Supreme Daddy

Chapter 643 Returning with a Full Load

Lin Jinhu looked around and understood immediately!

Then he said in a funny voice: Felsher, just watch it quietly!

This sentence is profound, and it really makes Felscher, a foreigner, unable to guess!

Even if the big scorpion sprays mercury from its mouth, the sand on the ground will be soaked in mercury!


The screams continued, and those who were stained by mercury immediately turned black!

Not ordinary mercury?

This is the first thought that comes to everyone's mind!

Beibei said with a sweet voice: Fairy, where are you going?

With that said, he pushed little Erin out!

Oh my God!

Lin Jinhu and Old Man Niu were both stunned. It was too late to catch little Irene!

Contrary to their expectations!

Little Erin was fine, standing in the mercury-filled sand!

The kid curled his lips and gave Beibei a white look!

It seems that after returning, the baby will have the most points!

Little Irene raised her head and faced the scorpion, baring her teeth and cracking her mouth, looking very funny!

Everyone was shocked!


The result was a slap in the face!

The big scorpion was actually afraid of little Irene and backed away in horror, very afraid of little Irene getting close to it.

While the scorpion was not paying attention, the three biochemicals attacked simultaneously. No matter how hard the shell was, it was too much for the scorpion to bear, so they killed the scorpion instantly!

The little guy grabbed Ling Yun and said, Daddy, are they bad people?

Ling Yun nodded and shook his head!

Beibei became angry and said, It's so bad. Even the scorpion spirit knows it's wrong and kills it!

Cyborg Lima laughed loudly and said arrogantly to the people on Fisher's side: You so-called archaeologists, go to hell!

You dare to dig up the tomb we are targeting? Meng Hu was shirtless and his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

A body of muscles that made the few living special forces swallow hard!

The little guy curled his lips and dismissed it. What kind of cow is that?

Beibei laughed!

There's nothing inside, why are you letting people in?

Okay, little Eileen, come up quickly, you're going back! Ling Yun has no interest in them!

His time is precious, and he hasn’t even bought the stock yet!


The cyborg wolf grinned and blocked the way of their group!

Haha! Meng Hu laughed: No one can survive! After saying this, an icy chill flashed across his eyes!

Fisher's face was ashen, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, unable to leave. Tutankhamun did not see them, but they were preparing to see God.

Three cyborgs?

How could they, a bunch of rabble, be opponents? They killed all the big scorpions, it was terrible!

What you say doesn't count. Old Man Niu shook his head and said!

Huh? Chinese? Are you looking for death? Lima frowned, surprised, and then stared at Ling Yun and the others. He had been focusing on the battle just now, and he didn't know where they came from?

Huh huh! Old Man Niu snorted coldly, showing no signs of momentum and refusing to admit defeat!

Ling Yun: Where is Xu Le?


Xu Le coughed twice, but was it so loud? He is right next to you!


Ling Yun winked at him, Xu Le nodded, and immediately started fighting with the ruthless wolf!

Little Irene was lifted up by Ling Yun, and the four little guys immediately lined up in a vertical line. Beibei took the lead and pulled the corners of Ling Yun's clothes, walking in an orderly manner!


The ruthless wolf was stopped, and there was also Meng Hu!


At this moment, Meng Hu felt as if he was facing a powerful enemy, and his hair stood on end!


He has become a stone, so he likes this tomb? Then let him stay here forever, Ling Yun will satisfy him.

Ruthless Wolf, run quickly, stop fighting! Meng Hu shouted from the side with his face covered in sweat!

Fisher looked up and gasped, the scarab was coming!

What made them unbelievable the most was that Lima turned into stone, and their faces suddenly turned pale!

This is the curse of Pharaoh!

Lin Jinhu looked at Ling Yun thoughtfully. He still couldn't understand why Ling Yun took action?

Return the Pharaoh's curse?

He is not stupid, his grandson must have done it!

It was too late for Henlang to react. He was no match for Xu Le. One punch, just one punch, and a hole was blasted out of his chest. He would die with his eyes open!

The Chinese people's martial arts skills are really awesome. These were his last words before he died, and he had already received the box lunch without even saying it.

Menghu can't escape bad luck!

He was devoured by scarabs, just like locusts passing by, leaving only a bloody skeleton!

The little guy covered his eyes and didn't dare to look...

Beibei is bold, but she is not afraid. She has seen too much, and all I heard from her mouth was muttering: Amitabha!

Long Yanran tugged at her pigtails: Who are you following? Are you a monk? A bald donkey?

Beibei said seriously: My name is Beibei, monk, not Bald Donkey!

The little guy laughed, made a face at Long Yanran behind him, and then said: Aunt Long is so stupid, a bald donkey has no hair!

Long Yanran ignored them, otherwise they would be angry to death sooner or later!

Lin Jinhu looked at the densely packed scarabs with goose bumps. He did not attack them, which made him even more convinced that it was his grandson Lingyun who did it!

Old Man Niu was scared to death. Even though he was so young, he jumped into Lin Jinhu's arms. These two old and dishonest people...

After the little guy saw it, he laughed for a long time. Long Yanran couldn't hold it back. Of course, she also laughed. No wonder the little guy laughed so hard!

Fisher was taken out of the mausoleum in confusion, and there were only five special forces left in the group.


He died heroically!

After they came out, Datansha and a special soldier also came out. They were shocked. Wasn't he dead?


It seems that they did not see that Professor Datansha died. All in all, there were heavy casualties, and one professor also died.

When Datansha saw the four little guys, he was trembling!

That's not a dream? It is true!

In the tomb, they really played poker with Tutankhamun!

He told all this to Fisher, who shook his head and thought he was crazy.

Da Tansha, I will definitely heal you! Fisher patted his shoulder heavily and said sincerely. He looked at the entrance of the tomb and sighed deeply!

Datansha's tone became excited and he repeatedly stated that what he saw was true!

Children, do you think he is playing poker with you?

Da Tansha’s Chinese is quite standard!

Beibei shook her head and imitated his tune and replied: Grandpa, no!

Fisher shook his head in disappointment. It seemed that Datansha was seriously ill!

Haha, it's not like that, it's not like that!

Datansha went crazy and kept repeating one sentence, it's not like this...

Beibei, this kid...

Long Yanran didn't understand. Beibei was dishonest?

Beibei, why not?

Auntie, we are playing with him, not him with us. Beibei said in a sweet voice.

Long Yanran was stunned...

What's the difference between the two?

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