Supreme Daddy

Chapter 645 Pretending to be a ghost in the middle of the night


Is little Eileen dumbfounded?

She doesn't know how, this is the magical power of their dragon clan, innate!

Beibei curled her lips and looked at Ling Yun in trance!

After a while!

Ling Yun suddenly smiled, he had found the supreme divine body, just like Sissi!


There is only one Blood Dragon Yuan, so he can only look for another treasure, and he already has a choice in his heart. The treasure is in the God Realm!

Come here quickly... Ling Yun waved!

Then he said: Your requirements cannot be satisfied for the time being...

Beibei became frustrated...

But Ling Yun said that he would teach them some time later, and the little guy happily ran over and kissed Ling Yun, feeling that her father was the best, and also said a lot of words of love for Ling Yun.


While Sissi and Beibei are both in the living room!

An Qing then told them that her company was making a movie and asked them to be supporting actors. They were so happy that they chattered all night long!

Xiao Ailein and Ji Wuxue were also clamoring to be supporting roles. They couldn't be forgotten anyway, leaving An Qing dumbfounded.

An Qing can't wait to do it. As long as they are obedient and perform well, they will definitely gain a lot of fans!


They are all drama queens! An Qing never doubted that they were born to be dramatis personae!

Tonight, the little one volunteered to tell a story in the living room, and it was very mysterious. Everyone had to stay and listen to her story, and no one was allowed to leave!

For tonight, the little guy took time to listen to the Sixth Guardian telling stories for several days in a row, and he remembered them all!

An Qing asked curiously: Sissi, what kind of story do you want to tell us?

Beibei is also curious, why doesn't she know?

Ji Wuxue is very serious and ready to listen with open ears!

Little Erin pretended to listen, looking at her phone from time to time, and secretly playing her game when the little guy wasn't paying attention.

The little guy said in a sweet voice, Don't be afraid, Sissi is going to tell you scary stories!

When it comes to the word horror, she opened her mouth wide and pulled it a little too long!


Beibei suddenly lost interest. How terrifying could it be?

Can it be more terrifying than the weird things in the ancient tombs? She wouldn't believe it.

An Qing is different. She just wants to hear it, and it is her precious daughter who tells it. It is so rare, so she must support it!

Ling Yun said: Just waiting for you to speak, the lights have been turned off according to your request...

The little guy laughed and said in a funny voice: In a backward village in southern China, there is only one road passing there. The road is very ordinary...

However, there are often car accidents on this road, even if the speed is very slow...

The little guy had a moment, and Beibei hugged Ji Wuxue next to him!

An Qing and Long Yanran were also hugging each other, but it sounded like something was going on.

Ling Yun took out his flute and made the atmosphere more immersive than being there in person.

Sissi, stop talking, Auntie is scared! Long Yanran was really scared and asked the little guy to stop talking.

Beibei said: It's so scary. Is my sister a ghost?

Everyone was curious about Beibei's question, and hoped that the little guy could give them an answer.

The little guy was very satisfied and laughed, ruining the atmosphere!

Let's go catch it together!

Okay, okay, okay! Beibei nodded happily and cheered repeatedly.

An Qing is speechless!

Said: What's so good! It must be a lie. I don't know where she heard it from, but she still tells it so true?

The little guy scratched his head in embarrassment. She just changed a few places, how could it be found to be fake? The little brain is thinking hard!

Could it be that everything the Sixth Protector of the Law said was just blown away? The Sixth Guardian only reads magazines with ghost stories. Who knows if they are true or not, they are just to satisfy the little guy!

After the little guy finished speaking, Long Yanran didn't dare to go to the toilet alone, so she dragged An Qing there!

The little guy and Beibei laughed, remembering how Long Yanran scared the two of them and told them ghost stories at night. Things have changed, and now they can't scare Long Yanran?

Long Yanran returned to the sofa again and pinched her cheek hard. The little guy pouted in anger and yelled that she would tell her one more thing until Long Yanran wet her pants!

Ling Yun covered his mouth, turned his head to one side and snickered. Why is he so cute?

With just your little trick, Long Yanran was so scared that she didn't dare to go to the toilet alone. You still want to scare her to the point of peeing?

Beibei grabbed Sissi who was about to tell the ghost story again, and then said: Sister, it's my turn, I want to tell it too...

Long Yanran immediately spoke and said: I have three elements. First, it needs to be scary, second, it needs to be funny, and third, it needs to be tragic!

Beibei pouted and moved her mouth. I don't know what she was mumbling. The voice was so soft that you could hardly hear it!

Ling Yun heard this and burst into laughter! Beibei’s words are:

Bad aunt, tonight I will make funny faces to scare you and make you pee your pants, and then tell Uncle Xu Le to tell him not to want you...

Beibei, if you do this, have you ever thought about your own ass afterwards?

Beibei simply stopped talking, while Ji Wuxue brushed up his presence: Once upon a time, there was a zombie who farted and then died!


Long Yanran and An Qing were stunned and couldn't help laughing!

Only the little guy was stunned for three seconds, clapped his hands, and smiled: Oh, it's so scary, aha, it's dead!

No one talked about it anymore. The little guy immediately asked Ling Yun to tell about Journey to the West. This was something they thought about deeply!

late at night!

There was a knock on the door of Long Yanran's room!

Long Yanran woke up suddenly. She had just had a nightmare, and there was something strange happening outside the door!

Her heart was pounding, accelerating, and her face was covered with sweat. The ghost story the little guy told tonight came to mind again, making her even more panicked!

Boom, boom, boom!

Long Yanran stared at the door of the room, pulled the quilt over her shoulders, not daring to move, and then opened her consciousness to look outside!

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound rang again, but surprisingly there was no one outside the door!


Long Yanran suddenly turned pale!

There can't really be a ghost, right? She is not afraid of people, she is afraid of unknown things like this!

Don't look for me, don't look for me... Long Yanran muttered in a low voice, her voice sounded particularly frightened!

Beibei could hear these sounds, smiled secretly in her heart, and tiptoed back to the room.

This kid is itchy!

Originally she had forgotten about it, but who would have thought that she only remembered it after she woke up from peeing just now!

Thanks to the invisibility of the artifact skirt, Long Yanran didn't notice her, otherwise her butt would have blossomed in the middle of the night!

the next day!

Beibei couldn't help seeing the dark circles under Long Yanran's eyes. This was her masterpiece!

The little guy stared at Long Yanran and said angrily: Aunt Long must have been so frightened by my ghost story last night that she couldn't sleep!

Little Irene shook her head and said, He must be a thief!

Beibei rolled her eyes at little Irene, thief? Who can be as capable as you?

He is destined to be the little thief of the endless sea!

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