Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1671 Arrogant (1st update)

Everyone watched a good show and congratulated Leng Mian Sha Luo at the moment of closing the deal. The latter could only force out an ugly smile.

He secretly swore in his heart that he would kill Zhou Xiaolang when he got out, but only if he got the Dragon Bone Sword back first.

Miss Shi clapped her hands to signal everyone to quiet down, and then she announced the slave auction.

Shengshi Auction has always been engaged in this kind of thing. It used to be with Dugu from Yi Zhongtian, but now I don’t know what kind of partner I have found.

After a man covered in blood was pulled out, everyone was concerned.

The little guy and Beibei opened their mouths wide. It turned out that the familiar aura they sensed before was actually Empress Linglong. The latter was imprisoned in a cage and her cultivation was sealed.

Who is this person?

She looks like a nice little fairy.

It must have offended some force. After all, they were all betrayed. There must be a deep hatred.

Ha ha!!

But Zhou Xiaolang was the only one in the audience who laughed out loud, as he was the one who captured Empress Linglong alive.

The order was given by Wan Sanqian, and Solomon was massacred, and finally captured Empress Linglong alive. Wan Sanqian was angry at his sister's death, so he tortured Empress Linglong in this way.

Because the Dragon Bone Sword was not lifted from the ban, it was handed over to the Shengshi Auction by Wan Sanqian for auction, and the Trace of the Sky was obtained by Emperor Juetian.

Shengshi Auction knows that it is a fake Tianzhihen, but it is still willing to cooperate with Wan Sanqian, just to let the world know that the Dragon Bone Sword is real, and so is Tianzhihen. What you get in your hands looks like scrap metal, but it is actually You do not understand.

It was under this guise that they sold the fake Sky Mark, and it was Diya who took the photo of the Sky Mark.

Daddy, Sister Linglong is so miserable. Who hit her?

The little guy rubbed his eyes and felt sad. Beibei and little Irene felt the same way.

Auntie, don't hold me, I want to go down.

The child Beibei got angry when she saw Empress Linglong being tortured like this, and she kept struggling in Long Yanran's arms.

Ling Yun's eyes gradually showed a hint of murderous intent. The current Empress Linglong was also a person from the God Realm, and the grand auction was open to the public. This was clearly against him.

But now the people of the God Realm forcibly consecrate Ling Yun as the God Lord, and the Supreme Lord is still the God Lord. Is this a public slap in his face?

Brother Yun, isn't this woman the fairy from Shenfeng?

Zhao Xin finally recognized it, but he was not as angry as Long Yanran and the others, and was actually calmer.

I seem to have seen her somewhere.

Fuck her, Shengshi Auction is looking for death.

Isn't that Linglong from the God Realm?

In the prosperous God Realm, she was an exquisite fairy.

I heard that she is still the lover of the Supreme Lord.

Bah, what kind of lover? That's because the emperor is so shameless and keeps stalking her. In the end, he didn't take any fancy to her.

Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth.

What are you afraid of? Does he... dare to act like a Supreme Lord?

Even if he is here, what can he do to me?

Listening to these gossips, even if Empress Linglong wanted to refute, she could not speak out. Her eyes were full of resentment.

But Ling Yun was calm and remembered what each of them said.

Daddy, did they say bad things about you?

Ignore them and let them bid. I want to see who dares to take Linglong away in front of me.

Ling Yun seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were filled with chills, and the air in the private room began to drop a bit.

Hahaha, don't say anything. This beauty is perfect as a slave. Is she mine, the wife of the Supreme Lord? I want to have a taste.

Said a little wretched-looking little god.

Everyone also saw his face clearly. He was a God who created his own small world. Others liked to call him a madman.

Queen Yaoyue frowned slightly, she hated this kind of transaction the most.

There are also many people from the God Realm in the Shengshi Auction, some are casual cultivators from the God Realm, and some family members.

Among them, the most famous ones are the people from the divine peaks of the divine world.

He is a deacon who manages resources. Others in Shenfeng call him Old Man Shun, but he is a very powerful ancient figure.

He has been working there for several generations when the Lord God was around.

At this moment, with anger in his eyes, this grand auction is too courageous.

A fairy from the God Realm, auctioned for a low price of three thousand.

Five thousand.

Seven thousand.


Hmph... That person on the high platform, are you prepared to bear the wrath of the God Realm for this matter?

As soon as Old Man Shun said this, the whole place fell silent, and many people's faces suddenly turned pale.

When it comes to the God Realm, everyone is afraid of the Supreme Lord, but just now they were just in a hurry, without considering the consequences.

Miss Shi smiled and said: We are only responsible. If you, the God Realm, want to pursue the case, you can go find the person who captured her alive.

Shengshi Auction is only responsible for auctions and does not care about anything else.

Old Man Shun choked out angrily: That's unreasonable!

Hahaha, hey, I am too afraid of death. Old man, who doesn't know about the things in your God Realm? Pluto can no longer be the God Lord. That is just wishful thinking of you people in the God Realm. If you have the ability, you can take pictures Her.

Zhou Xiaolang shook his head and smiled. There had never been any mistakes in his information.

Old Man Shun knew that what he said was true, and was so angry that he was speechless.

When everyone heard this, they felt relieved. If Pluto is not the Lord of God, then they don't need to worry too much.

In Chen Guichen's private room, Chen Yan sympathized with Empress Linglong's plight. If it were her, she would rather die.

Grandpa, should we film her and let her regain her freedom?

No, she'll be fine.

Chen Guichen was very indifferent. According to Pluto's style of dealing with things, he guessed that Empress Linglong would be fine.

And the people who made the rude remarks just now did not end well in the end. He felt sad for these people in his heart.

It is true that the ignorant are fearless!

This girl is pretty good. From the time she came out until now, she has been neither humble nor arrogant. She never says a word. She is a good product. I offer you 10,000 yuan.

Ten thousand?

Haha, if you want to take a photo for ten thousand, you are probably just wishful thinking.

twelve thousand.


As Zhou Xiaolang fanned the flames, the price finally reached 120,000.

Several times during the process, the little guy and Beibei wanted to shout, but Long Yanran wouldn't let them open their mouths, so Ling Yun must have stopped them.

In the end, Empress Linglong was photographed by an old man named Caihua Langzi, and the price was 188,000.

Many people are unwilling to do so, but they don't have the financial resources. They were not fully prepared before and auctioned off other items, resulting in a shortage of spiritual stones.

The Cauliflower Prodigal is a famous womanizer who commits crimes including burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil. He is also one of the criminals pursued by Putuo Temple.

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