Supreme Daddy

Chapter 497 Dealing with funeral affairs

The helpless big man went to find the manager again. It happened to be a coincidence. He happened to see the manager touching a subordinate in the office. Regardless of whether the girl took the initiative or not, the righteous big man stepped forward!

You're a scumbag with a human face and a beastly heart!

As he spoke, he punched and kicked the manager, almost to death.

Don't fight, don't fight! The female subordinate pulled the big man nervously.

The big man said again: Old sister, don't be afraid, as long as I am here, no one can touch you.

No, no, I am him... the female subordinate wanted to explain...

Help, help. The manager shouted outside.

As a result, a group of workers came who were as tall and as strong as tigers.

Damn it

Also copy this guy!

The manager stood up from the ground, touched his sore cheek, and said angrily: Hit! Beat me to death, fuck you! You idiot, it's none of your business that I'm having sex with my girlfriend?

The big man vomited blood in his heart and fell to the ground helplessly!

I am lying in the hospital now. How can the little money given by Ling Yun and others be enough?

Cuifen can't think of a solution until now. She can only go to the construction site to beg for two days!

As a result, they ignored her, and a kind-hearted beauty passed by. Seeing her in tatters, he couldn't bear to give her several thousand yuan. This kind-hearted beauty was Qin Lan who was passing by the construction site!

Cuifen, who was taking care of the big man in the hospital, accidentally saw An Qing's previous interview records on TV.

Recognized her!

After some inquiring, she finally found out about Yuexia Entertainment Company!

Just now, she came to An Qing with heavy steps, hoping to find Ling Yun through her and let him take action again to save the big man, who was not out of danger yet.

The doctor asked her to be mentally prepared.

Standing at the gate of Yuexia Entertainment Company, Cuifen almost lost the courage to step forward, but for her man, she had to...

As soon as I heard that An Qing was looking for him, after what happened last time, the attitudes of these security guards changed drastically!

Report directly and don't dare to judge people by their appearance.

The result really surprised them. Their boss, An Daxing, really knew the woman in rags in front of them!

Sister, get up quickly, I have already notified him to come.

Hey, thank you, I'm troubling you again! Cuifen wiped the tears from her eyes, feeling miserable.

After Ling Yun arrived, he pushed through the crowd, and there was no way to appear in a handsome and charming way!

Dress plainly and come straight to it.

Ling Yun, go to the hospital quickly! An Qing urged.

No need to bother! Ling Yun waved his hand, looked at the many people around, and walked directly into the company.

An Qing didn't understand, so she went in with Cuifen.

Ling Yun arrived at the lobby, stopped and said: Take this pill back and give it to the big man. I guarantee that he will become a dragon and a tiger in an instant. Seven times a night will not be a problem.

Ling Yun, stop joking at this time! An Qing looked at the so-called elixir that was dark and numb, and smiled a little speechlessly.

Seeing that Ling Yun was silent, she looked around and found that only Cuifen was looking over, so she shamelessly kissed Ling Yun on the mouth!

Ling Yun's head was empty at that time. He didn't say anything? Why could An Qing be so proactive, in broad daylight?

Ling Yun is also welcome...

After a while

An Qing said: Don't make trouble, be good, go to the hospital and give the big man an injection! Her tone was like coaxing a child.

Ling Yun chuckled and said, Okay, just follow my instructions.

Ling Yun then handed the elixir to Cuifen and told her that no matter who asked about it, she would not tell her and told her how to take it.

An Qing knew that her company was short of a cleaning lady, so she asked Cuifen. When the latter heard that she had a job and was still in this big company, she nodded immediately and said that she would come back to work when the big man gets better.

Suddenly Ling Yun's eyes lit up. He seemed to have two songs that were very suitable for the big man's voice. He asked Cuifen to take the big man for a walk when he had time to try out the effect.

There is no guarantee that a song will become famous. Whether the song is good depends on whether the voice is right. If you cultivate it for a few days, everything will be solved.

After Cuifen burst into tears and left, An Qing held Ling Yun's arm and asked, What song?

Want to know? Ling Yun smiled and pointed at his lips!

you are so bad!

Come with me, let's talk! Ling Yun smiled mysteriously and pulled An Qing out.

An Qing immediately put on the mask and let Ling Yun pull her, looking like an ignorant little girl.

The security guards looked heartbroken. The boss in their hearts, the former goddess, had been captured by the CEO, and the method was so clever!

In a couple's coffee shop nearby

Ling Yun and An Qing sat face to face with two glasses of juice in front of them.

An Qing was speechless. She came to the coffee shop and ordered a glass of juice for her?

What does it mean?

“I’ve got a song ready!”

Then let's go back to the office quickly! An Qing said excitedly.

Uh, back to the office?

Then what is Ling Yun doing out here?

No hurries?

Ling Yun looked on with a half-smile, but his consciousness was invading the network.

I collected all the incidents involving the big man and found all the videos.

good guy

There was actually a migrant worker who used his mobile phone to take a picture of a group of big men beating each other, with dialogue included.

Now the Li Group has a headache for them!

All the videos were reported to the police station in the name of hackers and posted online. However, when watching the videos, I found that silly girl Qin Lan had helped Cuifen, so I deleted this part to prevent her from becoming famous and being hyped.

Many inside stories about the construction site were exposed by Ling Yun, such as the manager who deceived the superiors and deceived the newly arrived migrant workers' wages.

There are also the favors he gave to his superiors, the superiors' bribery crimes, etc...

This incident caused public outrage in Jiangbei's political circles.

Subsequently, Ling Yun released a large number of inside information and began to report continuously on the Internet.

Ling Yun, look...that construction site was reported. An Qing said happily.

Really? Come here, let me take a look. Ling Yun pretended not to understand anything and tried his best to cooperate with An Qing.

And An Qing kept saying:

Haha, this matter involves the Li Group, they are all in trouble.

Do you think the Li Group will fall if it can't handle it?

It seems to affect a lot of people.

After saying that, he sat in Ling Yun's arms without any courtesy.

Ling Yun looked at his phone quietly. He didn't expect that some websites would take action so quickly. They reported on the dark history of the Li Group in previous years and were suspected of being involved in organized crime!

They won't fall down, they are still somewhat capable. Ling Yun said lightly.

That's right. Li Fugui, the head of the Li family, is not an ordinary person. To make the Li family group so big, his wrists must reach to the sky! An Qing said a little unhappy, especially thinking of the big man incident.

Don't worry, it's fun to play slowly! Ling Yun smiled playfully.

Ling Yun and the others didn't know that the construction site was already surrounded by a bunch of reporters, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

Even the law enforcement officers couldn't get in. They were so frustrated. They didn't expect that a small group fight would attract so much attention. They were really shocked!

Of course, the same is true under the Li Group building. Reporters are waiting for Li Qingmin to come out and give an explanation, but they are in a hurry internally, looking for people everywhere to suppress this matter with connections, and even hire a navy to claim that their superiors don’t know about it. , all caused by the gang of bastards below.

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