Supreme Daddy

Chapter 633 The little guy does bad things (third update)

An Qing's face turned red from embarrassment, from her neck to her ears!


She tried to push Ling Yun away, but was hugged tightly, unable to resist. For a moment, she was completely lost in Ling Yun's domineering kiss!

The little guy was no longer in a daze, and ran over to separate the two people, muttering: No kissing, no kissing... Shame...

Ling Yun is funny, no kiss? If your mother runs away, who will you cry to?

Of course, this was what he was thinking, and he would not say it out loud. He just squatted down and picked her up, kissed her cheek, and put her on the desk to sit.

The little guy is not making trouble now!

It feels like she has not been abandoned, but she is so happy that she has forgotten why she came in!

An Qing was in a trance. It was the first time for Ling Yun to kiss her so proactively. She was affectionate and domineering, and she liked it!

It's all the little guy's fault for causing trouble!

An Qing caught her and slapped her face hard, making her laugh!

Ling Yun looked at An Qing, lifted her chin with his index finger, and asked, Want to do it again?

An Qing lowered her head shyly, like a little woman. The little guy pouted: No... After saying that, he raised his hands, which was really cute.

An Qing said: You cheated my mother so much, won't your conscience hurt? As he said this, he observed her expression and poked her heart with his hand!

The little guy hummed, turned his head to one side, but didn't look at An Qing, then stood on the desk and threw himself into Ling Yun's arms!

Little Eileen had been waiting outside for a long time and couldn't help but ran in!

The little guy was stunned!

She seemed to have forgotten something, and she looked at little Irene and scratched her head!

An Qing burst into laughter!

Ling Yun, I have something to tell you...

After that, An Qing said what she had just promised them!

Before he finished speaking, the little guy slapped An Qing and said, Bad mom, you lied to me!

Little Eileen also came over to beat her, but An Qing couldn't stand it anymore and asked Ling Yun directly for help!

Hurry up and complete the mission. I promise you that I will let you drink tonight!

Ling Yun had no choice. Who made An Qing speak and not give birth? He also went to Hulu himself to help!


Tonight has been too long, little one needs to drink right now!

Ling Yun had a headache and nodded repeatedly!

An Qing was stunned...

She hasn't asked about Wangzai milk yet. Is it so expensive? I can’t afford to drink!

After getting Ling Yun's nod, the little guy had already pulled the distracted An Qing away. He couldn't let the two of them be together and secretly kiss!

Ling Yun took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, so he immediately went to the Gourd Space and found the Sixth Guardian who was hard at work making Wangzai Milk!


The Sixth Guardian lived up to his expectations!

Up to now, he had produced ten cans. Ling Yun was very satisfied and gave the Sixth Guardian a set of skills on the spot!

Supreme Soul Code!

The Sixth Protector would probably wake up from his dream with a smile. This is a set of god-level exercises, almost tailor-made for him. It specializes in cultivating soul power. After reaching the highest level, he can transform without using soul stones!

Ling Yun happily took out four cans and prepared to fulfill his promise. These four cans would not be deducted from them. An Qing invited them!

Carrying Wangzai milk!

Ling Yun walked towards the recording studio and found a lot of acquaintances here, several of whom were his college classmates. Of course, it was indispensable to exchange a few words when meeting.


Little Eileen was at the door and she saw it at a glance!

It was Wangzai milk that she had longed for, and her brother did not disappoint her!

Ji Wuxue jumped over and said, Uncle! How stingy! Only one can!


Still being disliked?

Ling Yun said: Xiaoxue doesn't want to do it?

Yes...Uncle, Xiaoxue didn't say anything just now! Ji Wuxue shook her head and took a can with joy. As soon as she opened it, she smelled a strong smell of milk!

Ling Yun quickly told them not to drink!

You have finished drinking now, and you can only watch it later!

Little Eileen nodded, it made sense, so she opened the jar and smelled the milk!

Go, go...Sister Xiaoxue, you have it in your hand. Smell your own, this is the baby's! Little Irene piled up Ji Wuxue with her head stuck out!

Ji Wuxue laughed, embarrassed...

Ling Yun directly asked them not to record yet, and after drinking, he said...

The little guy and Beibei ran out excitedly and drank happily. Looking at this brand of milk, Andy and An Qing were dumbfounded. Where did it come from? Is it really two hundred thousand a can?

So tonight, isn't it 800,000 for four cans?

Oh my God!

This is a naked money grab!

An Qing and the others were shocked.

Ling Yun waved his hand and said seriously, For Sissi's healthy growth, it is worth spending any amount of money!

After that, she whispered in An Qing's ear, remember to pay for tonight!

An Qing's face turned dark!

Want money?

No, although she said she would treat the little ones to a drink, but they drank...the key is that Ling Yun paid for it!

What else is there between them?

What's Ling Yun's is hers, what's hers is not equal to Ling Yun's, but what's the little one's future!

They are all struggling to help the little guy. From tonight, it seems that she must make more money. After all, a can of milk costs 200,000...

Smelling the milky aroma, An Qing knew it was worth the money!

The little guy took this opportunity to tell An Qing that she had to drink eight cans a day, no matter how much she drank. This was the responsibility of their parents and they could not abuse their children.

An Qing vomited blood in her heart!

She calculated carefully and found that the money she earned every day was not enough for her to drink!

Where did she learn it? How do you know so much? Suddenly she felt that Beibei was easy to take care of, and she didn't even bother talking about it anymore!

who knows!

She immediately took Ling Yun's cell phone and called Long Xingtian, saying that she wanted ten cans a day, and if she didn't care, it would be more than Qian Qian's!

These two kids!

Ling Yun was completely speechless!

Didn't they tell them they can only have eight cans a day? Forgot again?

Ten cans and eight cans per person?

Little Eileen was not convinced and threatened to drink the most. For a while, the studio outside the studio became a bragging ground for these little guys.

Andy and An Qing could only treat it as a joke, so expensive? How could they be allowed to drink at will?

An Qing also secretly told Ling Yun that just buy one can for the little guy every day!

Ling Yun was so angry that he kissed An Qing, who was breathless, in front of many people!

An Qing was afraid. Ling Yun was thick-skinned and she couldn't do that, so she had to compromise. There was no way she couldn't agree, so Ling Yun kept kissing her!

Although the little guys kept stacking up, their strength was so small, how could they possibly shake Ling Yun!

This little guy is really ignorant. Ling Yun is seeking benefits for her. She doesn't know that she will almost have to drink only one can a day.

An Qing went out to answer a phone call, and Ling Yun began to ask Sissi and Beibei to continue recording. According to An Qing's request, it must be completed before get off work tonight!

The two of them worked very hard next, and their singing was even more emotional than before. There was constant applause in the recording studio, maybe because Ling Yun was there to supervise!

Several subordinates gave me thumbs up and started praising me. They have served me well for a thousand times, but I don’t want to flatter you!

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