Supreme Daddy

Chapter 656: Extraordinary Frankness (Ten Updates)

Where to start?

Ling Yun was at a loss for a moment!

After a long silence!

Sissi, give your mother an apple quickly! Ling Yun said.

The little guy scratched his head, but he still listened to Ling Yun and took out a big apple from her pocket!


An Qing's eyes are big!

pocket? apple?

Is she really dreaming?

Or did she die the moment she was knocked down from the overhead structure?

An Qing began to cry bitterly, thinking that she was really dead, otherwise everything in front of her was like hell?

The little guy dropped the apple and comforted: Don't cry... Mommy...

Ling Yun chuckled, can't you accept this? Should he continue to confess?

An Qing, this is all true. You didn't dream. Didn't you always suspect that something was wrong with Sissi? I'll tell you now! Ling Yun gently wiped the tears from the corners of An Qing's eyes and said with deep affection.

An Qing looked at their father and daughter, and after a moment, nodded.

To put it simply, Sissi and I are not ordinary people. Since you were born and settled down, you should understand to some extent that there are some cultivators in this world, and I am a cultivator!

An Qing opened her mouth wide, looking very surprised, and a little excited in her heart. Who doesn't want their man to be strong?

Ling Mansion is a cultivating family, she has known about it for a long time, but it is said that Ling Yun is a waste. She still disapproved of Ling Yun before, who made him the biological father of Qian Qian.

Mom, I can do a lot of magic tricks, and I can also fly... The little guy started to show off, as if he was saying, praise me for my awesomeness, or I won't fly. Ling Yun couldn't help laughing at how cute he was.

An Qing smiled and said, Really? Her tone was not very convincing, so small? She still believed Ling Yun when he said he could fly, little guy? Think of her as bragging!

Seeing An Qing's disbelieving expression, the little guy pouted.

Ling Yun didn't speak, so she could only pouted.

You can go to heaven and earth? An Qing asked.

Ling Yun nodded, this should be his most basic thing.

An Qing still doesn't believe it. Why does it feel like writing a novel is fantasy? Are their father and daughter making her happy?

Could that apple be a trick in magic? Sissi had performed it for her once before.

Sissi, your mother doesn't believe it! Ling Yun said to the little guy in embarrassment.

The little guy shrugged: Daddy, let's take Mommy to play. His eyes started to move as he spoke.

Ling Yun was speechless, picked up the apple from the bed, and threw it into the sky, but the apple did not fall...

An Qing swallowed her saliva, rubbed her eyes with her hands and looked up again, her face looking unnatural.

Is Apple losing traction? It really didn’t fall off, everything the father and daughter said was true!

Sissi, help your mother get it, she will be cured after eating it. Ling Yun touched her head and said with a serious face.

The little guy is so excited!

Finally I can fly!


What stunned An Qing was that the little guy really flew up and got the floating apple right under her nose.

Ling Yun... An Qing looked at Ling Yun, feeling a little worried, fearing that the little guy would suddenly fall, so she spread her hands below to catch it.


The little guy doesn’t have to worry at all!

No, Mom, don't eat too much, Sissi is almost gone. After the little guy came down, he handed the apple to An Qing, who looked shocked.

Her little mouth was pouted again, and most of the fruits were eaten by little Irene.

Ling Yun, kiss me quickly, I really can't believe it. An Qing immediately hugged Ling Yun!

No kissing... The little guy immediately stopped and separated the two of them, looking like he was jealous!

An Qing pointed to the door and exclaimed: Sissi, look at the flying saucer!

The little guy immediately looked back at the door and scratched his head. Where are you lying to the kids?

Little did she know that the moment she turned her head, they were kissing!

An Qing covered her mouth, not daring to laugh, it felt a bit like having an affair.

Seeing the little guy's cute and silly look, Ling Yun couldn't help it at first, and said with a smile: Sissi can pick out her pockets in front of your mother from now on.

The little guy narrowed his eyes and smiled, pointing to her breast pocket with a sweet voice and said: Mom, it's so big here, so big!

It's so big!

While talking, draw a circle in the air!

An Qing tried to put her hand into her pocket, but the little guy refused.

Ling Yun said speechlessly: Sissi, don't be stingy, let your mother touch you!

The little guy then straightened out his belly and asked An Qing to touch her pocket.


All at once?

Isn’t it said that the space is very large?

Ling Yun chuckled and explained to her that only the little guy could sense it, others would think it was an ordinary pocket.

An Qing became curious and asked the little guy to try again and again. She still found it fun to take the apples in and out.

Ling Yun, I want it too... An Qing pouted and began to act coquettishly towards Ling Yun.

Some of the strange things that happened to Sissi before were finally explained. It turned out that they were all because she had a pocket space.

Ling Yun shook his head and lied to her that he could only do it in the future. It was not a lie. He had his own plans. Even if he gave An Qing a storage ring now, she wouldn't be able to use it. That thing needs Qi!

Palm space?

Without the divine weapon to protect her body and the body of the Immortal Emperor, An Qing simply couldn't bear it!

An Qing was not disappointed, but felt very happy. Ling Yun told her not to spread the word, otherwise someone would catch the little guy and study it!

An Qing was wary of her surroundings and covered her mouth, as if she was really afraid of revealing a secret!

The little guy hugged Ling Yun and said with a sweet voice: Daddy, who wants to catch me? Is it fun?

Ling Yun flicked her forehead and said speechlessly: If you are naughty again, the bad guys will definitely catch you and eat you!

An Qing also said: Eat it all, the child's meat is so pink and tender, I want to take a bite! She grabbed her hand and pretended to take a bite!

The little guy's eyes turned red and he jumped up to explain: Don't eat me, I'm not Tang meat doesn't taste good...

Mom, bite this, haha!

The little guy gave Ling Yun's hand to An Qing!

Ha ha!

It’s such a joy for a family of three to play together on the bed!

Han Xiaoai and Xiao Eileen are back, and the latter is very happy, with a look on her face that says I am very happy!

But Han Xiaoai felt bad for her, because she found out that little Eileen could eat, so she ate ten ice creams, and even more!

In the end, Han Xiaoai was too embarrassed to buy any more for her, so she packed two for the little guy, and in the process, she was licked by little Eileen.

Sister Qing, you're awake. How do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Han Xiaoai ignored Ling Yun's presence and greeted An Qing with a concerned look on her face.

I'm fine. How is the crew? An Qing shook her head.

The little guy looked at little Irene watching her eat, and felt embarrassed so he took out an apple from his pocket and gave it to her. Ling Yun sat beside the hospital bed, helping An Jing and the two of them comb their hair!

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