Supreme Daddy

Chapter 631 Popular

After they muttered for a minute or two...

The little guy took out the check and asked to buy all the Wangzai milk!

What's more, he threatened that An Qing would come back tonight and ask her to pay for it again!


She has no money, and it is Ling Yun and An Qing's business to raise her. This is the reason.

Ten million?

Ling Yun helped them calculate, a bottle cost 200,000 yuan, and there were 50 bottles worth 10 million yuan.

Fifty cans sounds like a lot, but it probably only lasts a few days!

Beibei and the little guy are worried. They worry about money at a young age. They are very unhappy and cannot be cured.

The check was given to Ling Yun, who was very happy, but...

I haven't seen him come back from buying Wangzai milk for a long time. What's the problem?

Ling Yun explained that this was a limited edition, so you don’t have to be rich to buy it. He also lied and said that if he hadn’t been so proud, he wouldn’t have been able to buy it!

The three little guys foolishly believed it because it tasted good.

There was no other choice but to ask Long Yanran to prepare milk powder for them. Ling Yun asked little Aileen to play games at the same time. She didn't even learn to sing, she would make trouble!

Ling Yun used this time to let them review what they had learned before, and then he taught them a song called Little Star!

The little guy seemed to like it very much. The sweet children's voice reached the first floor and attracted Ji Wuxue!

Twinkling and twinkling, the sky is filled with little stars...

In the end, the four little guys all started singing together, and the whole villa was filled with singing. Ling Yun would occasionally lead them.

And a few days ago, Ling Yun sang the song When You Get Old and taught it to them, hoping to make an album!

I originally wanted to teach them to sing a few more songs, but considering that I was too impatient to eat hot tofu, I decided to take my time.

After telling them that they could move freely after singing three times, Ling Yun got busy with dinner!

Had dinner!

Beibei asked: Shuai Shumao, how much Wangzai milk can I buy every day?

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. No wonder they were all absent-minded while eating!

Eight cans.

When the little guy heard it, so many? Suddenly happy!

Ji Wuxue doesn't understand. What kind of jar? What milk? What did she miss?

The little guy couldn't hold back his words and told him about the time they drank Wangzi milk. Ji Wuxue was not angry, but looked at Ling Yun dryly...

Clearly, she wanted to try it too!

Ling Yun shrugged, and the little guys laughed and told her, no more!

Little Aileen immediately asked Ling Yun to buy it. There were still seven cans left today. Ling Yun was speechless. How could he calculate so accurately?


Ling Yun asked them to prepare and asked Long Yanran to give them a bath in advance. He would take them to Yuexia Entertainment Company later and he would buy Wangzai milk.

Have a drink?

Some play?

They didn't know how happy they were.

It was already eight o'clock when they followed Ling Yun and Long Yanran to Yuexia Entertainment Company.

Long Yanran asked: Brother Lingyun, I...I want to go out to play...


Ling Yun nodded, guessing that she was dating Xu Le, Ling Yun couldn't do anything bad.

Beibei heard it, so she said: Auntie, I'm going too... His eyes turned bleakly!

Long Yanran flicked her forehead angrily and said, You little lightbulb, just stay here. I'll be back early tonight and will come back.

Beibei was so angry that she would bounce back when she grew up!

Third floor!

As soon as the four of them arrived, they were immediately surrounded. Now that they were famous, the chorus of Anjia's birthday banquet in the magic city was not less popular.

I don’t know where their president kidnapped the other four little guys. They are so cute.

Auntie, don't pinch your cheeks... The little guy got angry and slapped the hands he touched everywhere!

She hates it so much!

Daddy... Daddy... The little guy shouted eagerly to Ling Yun who was walking in front! Ling Yun turned around and smiled, meaning to let them handle it.

Beibei protected Sissi, pouted and said, Don't pinch her, Aunt An will be angry.

When they heard that An Qing was angry, the employees surrounding them became angry. They were most afraid that An Qing would become angry. She was not as easy to talk to as Ling Yun.

There are rumors within the company that the little princess is their little boss. This is true, but she looks like their boss An Qing.

Seeing the little guy's face turned red, Ji Wuxue rubbed it and led her into the office.

Judging from her expression, she seemed to be complaining. An employee stopped them and offered them delicious food. Now she didn't dare to pinch them. She watched them eat snacks and touched their heads from time to time. They felt pretty good. Who made them suffer too much? Welcome.

Ling Yun carried a box of fried rice with eggs and walked to An Qing's desk. He didn't knock on the door before. An Qing also knew that someone had come in, but she didn't know who it was!


Ling Yun said exactly the same as Xixi's voice.

Sissi? An Qing was overjoyed and immediately raised her head. Seeing Ling Yun smiling at her, she immediately gave him a roll of her eyes!

Then he said: Not serious... She was still very happy in her heart. After all, Ling Yun brought her food, but she had no appetite for employee meals.

Going to eat... Ling Yun snatched the information from her hand and stopped her from reading any more.

An Qing couldn't resist Ling Yun and had no choice but to obey. As soon as Ling Yun sat on her seat, she immediately immersed herself in work, while An Qing ate and nagged with him.

The biggest topic is the big man, he is completely popular!

An Qing felt sweet in her heart. She really sighed about life. Who would have thought that a migrant worker who accidentally robbed them would become popular in half of China. His song has only been out for a few days, and now people are humming it when walking on the street. .

The next topic is the Li Group. The precarious Li Group is almost finished!

An Qing also exposed the news that Qin Lan was controlling the Jiangbei stock market behind the scenes!

Ling Yun was stunned...

This woman is really scary!

In all likelihood, Qin Lan was the one who broke Li's family. If Li Qingmin knew that he was being played around by a woman, how would he feel?

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't want to get too involved in the Li Group. The shares he had previously acquired from the Li Group were now about 10%. He even wanted to sell them to Qin Lan. If he cashed out, it would be better to buy all the shares of the Song family's Guanghua Group!

These shares are everywhere, and it is difficult for him to organize them. To be honest, he is just too lazy!

Then Ling Yun invaded the network and searched for information. According to this situation, Qin Lan will make big moves. Li can last for three days at most. What is she going to do? Be a female bully?

After An Qing finished eating, she saw Ling Yun quietly closing his eyes. She thought he was tired and fell asleep, so she took advantage of him and secretly kissed him!

Ling Yun licked his mouth leisurely but did not choose to open his eyes. He discovered an important piece of news!

Who is behind Guanghua Group?

Looking at the hidden data, it turns out that the real owner of Guanghua is not the Song family, but a foreigner who holds the most shares.

His name is Stephen!

There is almost no information about this Stephen in the Guanghua Group. Something happened to the Song family and the Guanghua Group was in danger, but he never showed up. Is he dead?

Ling Yun felt that this Stephen was also a guise.

On the surface, he is the largest in the Guanghua Group, but in reality he is just a servant. The real owner is probably a top consortium, a small Guanghua? Once it’s gone, it’s gone!

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