said in a humble tone: Sir, please leave him to me.

Only then did Shangguan Fei notice a person kneeling on the ground, but this person's back looked a bit familiar.

Holy shit.

When he turned around, Shangguan Fei was startled!

What's going on? Why is such a big shot here, still kneeling?

Chen Yan said with a pale face: You... please let him go.

Although she hated her cousin, at least Shangguan Fei had never harmed her since she was a child.

sorry Sorry.

Xiaoyan, please kneel down and beg for me. I don't want to die yet.

Shangguan Fei was dripping with sweat on his forehead. He knew very well the strength of the Tianmen elders, and it was not something he, the young master of the family, could offend.

Xin Zhao's expression hardened, he stared at Shangguan Fei and said, If you talk too much, I will kill you with one blow.

That look contained murderous intent, which frightened Shangguan Fei even more.

Uncle Ma said: Boy, I can only blame you for being blind and blind.

Shangguan Fei missed the opportunity to beg for mercy. He should beg for mercy from Ling Yun, not Uncle Ma or Xin Zhao.

Zhao Xin said: Then I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes.

The words just fell!

Chen Yan immediately knelt down!

Please, please let us go.

The little guy said: Sister, why are you kneeling down?

Seeing that Chen Yan did not dare to speak and his body was still shaking slightly, the little guy frowned slightly.

Daddy, is it you!

Ling Yun: ...

He swore that he had done nothing.

Leave 10,000 top-quality spiritual stones, give her an antidote pill, and then tell them to get out.

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