Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1681 Danger is coming (second update)

The two little guys were asking questions in the car, sometimes telling stories to Su Xiaoluo, until little Irene woke up.

Those stories were not Ling Yun's, but what they had seen and heard on the Ghost Island, as well as the three-day forbidden area in the Imperial Domain, and the ferocious monsters in the Demon Domain, all of which they recounted.

The key is that Su Xiaoluo really thought they were telling stories, and felt a little excited when she heard them.

After some chatting, the atmosphere became a little quiet. Of course, the car was still very lively, and the little guy’s special laughter could be heard!

As for the leading young man named Tongxin.

Ling Yun just hoped that he would understand and stop provoking him.

I wonder if my colleagues will extremely regret their attitude and actions after knowing Ling Yun’s identity?

Especially when he heard the silvery laughter of Su Xiaoluo and the little guy coming from the car behind, dark clouds gathered in Tongxin's eyes.

Just a wandering demon clan member with a low status!

Tongxin snorted coldly.

Although he wasn't very happy, he didn't show anything.

It's you who are so ignorant. When you get back to the place, I will teach you in secret how to be a demon.

A hint of coldness flashed across Tongxin's expression. With his status, teaching a wandering barbarian without any background is not something he would do casually.

Ling Yun also knew where Su Xiaoluo was going in the end, and they were going back to the demon capital!

The capital of the Demon Clan is the core of the entire Demon Clan, and the Emperor of the Demon Clan is there. In other words, Pepe's palace is in the Capital.

Now that Ling Yun has no news, he can only go to Dadu with Su Xiaoluo to look for Peipei. The key is that the little guy and Beibei must be with Su Xiaoluo, otherwise Ling Yun will arrive immediately.

At night, the sky is full of stars.

The convoy also stopped and set up a campfire tent.

Tongxin and others, led several demon warriors, brought some prey and grilled it on the fire.

The sound of oil sizzling made Su Xiaoluo move her index finger, her beautiful eyes stared at the barbecue, and she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Miss, here you go!

Seeing this, Tongxin pulled off a roasted fat leg dripping with oil and handed it to Su Xiaoluo.

But Ling Yun didn't move for a long time, and the two little guys looked at him with their mouths pouting, licking their mouths unconsciously.

Daddy, I'm hungry.

The little guy finally couldn't help it anymore and started to tug on Ling Yun's clothes.

Handsome, you are so incompetent. The promised nanny is here.

Beibei couldn't stand it anymore, and the people next to her started eating. The two of them could only watch, their mouths watering.

Shui Ruo reached out to take it, hesitated slightly, and looked at Ling Yun and the others who were sitting alone not far away.

Her meat walked up to the little guy and said, Here, this is for you!

The little guy was stunned.

Beibei was also stunned.

Little Erin was also stunned.

When Tongxin saw this, he walked over with a sullen face and said coldly: Miss, don't worry about him. He didn't contribute anything during hunting, so why give it to him? A man can't even feed two children? Say something good about him.

The little guy swallowed his saliva, but shook his head vigorously. She didn't like the smell, although it smelled good.

Ling Yun frowned, quite unhappy with this statement.

Beibei said with a sweet voice: No need, big sister, Shuai Shu can make it, and it's delicious.

Yeah, the baby's brother is the best at cooking.

Ling Yun looked at their refusal, touched their little heads with some surprise, and then started to barbecue.

Su Xiaoluo voluntarily stayed with Ling Yun, which made Tongxin very unhappy, but he did not dare to babble in front of Su Xiaoluo.

After a while!

Su Xiaoluo's eyes widened. What Ling Yun baked was simply delicacies in the world. He was able to eat a little of it as he wished, but the little guy was so generous.

smell good.

It's them.

Then a group of people surrounded Ling Yun and the others.

The little guy quickly covered the meat in his hand, as if he was afraid of being snatched by others.

Hey, boy, why didn't you tell me earlier if you have such good skills?

Someone said to Ling Yun dissatisfiedly, with a cold look in his eyes.

Su Xiaoluo was immediately unhappy: Take care of yourselves, he is an outsider, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked.

Tongxin smiled and said to the others: Miss is right, you should leave as soon as possible and go do whatever you want.

Although he was also unhappy with Su Xiaoluo speaking for Ling Yun, he just couldn't stand the latter.

Su Xiaoluo gave Ling Yun a slightly apologetic look.


The little guy pointed into the distance, and Beibei's ears twitched slightly. There must be something going on, and the two of them were very alert now.

Monster... No, there's more... Ling Yun squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes deep.

At this moment, Tongxin and others were not aware of it. After drinking and eating, they gathered around and chatted.

Ling Yun hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the news.

However, he did not tell Tongxin and others directly because he knew that the latter would ignore him.

Ling Yun faced Su Xiaoluo and said, Girl, we seem to be surrounded.

There is the smell of monsters, and...

What? Su Xiaoluo was confused.

Ling Yun wanted to continue talking, but Su Xiaoluo's expression changed slightly, as if she understood, nodded, and walked directly to Tong Xin.

Tongxin Guards, a monster seems to have appeared!

What, the monster, where is it? Su Xiaoluo and others stood up immediately and looked around vigilantly.

But they didn't even feel the slightest breath of trouble.

Miss, you are too nervous.

Tongxin smiled and shook his head.


Su Xiaoluo suddenly frowned slightly. She was not strong enough to sense distance, so she looked at Ling Yun in confusion.


Tongxin frowned, guessing that it was Ling Yun who said it.

He couldn't help it anymore and scolded him: You are really enough, you don't even care about your identity and strength, and what are your motives for doing this.

Tongxin shook his head, feeling a little impatient and even disgusted with Ling Yun.

In his opinion, Ling Yun just wanted to show his ability in this way, just to impress others.

Su Xiaoluo looked at Ling Yun doubtfully.

Is it really?

The soul perception range of Tongxin and others is only a few dozen feet at most, so it is impossible to sense danger in advance like Ye Guchen.

When Ling Yun saw Tong Xin and the others being ungrateful, he shook his head and chuckled, ignoring them. He sat cross-legged alone and patiently fed the little guy some food.

He spoke kindly for the sake of Su Xiaoluo, the little guy and Beibei talking along the way.

Huh, no shame.

Tongxin hummed.

Su Xiaoluo looked at Ling Yun with a hint of hesitation.

But there are indeed no traces of monsters around.

During this short time together, she felt that the Ling Yun in front of her was not an ordinary person because he was too calm. .

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