Supreme Daddy

Chapter 672 Not Calm (Second Update)

If they hadn't rescued it in time, the door to the God Realm would have been completely broken by his Dugu sword, instead of being damaged at the moment!

Even so, many enemies sneaked in, causing them a lot of headaches.

Blame them!

There are so many people who can't do anything in the world and can only cling to the God Realm. It's really decadent and frustrating.

But having said that, how could this level of strength be so powerful?

Who is the guest of Dugu Yidao? Wearing a black robe.

The three Heavenly Lords' combined palms were easily broken with one palm, their strength was truly terrifying.

Hey, Manager Dong, I just want to ask, where is the Emperor? Mengluo Tianzun asked. He had wanted to ask this for a long time. The last time he saw the Emperor Taijun was hundreds of years ago!

If the stewards hadn't said that the Supreme Lord was still alive, he would have seriously doubted that what the sacred beast Fiery Tiger had said before was true.

That bastard...ahem, the Emperor still can't be contacted.

Dongshenzun replied with helplessness in his eyes, I must owe him for several lifetimes!

Beishenzun said: Now I have a question, should we treat the inside or the outside first? There are many things in the God Realm that need a leader! The emperor has not been taking care of things for many years, and the approval documents on the main hall have piled up like a mountain!

My eyes are all bitter, and if I talk too much, I will cry!

Manager Bei, I think this matter should be carried out on both sides at the same time, externally resisting Dugu Yida, internally cleaning up the miscellaneous things that have sneaked in, including the demons! The person who spoke was a general, General Zhennan!

General Zhennan, Ye Guhong, was born in a famous military training family in the God Realm, and went south to the Ye family! Looking at the world is also a big force.

Another Tianzun, the cold-blooded Tianzun, suggested one more thing: How about sending some people to attack Huanglong?

As soon as these words came out!

Everyone present gave a thumbs up, high!

Dongshenzun ordered Cold-blooded Tianzun to take charge of this matter, but the latter's face turned black. He dug a hole and jumped down. He was just seeking death, but he couldn't back down!

Nan Shen Zun was too lost in thought just now, and suddenly his mind lit up!

I finally figured out a way, haha!

Dong Shen Zun looked at Nan Shen Zun who suddenly stood up from his chair and asked: What can we do? We have just decided.

Meng Luo Tianzun smiled and said: Is it Manager Nan? Hehe! As he said that, he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Nan Shenzun, pretending to be very vulgar.

What are you thinking about? Could Old Nan be like this? Speaking of Old Nan, whose girl is pretty? Beishen Zun became serious.

Nan Shen Zun looked very sad. He made careless friends. He made careless friends!

What I said is to let the emperor come out! Nan Shenzun replied speechlessly!

any solution?

Everyone asked in unison, all in unison!

Seeing that Nan Shenzun stopped talking, they suddenly became anxious, the joke was getting bigger!

Old Nan, stop making trouble!

Manager Nan, come on, tell me, the big deal is, I will introduce you to a concubine in the future.

Mengluo Tianzun said, looking extremely serious, and it was hard to tell that it was a joke!


Lord Dong Shen even gave him a few blank looks!

Tell me quickly, I won't guess, I won't guess! Beishenzun said with a smile.

Ahem, listen, you didn't know before, right? The emperor already has a daughter...

Hearing this, except for the Eastern God and the Northern God, everyone else was like a thunderbolt from the blue. They were shocked and speechless!

Taishenjun has a Taoist companion? Not only that, but they have daughters? This is fake!

Ahem, don't be surprised, this is absolutely true! Dong Shenzun spoke out to prove it, and everyone was stunned...

And the little princess is in the God Realm, in the Divine Palace. Isn't it too much for us to let her take care of the God Realm for her father? Nan Shenzun said!

The faces of Dong Shen Zun and Bei Shen Zun were paralyzed!

Not too much?

How old is she?

But they agree!

In this way, when the emperor comes next time, they will definitely know it immediately!

You have no doubt, and I agree!

The cold-blooded Tianzun said that although he has never seen the little guy, this is a good way to force the emperor to show up. As long as it can solve the current problems in the God Realm, he raised his hands and feet in approval.

The emperor's daughter? I'm going to have a look! Mengluo Tianzun smiled slightly, as if he had found something interesting.

Beishen Zun was right next to him, and he immediately patted his head and said angrily: You kid, you are not allowed to go, it is too late and disturbs her to rest.

Although the other Heavenly Lords were silent, they still smiled when they nodded!

It’s rare to see Meng Luo Tianzun being taught a lesson by Manager Bei so much that he didn’t dare to fight back!

Fight back?

He, Meng Luo Tianzun, didn’t dare!

Because Beishen Zun is his father-in-law, he is very lucky, he has married two, and he still has one wife who keeps strict control.

Everyone has decided to trick the little guy into becoming the temporary god master tomorrow to keep things under control.

Dongshenzun's emergency communication symbol burned inexplicably.

His brows knitted together, and then his face became horrified.

No, something happened in the shrine. The little princess is in danger. Hurry! As he said this, without waiting for anyone to react, he immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the shrine!

The shrine is under attack at this moment!

The little guy didn't even know that the four of them were sleeping peacefully in the palace.

Long Yanran is right next to them, protecting them! She planned not to sleep tonight. It was a rare visit to a place with such strong spiritual energy. This was a bonus.

She didn't sleep, but she didn't know that a battle was going on outside the shrine.

This is Rex's order, activate the sound isolation formation!

So even if it was dark in the palace, they would not hear a sound.

Tsk, tsk, this is the Divine Guard, it's nothing more than mediocrity. Ye Sheng stood up with his hands behind his back and said arrogantly after dodging the fierce attack of a certain Divine Guard.

This divine guard looked angry!

He and Ye won several moves, and he was extremely surprised that he couldn't do anything to the other party, but the other party obviously didn't want to fight and had reservations.

There are a few more people in the Tiandao Plan Army. These are the manpower added to him after Liu Ziyi contacted Xiaoyao Supreme and waited for his permission.

Seven Immortal Emperors from the Tiandao Plan Army are fighting fiercely with the Divine Guards. If it weren't for the fact that there were eight Divine Guards on duty tonight, who knows what would have happened, or Rex was thoughtful and had made arrangements in advance.

They were just trying to see if the water was deep, and had no intention of breaking through the shrine to capture the little guy.

Rex is aware of their plan and is holding them back until the more powerful steward arrives!

Su Kuangao sneered: With your little tricks, can you still hide it from me?

Rex is shocked!

He secretly thought, he is so smart, he actually discovered it!

Don't run away if you can?

Don't run? Are we stupid? Wei Xiaomin covered her mouth and smiled softly, as if laughing at Rex's stupidity.

A bright light flashed in the distance!

It’s Dong Shen Zun!

His movements are too fast!

Approaching the Tiandao Planning Army, a certain Immortal Emperor was directly knocked down by his angry punch, and he was seriously injured!

When falling into the lower realm, two divine guards also chased after them. They must capture the thieves who despised the divine realm and invaded the divine palace!

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