Supreme Daddy

Chapter 635 Crying in the middle of the night

Although the little guy didn't understand, when she heard the sad words from the other side, she comforted her and said, Don't cry, don't cry!

I know you don't understand. I'm just calling to cry. I'm sorry to bother you!

Toot toot!

The man hung up after saying that!

Beibei looked like she had come from this past, and sighed deeply, as if she had seen through the world of mortals: Since ancient times, no one has ever died, so why should we have unrequited love for a flower?

An Qing couldn't help but laughed softly!

Beibei continued: Recently Beibei discovered a medicine that can cure all diseases.

The little guy asked: What kind of medicine? Is it so effective?

They started singing together again!

Beibei needs this potion now. Users have commented that the brand is trustworthy. The only drawback is that it is often out of stock. Did you guess it?

The little guy said: I can't guess it!

Indicative functions: sadness, pain relief, and various difficult and complicated diseases!

Still can't guess it!

Suitable for the crowd, Chinese!

I can't guess! The little guy scratched his head. Is she that stupid?

Name of medicine, Hua Xia Coin, nickname, money, manufacturer, Hua Xia Bank. Beibei took out a red sun sheet and looked at the words on it. It turned out that she had read it correctly.

Aha! The little guy threw his head back and laughed. It turned out to be money!

There was a lot of laughter outside...

When the little guy saw An Qing and Ling Yun outside, he looked a little scared and even jumped down and hid behind the chair!

Beibei rolled his eyes and said into the microphone: Aunt An and Shuai Shu are here to pick us up. Thank you everyone for listening. Beibei has something to say. We'll see you when we have time...

After saying that, he jumped down, ran over to open the door, smiled at Ling Yun and the others, and waved to say hello!

An Qing put on a very serious expression, determined not to be amused by her, as her image could not be lost in front of these subordinates.

Sissi, come out quickly! An Qing said in a deep voice.

This sound scared the little guy. Go out? Do you want to beat me up?

She covered her ears and refused to listen!

An Qing picked up Beibei and said inside again: If you don't come out, I won't wait for you!

Xiao Pan quickly went in and returned to his chair, explained to the audience, and said in a nonsensical and funny way that the princesses were specially arranged by the program team!

The little guy even stuck his little head out to see what was going on!

Ling Yun went straight in and carried her out, only to find that nothing happened, and immediately giggled.

It was already very late when she returned to the office. Huang Lile thanked Ling Yun again, got up and said goodbye to go back, saying that she would treat Ling Yun's family to a meal when she had time!

It's really late!

One or two of the four little ones started to yawn, which really left Ling Yun speechless. Aren't they usually very energetic at this time in the villa?

Why do I feel so tired when I come out?

After returning to the villa, Ling Yun was even more speechless. They were still not sleeping...

Because Long Yanran has not returned!

So they all said confidently that they would wait for her!

This is an excuse!

How could Ling Yun not understand, when Ling Yun said he would help them count sheep...

Everyone looked bad and shook their heads. The little one even covered Ling Yun's mouth to prevent her father from counting.

Beibei was so angry that he shouted, Children have no human rights!

In the end, she acted coquettishly and asked Ling Yun to finish telling the rest of the Black Cat Sheriff before they would sleep.

Is this the request?

Ling Yun is uncompromising, and now Sheriff Black Cat plays one episode a day, so no spoilers are allowed.

So he told them a journey to the west as compensation. When leaving their room, Ling Yun also told them to remember to get up early tomorrow. It was the last day of the bet with An Qing, so nothing could happen.

late at night!

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

So many knocks on the door!

The little guy sucked Yun's little finger, his brows furrowed, and he didn't wake up!

An Qing was too tired and didn’t hear it!

Ling Yun opened his eyes, got up and opened the door. It was Beibei!

At this moment, her eyes were blinking with tears, and she was rubbing them with her little hands, but she managed not to cry!

What's going on?

Ling Yun was dumbfounded, is this still Beibei?

Beibei, don't cry, tell Uncle Handsome, who bullied you, help you vent your anger! Ling Yun carried her in, put her on the sofa, and helped her wipe away her tears!

Considering that it was quiet at night, a soundproof formation was set up.

Handsome bastard... Beibei said, her eyes were filled with tears again, her voice was choked with sobs, she must have been crying for a long time!

Ling Yun coaxed her like a magic trick: Beibei wants to drink Wangzai milk?

Beibei shook his head...

After sniffing, Beibei nodded again and blinked her beautiful eyes!

Ling Yun took out a can of Wangzai milk and gave it to her, and said funnyly: Beibei must have had a nightmare, don't be afraid!

Beibei drank happily and nodded: Shuai Shu, let's go make money tomorrow, okay?

After interrogating her about her dream, Ling Yun was ashamed!

It turned out that she had just dreamed that the Pharaoh's tomb that she had discovered before had been robbed by others, and all the gold and silver treasures inside had been emptied by the tomb robbers.

Beibei has long thought that the Pharaoh's tomb belongs to her. Now she dreams that it has been stolen. How can she not feel sad?

That’s their milk money!

This was the main reason for knocking on Ling Yun's door in the middle of the night.

Ling Yun comforted: That's just a dream, not real!

Beibei shook his head, not believing it! The dream is so real.

Ling Yun was speechless and agreed to help her take a look. Then his consciousness swept away and he was shocked!

Sure enough, the pharaoh's tomb was targeted, didn't he silence him?

How could anyone know?

Seeing Ling Yun's unnatural expression, Beibei curled her lips and muttered, did she really lie to the children?

Ling Yun smiled awkwardly, but fortunately Beibei reminded him, otherwise the fat fish would have been caught by someone else.

This group of tomb robbers are still looking for the entrance to the tomb in the west. At the same time, there is a group of European archaeologists in the east. They are excavating openly, employing dozens of African workers, and their bodyguards are all first-class special forces.

Good guy!

Work started overnight!

Really not knowing whether to live or die, Ling Yun sighed deeply!

Pharaoh's tomb?

There is a big scorpion inside, a mutated one! This archaeological team is no different from dying!

And the curse of ancient Egypt!

This is the most terrifying thing. One person is cursed and the whole family suffers.

This kind of low-level curse can definitely dominate in Blue Star, but in the Twelve Regions, it is basically unattainable.

Besides, there are many dangers in the Pharaoh's tomb, not to mention a pile of giant rice dumplings, but also man-eating scarabs, mercury, and quicksand!


Ling Yun was dumbfounded again!

Why are his grandfather Lin Jinhu and his friend Old Man Niu in the archaeological team?

Judging from their treatment, it doesn't look like they were caught. Why are they just joining in the fun? He was completely speechless!

Beibei shook Lingyun's body. She had finished drinking the Wangzi milk. Why was her handsome uncle still in a daze?

Are you going? Beibei's eyes turned gloomy!

Ling Yun chuckled. Their adventure was coming again. It seemed that they were not afraid of anything just for fun and money!

I'll go tomorrow if I have a chance. Beibei, go to sleep.

Ling Yun personally carried the excited Beibei back to her room and carefully covered them with quilts!

Kicking the quilt off at night?

Fortunately, the other two are not mortal bodies!

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