Supreme Daddy

Chapter 641 Open Pit

Just after the little guy happily put away the golden mask!

The tomb shook violently and the ground began to slide!

Is this quicksand?

Long Yanran was shocked and hugged the little ones together to prevent them from being touched!

Beibei broke free from Long Yanran's arms, immediately took out the gourd, collected all the black goods in the tomb, the gold coins on the ground, and the gold statues, and then hugged Long Yanran tightly!

But when Long Yanran saw Ling Yun being indifferent, she was dumbfounded. Shouldn't we test the little guy now?

Ling Yun is curious!

The mummy in the center is being given birth to by a force!

This shocked his outlook!

Is the power of the curse really that mysterious? Did ancient Egypt still exist?

The little guy looked at the sinking tomb and the sand that was about to cover them. He was not nervous at all, because Ling Yun was here!

So she started looking around to see if there were any other goodies!

Suddenly she saw a stone. It was so strange and indescribable!

Then she broke away from Long Yanran's arm and walked over unsteadily on her short legs. Long Yanran was worried and asked the other three to hug together, and she went to hold Sissi!

Sissi, don't be naughty, follow your sister quickly...

Aunt Long, you can press here! The little guy smiled happily at Long Yanran.

She saw that there was a brick space underneath this strange stone!

Long Yanran immediately realized that this might be a trap, so she stepped on it decisively!


It's quiet all around!

The little guy looked like I was awesome, happily.


Long Yanran breathed a sigh of relief. The crisis was over for the time being. She held Sissi's face and kissed her hard on the lips!

The little guy still laughed, secretly thinking that she was really smart!

Beibei and Ji Wuxue ran over, held hands with her, and started humming songs again, while little Irene was carrying Ling Yun's backpack, and all she could think about was burgers and egg rolls!

Long Yanran has black lines all over her head...

Don't you pay attention to the situation?

A bunch of big rice dumplings are coming next to you!

Are you still in the mood?

She was speechless, and the one who could withstand the most harm was actually eating secretly?

If you say you want to eat secretly, just eat secretly. There is no need to laugh, right?

Little adults, show your magic quickly!

Coming... coming... Beibei immediately entered the scene, and Long Yanran had to accept it!

Look at these skeleton soldiers!

The little guy's eyes rolled again!

He covered his brows with his little hands, it was time for Blood Dragon Yuan to work!

Little Eileen's face became cautious as she ate, and her face was covered in sweat!


Fortunately, it was her sister who released her, she acted like she was facing a formidable enemy.

Beibei and Ji Wuxue scratched their heads, wondering what she wanted to do?

The scarab on the ground died inexplicably. Was it Sissi’s fault? No wonder she covered her eyebrows.

Little Erin's eyes lit up, and she took out the sack and started to put the scarab carcass in it. She still didn't forget Ling Yun's words, the fried bug was delicious.

The skeleton soldiers who were about to attack stopped one by one and knelt down in front of the little guy!

And the little guy squeaked, You have to be good!

She didn't know how happy she was. She had learned to control the blood dragon essence again. She even ran to Ling Yun's feet, pulled him, and said in a sweet voice: Daddy, am I great? After saying that, a look on her face With an innocent smile.

Ling Yun came to his senses!

Well, keep working hard, and soon you will be able to show off everywhere!

Aha! The little guy covered his eyes, feeling like he couldn't bear to look directly.


What does it mean?

A rattling and thumping sound came from the mummy's coffin!

The little guy got scared and hid behind Ling Yun, curiously looking at the moving coffin!

The sound of grinning...

The coffin is about to burst!

With a bang, the coffin exploded to pieces. The little guys looked over and saw a mummy wrapped in this cloth sitting up, with a string of gold beads around its neck, and a strange fragrance in the air.

Beibei's eyes shine!

At this moment, the mummy looked around and muttered something!

The little guy's head is tilted and he can't understand these languages!

Papa, what did it say?

It's all nonsense, I won't say any more! Ling Yun was speechless. This was really Tutankhamun. He had just woken up, but he did not forget to say harsh words.

The little guy curled his lips, pointed at Tutankhamun and said, You have to be obedient, just like them!

Tutankhamun was stunned for a moment, and then began to tremble!

He really had to obey. In front of Sissi, he felt as strong as an ant but as weak as an ant.

Beibei looked Tutankhamun up and down and found that he had many good things in him.

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched. Was she taking a risk? It’s really fun!

Beibei ran over and muttered a few words to the little guy. The little guy laughed and ordered Tutankhamun to come over and sit down!

Tutankhamen's mouth was clicking and he was mumbling again!

The little guy can’t understand! Grab Ling Yun and ask him to help translate!

Ling Yun was busy thinking about something, so he had time to translate with them, so he waved his hand!

The little guy laughed!

They can understand the ancient Egyptian language and communicate with this Tutankhamun.

May I have your name?


Xiaotu, let's play games together!

What game? Tutankhamun asked fearfully.

After the two little guys talked about it, he basically understood that it was just playing poker and betting on the three men!

Little Eileen didn't participate. She still wanted to pick up scarabs. The helpless Beibei insisted on dragging the quiet Ji Wuxue along.

Just play!

They were attracted by the gold beads on Tutankhamun's neck, the jewelry on his fingers, and the few gold bricks under the coffin board!

He was doing tricks, just bet with him, and the little guy was still cheating. He just listened to Beibei and cheated him if he could!

Tutankhamun was about to cry. He lost the gold bricks. He didn't want to play anymore, but he didn't dare to say anything. Didn't you see the three of them having fun?

Long Yanran watched for a long time and finally discovered that the little guy was cheating!

Still aboveboard!

Is this Tutankhamun a fool?

They changed the cards in front of everyone, and there was no technical content at all. This one was not big enough, so I changed another one!

Long Yanran couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily: How could you do this? Who dares to play with you in the future?

Beibei pouted? Who wants to play? This is a money trap!

The little guy lowered his head in embarrassment. Ji Wuxue pretended not to hear. Beibei said that Tutankhamun was rich.

Tutankhamun was so moved, someone finally said something fair!

What an honest pharaoh, how dare you do this?

The little guy's face turned red when he was told that, and he remained silent!

Forget it, can you not make it so obvious? Sissi, you should be more careful when changing cards! Long Yanran hugged the little guy and started teaching him step by step!

Tutankhamun resisted the urge to vomit blood, even though he had a skeleton body and no blood!

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