Supreme Daddy

Chapter 666 Lower Realm

Since the Supreme Lord was not here, the three gods did not stay. After saying goodbye to the little ones, they hurriedly turned into streams of light and flew away, streaking across the sky like shooting stars. It was so beautiful!

The little guy laughed, jumped down, clapped his little hands, and applauded enthusiastically. Whenever she could do the same, she looked envious, and her big eyes were full of expectation.

Rex looked at the little guy's happy smile and secretly thought that the little princess likes these.

Little Erin is so angry, so angry...

Breathing fire towards the sky, a five or six meter high fire pillar spurted out from her mouth, lighting up their feet.

Rex wiped his sweat, he was so messy, perverted, and even breathed fire!

Aha, the baby can breathe fire and water again! Little Eileen was so happy that she kept slapping her little mouth with her hands.

Ji Wuxue has no interest in this. She is currently at the well outside the palace, looking down at the brightly lit lower realm!

If you listen carefully, you can still hear human voices, which shows that the lower world is very lively.


The little guy walked in and took a look, opened his mouth, and his eyes became fascinated.

Aunt Long, come here quickly.

Listening to Qian Qian's shouting, Long Yanran walked over curiously, her eyes rippling, what's going on below? So bright?

Tell us... Long Yanran called Rex, pointed to the lower realm, and asked him to tell him.

Rex didn't dare to neglect... and told everything about the God Realm.

The lower realm is the Red Earth Continent, where the people of the God Realm live. The so-called Red Earth means that the land is all red.

The center of the Red Earth Continent is the floating city, the shrine!

Next to it are Qinglong City, White Tiger City, Suzaku City, and Xuanwu City...

What Long Yanran and the others see now is Qinglong City in the lower realm.

Qinglong City is very prosperous in the lower realm. Every household is in business mode all day long and does not stop business all year round.

Since the door to the God Realm was closed, business has been as bad as before, and this custom has not changed.

This season!

Qinglong City sells spiritual fruits. The spiritual fruits are very lickable and helpful for cultivation. They are deeply loved by the people of the God Realm.

As soon as they heard about the delicious fruit, the four little guys salivated again.

Seeing the cute way they licked their mouths, Rex said, Little princess, do you want to go for a walk?

The little guy said, Is that okay?

Long Yanran also meant the same thing. Is it too late? Is there any rule here that doesn't allow people to go out to play at night?

My subordinates will make arrangements immediately! Rex said, then turned around and communicated with several divine guards, and selected a few capable ones as guards to protect their safety. Although they were in the God Realm, their Don't let your guard down on safety.

Long Yanran told them in advance not to run around, and he told them important things three times!

The little guy was the first to nod in agreement!

Long Yanran was the most worried about her. Did she listen? She felt tired!

Beibei rubbed her little hands and reminded: Auntie, it's already evening, it's time to drink Wangzai milk!

Long Yanran was stunned. Didn't she drink it at Blue Star?

The little guy laughed: Yeah, yeah! His eyes were full of that cartoon kid's canned look!

After listening to what they said, Long Yanran couldn't laugh or cry. Blue Star was in the morning, and now it's night here. They agreed to have one can in the morning and one can in the evening. She kept shouting that she couldn't lie to the children.

Long Yanran was unable to refute, saying that she would give it to them delay!

Rex made arrangements with the divine guards and respectfully led them to the nearest portal!

Including Rex, the five divine guards all took off their battle armor. If they went out wearing battle armor, they would definitely attract attention. Those who didn't know it would think something had happened.

Come out of the portal!

After passing a few corners...

Long Yanran was no longer calm. Where is this place?

The street in front of me is so beautiful, with colorful crystal lights.

The four curious babies immediately forgot what Long Yanran said!

Don't run! Long Yanran was almost furious with them. How could he catch these four naughty guys with just two hands?

There is a beautiful woman sitting in front of a shop. The sign on the shop says Youyuan Pavilion. She is the proprietress. She has a title, Aurora Empress. Her origin is quite mysterious.

Rex became familiar with her and even said hello!

But the boss lady, the Aurora Empress, stood up and walked over, looked at the little guy who met her eyes, and smiled!

Little boy, you are so brave!

As he spoke, he gently pinched the little guy's pink and tender face.

Auntie, Beibei is very courageous! Beibei looked straight at the Aurora Empress, looking silly and innocent, and not afraid that this terrifying empress would suddenly give her a slap and kill her. .

Oh, another cute baby, huh? There are four of them! The Aurora Empress smiled again, and she pinched each one!

However, when she pinched little Irene, her expression became unnatural!

She was extremely shocked!

More than three years old, the period of transcending tribulation?

She must be the reincarnation of an old monster!

Haha, that's really interesting! The Aurora Empress covered her mouth and smiled again. She already knew that little Irene was actually a dragon.

The little guy said: It's interesting!

Long Yanran was not angry and hugged her when she wasn't paying attention. See where she ran away?

What's so interesting about you? I won't let you down!

Kid, you have no human rights! The little guy struggled a few times, but still couldn't break away from Long Yanran's arms, and said helplessly.


Rex didn't understand what the Aurora Queen said, why the little princess was so bold. It seemed that she was always a little bit close, but she just couldn't think of the key...

Aunt, follow me quickly, little Irene is running away... Beibei shouted from the front, and Long Yanran's mouth twitched when she came to her senses!

Fortunately, there were not many people on the street, so I could see them from a distance!

Rex didn't expect it, shook his head slightly, and started to follow!

Team Lei, thank you for your hard work! The incomprehensible words of the Aurora Empress made Rex stop in his tracks.

There is something in the words!

Madam boss, can you please elaborate? I'm ignorant. Rex frowned slightly, stepped forward and cupped his hands towards her.

Let's go, follow them closely! The Aurora Empress waved her hand, and then sat back on the chair!


Seeing that she refused to say anything, Rex could only walk up quickly.

The Aurora Empress smiled meaningfully and looked at the direction they were leaving, not knowing what she was thinking.

The little guy is wanted, but he still hangs out openly. How brave can he be?

The God Realm is not the God Realm of the past. The divine guards who have been guarding the Divine Palace are not aware of it at all, so Rex does not know that the God Realm is in turmoil at the moment. This is the reason why several old men in charge are eagerly looking for Ling Yun.

Princess, you don't need to worry too much about them. This is the God Realm, and it's Qinglong City. They have divine guards following them!

Rex caught up with Long Yanran, looked at her worry, and then explained.

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